BPT1501 Assignment 4 UNISA : 2024 – Multiple Teaching and Learning Strategies to Mediate Learning

Assessment 4: Multiple Teaching and Learning Strategies to Mediate Learning INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read the following passage and then respond to the questions based on the given passage. 2. DON’T FORGET TO SIGN YOUR DECLARATION FORM. Ms. Johnson is a Grade 7 teacher at Sunshine Primary School, located in a diverse community. Her classroom includes students … Read more

Using evidence and statistical data, identify a need for a Criminal Intelligence Unit or real time crime center for a police department

Using evidence and statistical data, identify a need for a Criminal Intelligence Unit or real time crime center for a police department. Create a proposal that includes how to design, fund, establish, and staff it. Why is this unit needed? Show a graph of the data to support the need! What are the goals for … Read more

What other subjective data would you obtain?

Case 1 Chief Complaint (CC) A 65-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the clinic with a cough he has had for the past 2 weeks. Subjective denies chest pain, denies night sweats, admits to having a fever but does not know the temp. VS (BP) 115/75, (P) 89, (RR) 16, (T) … Read more

Define and describe the primary goals of screening

D.Z. is a holistic nurse practitioner in a large multispecialty clinic. She works in the offices of surgeons, internists, and OBGYNs. Because the client population is so culturally diverse, D.Z. was hired to serve as a liaison between the providers of conventional healing and complementary and alternative healing practices. One of D.Z. clients is M.L. … Read more

39-year-old male with a history of back pain

Patient: 39-year-old male with a history of back pain Chief Complaint: Patient brought to the emergency department via ambulance due to decreased level of consciousness, nausea and vomiting History of Present Illness: Patient had history of spinal fusion secondary to spinal injury approximately 2-3 years prior to this admission. He subsequently had a history of … Read more

How would you implement a peer support group for officers?

1. How would you implement a peer support group for officers? 2. What organizational and system changes are needed to effectively address police suicides? 3. Differentiate between prevention and postvention care for police suicides. Answer the following questions using single spaced 12-point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in … Read more

Locate litigation of violations of IDEA

Locate litigation of violations of IDEA. Select one one litigation case dealing with (mild cognitive challenges, ADHD, hearing impaired, visually impaired, or gifted) and provide a summary and finding of the claim. Include in your discussion specific techniques for engaging families in their child’s IDEA education. What are the implications for teaching and learning? The … Read more

Senior management at Global Development Systems (GDS) requests to implement a Project Management Office (PMO) Cloud Application for the company

Senior management at Global Development Systems (GDS) requests to implement a Project Management Office (PMO) Cloud Application for the company. Management would like for you to assist the project manager in determining the feasibility of this project and prepare a Business Case and Project Charter to gain project approval. You will perform a feasibility study … Read more

Management at Global Development Systems (GDS) asks for you to provide a report that will demonstrate and explain how the budget variance of the PMO Cloud Implementation Project

Management at Global Development Systems (GDS) asks for you to provide a report that will demonstrate and explain how the budget variance of the PMO Cloud Implementation Project will be analyzed, tracked and monitored. Management is also interested in using conditional formatting to tell if an information technology project is on-budget easily. Instructions Prepare a … Read more

The Project Manager for Global Development Systems (GDS), asked you to assist in developing the Communication Plan and Risk Register for the PMO Cloud Implementation Project

The Project Manager for Global Development Systems (GDS), asked you to assist in developing the Communication Plan and Risk Register for the PMO Cloud Implementation Project. First, you must create the stakeholder register that includes the following stakeholders: Stakeholder (Role) · John Doe – Sponsor · Neil Doe – Project Manager · Claire Doe – … Read more