- What do you believe are the motives of marriage revisionists?
- What do you believe are the motives behind those who hold to a conjugal view of marriage?
- Why are those who hold to a conjugal view of marriage viewed in such a negative light in society today?
- Based on the Rybacki and Rybacki text, how can we begin to change public perception when attempting to argue the conjugal viewpoint?
Conjugal and Revisionist Perspective
1. What do you believe are the motives of marriage revisionists?
2. What do you believe are the motives behind those who hold to a conjugal view of marriage?
3. Why are those who hold to a conjugal view of marriage viewed in such a negative light in society today?
4. Based on the Rybacki and Rybacki text, how can we begin to change public perception when attempting to argue the conjugal viewpoint?
I have selected a very insightful and passionate article to share with you this month. The piece
was written by Peggy Noonan, who is one of my favorite social commentators and culture
watchers. She regularly “sees” what others fail to notice, and then conveys her observations
with the precision of a laser.
In a recent column, Peggy described the depravity and moral decay that is seeping from the
pores of our once-‐great nation. Read it and weep over what is slipping away.
America’s Crisis of Character
The nation seems to be on the wrong track, and not just economically.
People in politics talk about the right track/wrong track numbers as an indicator of
public mood. This week Gallup had a poll showing only 24% of Americans feel we’re on
the right track as a nation. That’s a historic low. Political professionals tend,
understandably, to think it’s all about the economy—unemployment, foreclosures, we’re
going in the wrong direction. I’ve long thought that public dissatisfaction is about more
than the economy, that it’s also about our culture, or rather the flat, brute, highly
sexualized thing we call our culture.
Now I’d go a step beyond that. I think more and more people are worried about the
American character—who we are and what kind of adults we are raising.
Every story that has broken through the past few weeks has been about who we are as a
people. And they are all disturbing.
A tourist is beaten in Baltimore. Young people surround him and laugh. He’s pummeled,
stripped and robbed. No one helps. They’re too busy taping it on their smartphones.
That’s how we heard their laughter. The video is on YouTube along with the latest
McDonald’s beat-‐down and the latest store surveillance tapes of flash mobs. Groups of
teenagers swarm into stores, rob everything they can, and run out. The phenomenon is
on the rise across the country. Police now have a nickname for it: “flash robs.”
That’s just the young, you say. Juvenile delinquency is as old as history.
Let’s turn to adults. Also starring on YouTube this week was the sobbing woman. She’s
the poor traveler who began to cry great heaving sobs when a Transportation Security
Administration agent at the Madison, Wis., airport either patted her down or felt her up,
depending on your viewpoint and experience. Jim Hoft of TheGatewayPundit.com
recorded it, and like all the rest of the videos it hurts to watch. When the TSA agent—an
adult, a middle aged woman—was done, she just walked away, leaving the passenger
alone and uncomforted, like a tourist in Baltimore.
There is the General Services Administration scandal. An agency devoted to efficiency is
outed as an agency of mindless bread-‐and-‐circuses indulgence. They had a four-‐day
regional conference in Las Vegas, with clowns and mind readers.
The reason the story is news, and actually upsetting, is not that a government agency
wasted money. That is not news. The reason it’s news is that the people involved thought
what they were doing was funny, and appropriate. In the past, bureaucratic misuse of
taxpayer money was quiet. You needed investigators to find it, trace it, expose it. Now
it’s a big public joke. They held an awards show. They sang songs about the perks of a
government job: “Brand new computer and underground parking and a corner office. . . .
Love to the taxpayer. . . . I’ll never be under OIG investigation.” At the show, the singer
was made Commissioner for a Day. “The hotel would like to talk to you about paying for
the party that was held in the commissioner’s suite last night” the emcee said. It got a
big laugh.
On the “red carpet” leading into the event, GSA chief Jeffrey Neely said: “I am wearing
an Armani.” One worker said, “I have a talent for drinking Margaritas. . . . It all began
with the introduction of performance measures.” That got a big laugh, too. All the
workers looked affluent, satisfied. Only a generation ago, earnest, tidy government
bureaucrats were spoofed as drudges and drones. Not anymore. Now they’re way cool.
Immature, selfish and vain, but way cool.
Their leaders didn’t even pretend to have a sense of mission and responsibility. They
reminded me of the story a year ago of the dizzy captain of a U.S. Navy ship who made
off-‐color videos and played them for his crew. He wasn’t interested in the burdens of
leadership—the need to be the adult, the uncool one, the one who maintains standards.
No one at GSA seemed interested in playing the part of the grown-‐up, either.
Why? Why did they think this is OK? They seemed mildly decadent. Or proudly decadent.
In contrast to you, low, toiling taxpayer that you are, poor drudges and drones.
There is the Secret Service scandal. That one broke through too, and you know the facts:
overseas to guard the president, sent home for drinking, partying, picking up prostitutes.
What’s terrible about this story is that for anyone who’s ever seen the Secret Service up
close it’s impossible to believe. The Secret Service are the best of the best. That has been
their reputation because that has been their reality. They have always been tough,
disciplined and mature. They are men, and they have the most extraordinary job: take
the bullet.
Remember when Reagan was shot? That was Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy who
stood there like a stone wall, and took one right in the gut. Jerry Parr pushed Reagan
into the car, and Mr. Parr was one steely-‐eyed agent. Reagan coughed up a little blood,
and Mr. Parr immediately saw its color was a little too dark. He barked the order to
change direction and get to the hospital, not the White House, and saved Reagan’s life.
From Robert Caro’s “Passage of Power,” on Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood, Nov.
22, 1963: “there was a sharp, cracking sound,” and Youngblood, “whirling in his seat,”
grabbed Vice President Lyndon Johnson and threw him to the floor of the car, “shielding
his body with his own.”
In any presidential party, the Secret Service guys are the ones who are mature, who you
can count on, who’ll keep their heads. They have judgment, they’re by the book unless
they have to rewrite it on a second’s notice. And they wore suits, like adults.
This week I saw a picture of agents in Colombia. They were in T-‐shirts, wrinkled khakis
and sneakers. They looked like a bunch of mooks, like slobs, like children with muscles.
Special thanks to the person who invented casual Friday. Now it’s casual everyday in
But when you lower standards people don’t decide to give you more, they give you less.
In New York the past week a big story has been about 16 public school teachers who
can’t be fired even though they’ve acted unprofessionally. What does “unprofessionally”
mean in New York? Sex with students, stalking students, and, in one case, standing
behind a kid, simulating sex, and saying, “I’ll show you what gay is.”
The kids in the flash mobs: These are their teachers.
Finally, as this column goes to press, the journalistic story of the week, the Los Angeles
Times’s decision to publish pictures of U.S. troops in Afghanistan who smilingly posed
with the bloody body parts of suicide bombers. The soldier who brought the pictures to
the Times told their veteran war correspondent, David Zucchino, that he was, in
Zucchino’s words, “very concerned about what he said was a breakdown in . . . discipline
and professionalism” among the troops.
In isolation, these stories may sound like the usual sins and scandals, but in the
aggregate they seem like something more disturbing, more laden with implication, don’t
they? And again, these are only from the past week.
The leveling or deterioration of public behavior has got to be worrying people who have
enough years on them to judge with some perspective.
Something seems to be going terribly wrong.
Maybe we have to stop and think about this.1
Peggy Noonan’s words bring tears to my eyes. I love this country more than I can describe, with
its Constitution and the Bill of Rights handed down to us from our Founding Fathers. There has
never been a nation to compare with the USA, but let us not be naïve or put our heads in the
sand – it is changing before our eyes.
My concern goes much deeper than the loss of freedom and cultural identity. The crisis of
character about which Peggy wrote is fueled by immorality and spiritual decay. It is the root
cause of violence, selfishness, greed, materialism, rape, infidelity, and all manner of evil. In
short, America is forgetting God and abandoning its fundamental beliefs. I ask you to join me in
refusing to accept this dangerous and escalating trend.
Peggy listed several recent examples of the American crisis of character, but other news stories
in the same month are even more shocking.
Consider a shameful telecast of the “Dr. Phil Show” that aired on April 16th of this year. It
featured a mother named Annette Corriveau who made a case for killing her two disabled
children by lethal injection. The boys were diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome, which causes
them to lose motor function and to be institutionalized.
Corriveau only visits her children every two months, and medical workers could have given her
a better understanding of what their day-‐by-‐day experience was really like. She preferred only
that they be deprived of what life they had. I’m sure you are as sickened as I am by this example
of supreme parental selfishness.
So Americans, brace yourselves. Barring a spiritual renewal and the uniting of Christians and
families in both voice and action in the years to come will bring legalized euthanasia such as the
killing of Terry Schiavo, acceptance of physician-‐assisted suicide, legalized same-‐sex marriage, a
million more abortions every year (added to 50 million babies already dead), legalized drug
usage, more filth and perversion in the entertainment industry, continued epidemics of
pornography and violence, etc. Or, as Peggy Noonan phrases it, “America’s Crisis of Character.”
I ask you, is this an acceptable cultural legacy to deliver to the next generation of families?
No! We must stand apart from the culture in our everyday lives. We must take action now to
support and restore biblical family values in our homes, our churches, and in our community.
We must demand that when our elected leaders represent us, that they also represent our
values. When they do not, they must be replaced post-‐haste. This is a new reality that we can
begin working towards, today.
I’m often asked how parents and influential adults can impact the character of our nation.
Here’s a place to start: It’s time to teach “old-‐fashioned” principles of morality to our children . .
. not just because it’s the only safe approach, but because it’s right.
In the first chapters of my book, Dare to Discipline, I discussed the importance of the child’s
respect for his parents. I wrote,
His attitude toward their leadership is critical to his acceptance of their values and
philosophy, including their concept of premarital sexual behavior. Likewise, the most
fundamental element in teaching morality can be achieved through a healthy
The post What do you believe are the motives of marriage revisionists??What do you believe are the motives behind those who hold to a conjugal view of marriage?? first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.