Step into the role of a healthcare professional participating in Grand Rounds, a cornerstone of collaborative learning in Australian hospitals. In this oral presentation task,

Task Overview
Step into the role of a healthcare professional participating in Grand Rounds, a cornerstone of collaborative learning in Australian hospitals. In this oral presentation task, you will be emulating this scholarly environment, sharing your research and insights, similar to these traditional rounds.
Your challenge is to integrate your clinical experience and effectively communicate the improvements needed in nursing practice.
This task is designed to sharpen your analytical skills and enhance your abilities in speaking and presenting research. More than just a presentation, it’s a practical exercise in effectively communicating complex ideas and methodologies, essential skills in nursing. You’ll be expected to convey the case for change you propose, how it aligns with current research, and the methods you propose for investigation.
As in Grand Rounds, your presentation’s impact hinges not just on the content, but also on how you deliver it. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate professional-level communication and research skills, as expected in the field of nursing.
? Task Purpose
This assignment is designed to enhance your ability to transform identified areas for improvement in nursing practice into a persuasive research pitch. You will integrate your clinical expertise and experiences with the best available external research evidence to develop a compelling presentation. Your audience will be a Nurse Unit Manager, Clinical Educator, or Research Unit Manager. This assignment is designed to develop your ability to bridge the gap between clinical practice and research, making meaningful contributions to the nursing profession and preparing you for real-world professional scenarios.
? Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence
Please see the information regarding academic integrity and artificial intelligence from the Unit Information section within your unit Moodle shell.
? Marking Criteria
Ensure you read through the marking criteria to understand what you will be assessed on. Use the criteria to conduct a self-review of your assessment before submitting to ensure you have attempted to achieve the highest standard.
Criteria Excellent (4 marks) Proficient
(3 marks) Pass (2 marks) Needs
Improvement (1 marks) Inadequate
(0 marks)
Introduction Highly engaging introduction,
effectively states
topic and personal connection. Engaging
introduction, clear
topic statement, and personal connection. Basic introduction but lacks
engagement OR
clear connection to topic. Weak
introduction, does not capture
attention OR
connection to the
topic is unclear or poorly conveyed. Does not
introduce the
topic or their personal
connection to the topic.
Criteria Excellent (10-9 marks) Proficient (8-7 marks) Pass (6-5 marks) Needs
Improvement (4-2 marks) Inadequate
(0 marks)
Experience Provides detailed and relevant
clinical experience with strong EBP connection. Provides clear description of
clinical experience with good
connection to EBP. Relevant clinical experience
described but lacks depth in EBP connection. Vague or
irrelevant clinical experience
described OR
poorly connected to EBP. No clinical experience described.
Criteria Excellent (20-17 marks) Proficient (16-13 marks) Pass (12-10 marks) Needs
Improvement (9-4 marks) Inadequate
(3-0 marks)
Rationale for Improvement Provides strong evidence from key studies and/or
reports/ policies.
Clearly explains how this evidence supports the proposed research. Provides evidence from key studies and/or
Mostly explains how this evidence supports the proposed research. Provides some evidence from
studies and/or
reports/ policies but some sources may
not be reputable OR lacks depth in
explaining how this
evidence supports the proposed research. Provides limited reputable
evidence OR
provides poor
explanation of
how this evidence supports the proposed research. Fails to provide
evidence OR
fails to explain how this
supports the proposed research.
Criteria Excellent (4 marks) Proficient
(3 marks) Pass (2 marks) Needs
Improvement (1 marks) Inadequate
(0 marks)
Making a
Case for Change Clearly and articulately
explains the
relevance of the research and
presents a well-
formulated PICO
research question.
Thoroughly discusses
potential impact on EBP. Explains the relevance of the research and
presents a PICO
question with most
of the components.
Mostly discusses potential impact on EBP. Mostly explains the relevance of the
research topic OR presents a PICO question which
misses some of the
PICO components
OR lacks clarity when discussing
potential impact on EBP. Limited explanation of relevance of
research topic is
provided OR presents an
unclear PICO
question OR the
potential impact
on EBP was poorly discussed. Fails to explain relevance of
research topic
OR fails to present a PICO question.
Research Methods Clearly outlines and justifies
research methods with a strong
understanding of methodology. Outlines and mostly justifies research methods with a
good understanding of methodology. States research methods with some justification.
Adequate knowledge of methodology. Provides a vague description of
research methods with minimal justification. Fails to
adequately describe or justify
research methods.
Criteria Excellent (10-9 marks) Proficient (8-7 marks) Pass (6-5 marks) Needs
Improvement (4-2 marks) Inadequate
(1-0 marks)
Conclusion Summarises key
points effectively.
Reinforces importance of
research with a compelling
statement or call to action. Summarises key points. Reinforces importance of
research with a
clear statement or call to action. Summarises key points. Lacks a
strong concluding statement. Weak summary and conclusion are provided. Fails to provide an effective
summary or conclusion.
Criteria Excellent (4 marks) Proficient
(3 marks) Pass (2 marks) Needs
Improvement (1 marks) Inadequate
(0 marks)
Slides Demonstrates
effective use of
PowerPoint slides to support
research pitch and display
information for the audience. PowerPoint slides are clearly set out with appropriate
use of colour, font size and style. Mostly demonstrates
effective use of
PowerPoint slides to support research pitch and display
information for the audience. PowerPoint slides are mostly set out with appropriate
use of colour, font size and style. Somewhat demonstrates
effective use of
PowerPoint slides to support research pitch and display
information for the audience.
PowerPoint slides are set out with
some appropriate use of colour, font size and style. Uses PowerPoint slides during
research pitch
that do not
support research pitch OR PowerPoint slides use inappropriate colour, font size and style. Does not use
PowerPoint slides during delivery of research pitch.
Criteria Excellent (4 marks) Proficient
(3 marks) Pass (2 marks) Needs
Improvement (1 marks) Inadequate
(0 marks)
Delivery of
Pitch Professional and persuasive
presentation skills
(including appropriate voice
projection, audio levels &
speech speed for the intended
Delivers research pitch confidently and clearly and within the time limit. High level of presentation skills
(including appropriate voice projection and
audio levels). Highly appropriate for
intended audience.?
Delivers research pitch in a mostly
clear manner and within the time limit. Developing presentation skills
(some inconsistencies with
voice projection and audio levels, and
transition between).
Presentation may not be entirely suitable for
intended audience.
Delivers research pitch but may
exceed or fall short of the time limit. Little
demonstration of
presentation skills
(issues with voice projection and audio levels).
Noticeable issues in clarity of
research pitch OR
noticeable issues with time management. Poor delivery of research pitch OR
exceeds time limit.
References Uses more than 5 high-quality,
relevant sources
within the past 7
years; Integrates references
seamlessly into the pitch and
provides written evidence in APA
referencing style on PowerPoint slides with no errors. Uses 5 sources within the past 7 years that are
mostly of reputable quality; Integrates
references well into the pitch and
provides written
evidence in APA
referencing style on PowerPoint slides, which may contain minor errors. Uses 3-5 sources that are of
questionable quality OR some sources may not be within the expected time
frame; Somewhat integrates
references into the pitch OR provides
written evidence on
PowerPoint slides in APA referencing style, which may contain several errors. Uses less than 5 sources that may be of
quality OR poor integration into
the pitch. Written referencing
evidence provided
on PowerPoint slides but contains
numerous errors. Fails to use relevant
sources OR
integrate them
into the pitch OR Written evidence of
references is not provided
on PowerPoint slides.
Please use the provided instructions below which contain guiding questions/prompts. The timing of each is a guide.
1. Introduce yourself and your topic (30 seconds)
Capture Attention: Start with an engaging question or statement to draw your audience in. Provide a brief introduction, including your name and role.
State Your Topic: Briefly state the topic of your presentation and your personal connection to it based on your clinical experience. Ensure patient confidentiality is maintained!
2. Describe your personal and clinical experience (1 minute)
Describe a specific clinical practice, policy, or scenario you have personally observed or participated in.
Connect to Evidence Based Practice (EBP): Discuss how your personal observations relate to EBP. This can be from your perspective as a practitioner or from the patient’s perspective, highlighting how patient values and expectations have influenced your observations.
3. Rational for improvement (2 minutes)
Share Insights: Explain why this specific area needs improvement based on your observations and experiences.
Key Studies and Reports: Highlight any significant studies and reports from the last 5-10 years that support your proposed research. Mention any relevant government reports or policies that align with your idea.

Study Type and Justification: State and justify a study type (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods) that may assist you with answering your research question.
Data Collection Methods: Describe how you might go about collecting data such as surveys, interviews or observations. Explain why these methods are considered appropriate to addressing your research question.

Referencing Information and Suggested Sources
A minimum of 5 references in APA 7th referencing style should be included, which may consist of peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals, government reports, clinical practice guidelines or clinical policies. This should be presented on a PowerPoint slide at the end of your presentation.
Note that you will need to speak your references out loud. For example: -According to Dabkowski et al 2024, research is the most enjoyable unit of the Bachelor of Nursing Degree.-
Here’s more details on how to reference for your presentation:
PowerPoint Presentation:
Article Highlights Slides: Create slides dedicated to key findings from journal articles. Use direct quotes or paraphrase significant points.
Reference Citations: Clearly cite the articles on each slide, either beneath the relevant content or at the bottom of the slide.
Graphs and Charts: If the articles include relevant data visualisations, replicate these in your slides or create your own based on the data provided in the articles.
It’s important to integrate these references in a way that supports and enhances your argument. The references should not overwhelm the content but rather provide solid evidence backing up your points. You should focus on the most relevant and significant findings from the articles and to cite them correctly using APA 7th edition.
If you require further assistance with researching, see your Moodle content from Weeks 5 and 6.
Also please see the Library website below:
Help with searching (Library website)
For assistance with referencing according to APA 7th edition, please see the FedCite resource:
FedCite – referencing tool
? Submission Guidelines
Submit your assessment task to the “Assessment 1: SUBMIT HERE” Moodle Assignment submission activity before or on the due date and stipulated time. This assignment submission activity includes Turnitin.
Note: When submitting into Turnitin to check similarity, please ensure you do this with adequate time for the system to give a response (usually 24hrs). You can make changes and resubmit before the due date. You must allow ample time, as the system considerably slows down closer to the due date as a result of an increase in submissions. The system will retain whatever file is submitted in the system on the closing of the due date and time and this submission will be considered your submission for marking. Staff will NOT remove incorrect submissions for you to resubmit after the due date. Please check your submission files carefully.
? Feedback and Grading
Feedback on your assessment task will be provided within 4 weeks of the presentation. Feedback and grades will be available via the “Assessment 1: SUBMIT HERE” Moodle Assignment submission portal.?

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