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The selected development site identified for Coursework 1. Major variables that affect the development process, including the practical effects of regeneration policies, planning and sustainability are

Development Project Portfolio Coursework 2

Assessment title: Coursework 2

Development Project Portfolio

Assessment weighting: 75 (%)

Defer/Refer, 2023/2024

Assessment Brief

The Assessment

The selected development site identified for Coursework 1. Major variables that affect the development process, including the practical effects of regeneration policies, planning and sustainability are applied to the chosen site. The written and oral presentation of the group work simulates the later stages of the development process, prior to initiation of the development itself. This assessment will develop independent and autonomous learning, critical and analytical thinking skills and promote knowledge and understanding of the subject within the constraints of the industry context.

The coursework requires you to produce a written report (4000 words +/- 10%), It has a weighting of 75% towards your final module mark.

Key elements of the project will require in-depth research and proposals. You will be given time within the module timetable to undertake site visits and conduct your own research to allow you to progress your coursework.

A potential client now expects to purchase the site and requires a detailed development proposal and cash flow analysis. This should include (but not necessarily be limited to

  1. Understanding of the Client’s requirement
  2. A full description of the proposal
  3. Planning appraisal
  4. An outline of the development process including time scales of each element
  5. How the development is embracing sustainability
  6. An awareness of risks with the site, the development and the property market
  7. A property market report for the development including comparable to fully support Gross Development Value
  8. Consideration of where finance may be obtained, the likely loan to value ratio and appropriate interest rates.
  9. A development appraisal showing the profit which can be expected considering the detailed market appraisal and all costs.
  10. A sensitivity analysis to show how realistic risks may affect the likely profit.
  11. A cash flow model showing the income, expenditure, when finance needs to be drawn down, interest over the whole period from site purchase to the end sale.
  12. How the development is to be marketed.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria and weightings show you what is important in the assessment and how marks are shared across each criterion. When you are completing your assessment remember you need to fulfil the brief and the assessment criteria below. At the end of this document, we have provided you a more detailed marking grid, which describes both the expectation for each criterion and how marks would be awarded based upon performance.



Well written using plain English, the correct terminology, good spelling and grammar and a logical overall structure



Demonstrate engagement with the course materials and evidence of wider reading and research in relation to the development appraisal and application of this knowledge to the context for the following. Planning appraisal, sustainability, marketing, GDV, cashflow and financing the project.


Critical thinking in the justification for the development appraisal and of the challenges and solutions within the 4000 word report.


Fully reference your work as evidence of independent research, using sources appropriate for an academic essay. References set out in University of Westminster Harvard style.


Referencing (10%)

Fully reference your work as evidence of independent research, using sources appropriate for an academic essay.

References set out in University of Westminster Harvard style.

No references or very few, with no attempt to use the Harvard system.

Major mistakes in referencing or major references missing.

Minor mistakes or inconsistencies in referencing.

Appropriate referencing, minor mistakes and inconsistencies.

Referencing consistent and accurate and used with confidence.

All referencing consistent and accurate, in text and at the end of the essay, used with confidence.


Development Project Portfolio

1. Understanding of the Client’s Requirement

  • Introduction: Start by clearly defining who the client is and their objectives for purchasing and developing the site. Outline their specific needs, such as the type of development (residential, commercial, mixed-use), scale, target market, budget constraints, and any other specific requirements or preferences they have communicated.
  • Client`s Vision and Goals: Detail the client’s long-term vision for the site, including their desired outcomes for the community, potential return on investment, and sustainability goals.

2. A Full Description of the Proposal

  • Site Overview: Provide a comprehensive description of the site, including its location, size, existing structures, and surrounding environment. Highlight any unique features or constraints.
  • Development Proposal: Outline the proposed development, including the type of buildings, number of units, floor plans, and any additional amenities or infrastructure. Describe how the development will integrate with the existing community and any intended aesthetic or functional design elements.
  • Sustainability Measures: Incorporate sustainability features such as energy-efficient designs, green spaces, waste management systems, and materials to be used in construction. Explain how these will benefit the environment and align with the client’s goals.

3. Planning Appraisal

  • Planning Policy Context: Conduct an appraisal of the local and national planning policies that apply to the site. Identify any zoning regulations, land-use designations, and planning permissions required.
  • Regeneration Policies: Discuss any regeneration policies that apply to the area, including incentives or restrictions that may impact the development. Highlight how the proposal aligns with these policies.
  • Planning Challenges and Solutions: Identify potential planning challenges, such as objections from local residents or environmental concerns, and propose solutions or mitigation strategies.

4. Outline of the Development Process Including Time Scales

  • Development Timeline: Provide a detailed timeline that outlines each phase of the development process from site acquisition to project completion. Include milestones such as securing planning permission, commencement of construction, marketing, and sales.
  • Phased Development: If applicable, outline any phased approaches to the development, indicating when different phases will start and complete.
  • Critical Path: Highlight any critical tasks that could delay the project if not completed on time, and outline contingency plan