SSSC H3014 Compliance and Regulation in Social Care, Assignment, TUD, UK

CA Brief

Instructions:  Teams of two, three if odd numbers. This will be decided in tutorials and students can select their own team members.  If an uneven number of students and/or students with no team, the lecturer shall assign a group to the relevant student/s.  Upload as one MS Word document with essay and reference list for essay followed by policy and reference list for the policy.  The cover sheet with all team members’ names and student numbers.

NB: Please include a sheet at the very back of the assignment with the Team Process, i.e. a breakdown of each member’s contribution to this CA.  All team members must contribute to both the essay and the policy and this must be reflected in the team process document.

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Part 1 Team Essay 1000 words (+ 10%)

With reference to standards and guidelines on safety, health and welfare at work, critically discuss the importance of risk analysis and effective risk management controls and strategies to safeguard service users from harm (1000 words + 10%)

Part 1 focuses on safety, health and welfare at work.  Students are expected to briefly discuss the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and how it impacts employers and employees.

Some areas that student may discuss include, but are not limited to:

Brief outline of the Act : Duties of employers/employees

Risk assessment in terms of analysing risk.  Include some workplace hazards in social care and link them to safeguarding service users from harm.

Discuss the protocols and control measures that social care organisations put in place in terms of risk management.

Higher marks are given to students who refer to multiple sources including external reading, relevant national standards and legislation, media cases.  You must not cite lecture notes in any CA.

Critically discuss: This examines the positives and negatives in terms of safety, health and welfare in social care.  Apply to social care settings or your placement in terms of measures that are in place (or are not/should be in place) or measures that you might introduce based on this knowledge to promote a safer environment for service users.  Draw on external reading such as articles and media coverage in terms of best practice and/or when safety, health and welfare at work practices did not safeguard service users.

You must include a Reference list for the team essay.

Part 2: Team Policy (1000 words + 10%)

Write a policy for staff on infection prevention and control in order to safeguard service users from risk – (1000 words + 10%)

Students must use the HIQA (2018) Standards on infection prevention and control in community settings (on brightspace) to inform this policy.  Students should follow a template for the policy and may use the template outlined in class and at tutorials – see below for guidelines.  A stand-alone template is also on brightspace.

Include a separate Reference list for the policy.

Part 3: Team Process (not included in word count)

Please include a sheet at the very back of the assignment with the Team Process, i.e. a breakdown of each member’s contribution to this CA.  All team members must contribute to both the essay and the policy and all team members must review the team process document and sign that it is an accurate reflection of each member’s contribution to both parts of the CA.

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