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Quantitative Methods in Healthcare Module 1: Evaluating Health Services Week 1: Discussion Board In this week’s readings we explored the concept of health services research. The focus of health

Quantitative Methods in Healthcare

Module 1: Evaluating Health Services

Week 1: Discussion Board

In this week’s readings we explored the concept of health services research. The focus of health services research is generally on population needs, demand for services, processes and structures, quality, cost, and effectiveness of services interventions. In relation to this week’s topic:

  1. Explain the key components of health services research.  
  2. Why is quality of life one of the most used health outcome measures?

You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses


Week 2: Discussion Board

Module 2: Sociological and Psychological Concepts and Approaches Used in Health Research

In this week’s readings we explored the role of sociological and psychological research on health. Psychology involves studying behavior, mental, and emotional processes, while sociology involves studying social life and behavior.  In relation to this week’s topic: 

  1. Why is it important for health administrators to understand models of health and illness, such as the health belief model, when designing programs and services? 
  2. What is your research focus area? Why did you select the research focus area? 

You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses









Module 2:


Week 2: Assignment

Purpose of Activity:

The purpose of the assignment is to compose questions for your assigned health administration topic.


Steps to Complete Activity:

  1. Select a health administration topic that you are passionate about
  2. Examples topic areas: employee satisfaction, patient satisfaction, patient experience, employee burnout, quality improvement, infection control, digital health, office or ER wait times, workplace wellness, cultural competency or sensitivity, etc
  3. Why does this topic interest you?
  4. Using a minimum of five sources/references, include the following information:
  5. Share background information on the topic
  6. What does the literature say about the topic?
  7. Why is it necessary to research this topic?
  8. How will information about this topic help health organizations?
  9. Will it result in improved quality, decrease costs, or greater access to care?


Additional Technology:



Module 3: Health Needs and the Role of Epidemiology and Demography

Week 3: Discussion Board

In this week’s readings, we explored health needs and the assessment of needs. Additionally, we examined the role and impact of epidemiological and demographic research on healthcare.  In relation to this week’s topic: 

  1. Describe the concept of perceived and expressed needs.  
  2. What are the methods of assessing perceived and expressed health needs?   
  3. Which method would work best in your community? Why? 

You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses


Module 4: Principles of Research

Week 4: Assignment

Purpose of Activity:

The assignment’s purpose is to create a literature review focusing on your health administration research topic. You will demonstrate your ability to research your study topic and fine-tune your research question. A literature review is a research summary on a previously studied topic. It is designed to compare, contrast, and show strengths and weaknesses of research topics.

Steps to Complete Activity:

  1. Go to ………….online library (or a comparable online library) to search for and locate journals that include your topic
  2. Look for full-text articles within the last five years 
  3. Select at least 10 journal articles and save them for your project 
  4. Read the articles and sort them according to theme, findings and/or population
  5. Write the literature review
  6. Introduction: Define the topic and provide background data and information
  7. Body: Share how you searched for the articles. What sites did you use for literature review? How many articles were returned? How did you select the 10 articles from the available articles. 
  8. Review the articles according to the theme, findings, and population
  9. Share strengths and weaknesses and compare the similarities and differences of the articles.
  10. Who was the population? What geographical area? What were the limitations of the studies? 
  11. Summary: Summarize the main findings of your literature review 
  12. References: All references must be in APA format 


Additional Technology:

 Week 5: Discussion Board

Module 5: Quantitative Research: Sample Size and Surveys – Part I

In this week’s readings we explored sampling and the importance of ensuring that the sampling unit is clearly identified. A larger sample size tends to decrease the chance of sampling errors.  In relation to this week’s topic: 

  1. In health administration research, why is it necessary to ensure that samples are representative of the patient population? 

 You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses


Week 5: Assignment

Purpose of Activity:

The purpose of the assignment is to compose questions for your assigned health administration topic. How will you obtain the answers to your questions? Create a list of 15 questions that focus on your health administration research topic.


Steps to Complete Activity:

  1. Create a list of 15 survey questions that focus on your health administration research topic
  2. Five of the 15 questions should focus on demographic/geographic information
  3. Ten of the 15 questions should focus on obtaining the necessary information to make an informed decision
  4. Briefly share why the questions are ‘necessary’ and how it will lead to you obtaining the needed data
  5. Briefly share why you selected the question type (Likert scale, Yes/No, Rank, Fill-in-the-blank, etc.)


Additional Technology:


Module 6: Quantitative Research: Experiments and Sampling – Part II

Week 6: Discussion Board


In this week’s readings, we explored random, convenience, and purposive sampling and the importance of documenting people who refuse to take part in the survey or research. In relation to this week’s topic: 

  1. Which type of sampling method would you like to use to collect data regarding your research topic? Why?  

 You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses








Model 7 Data collection

Week 7: Assignment

Purpose of Activity:

The purpose of the assignment is to collect data. Using the questions you developed in assignment 5, you will create an online survey via SurveyMonkey.


Steps to Complete Activity:

  1. Create a survey using SurveyMonkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/Links to an external site.
  2. Sign up for a free account
  3. Select 10 of the 15 questions from assignment #5 and create the survey
  4. Send the survey link to at least 10 people and ask them to complete it
  5. They can be family/friends/colleagues/etc. “Who” you send it to is not important, as the purpose of this is to only collect responses and analyze the data.
  6. You will use the results in your final project
  7. Submit a data collection plan including:
  8. Who will you send the surveys to? Why? How will you obtain their email addresses? Will you send reminders? How long will people have to collect the survey? What if you do not receive responses? Will you extend the submission deadline?
  9. Would you use SurveyMonkey (or a similar tool) in the future to collect surveys?
  10. How was your experience using SurveyMonkey? Was it user-friendly?
  11. Who did you select to send your surveys to? Did they respond? Did you have to send reminders? 






Module 8: Data Analysis and Dissemination


Week 8: Discussion Board


In the final week, we explored coding and strategies to reduce coding errors. In relation to this week’s readings, respond to the following two questions: 

  • What are the reasons respondents may deliberately not answer questions? How can missing and incorrect data lead to skewed results? 
  • Share a minimum of one conference where you would consider sharing your project results 

You will also post a minimum of two responses to other student responses

Week 8: Final Project

Purpose of Activity:

You submitted a proposal to the National Association of Health Service Executives (NAHSE) national conference. The proposal was about your research topic and data that you collected during the last few weeks. Last week, you found out that your proposal was accepted for a poster presentation. In this final project, you will create and submit a poster presentation disseminating your project to the audience at the NAHSE conference.  


Steps to Complete Activity:

  1. Select a sample poster template by visiting the following site: Sample Poster TemplatesLinks to an external site. 
  2. You can use a different template, as long as it it ‘research’ style poster template and is the appropriate size 
  3. Select size 36×48 or 42×60 (or a similar size) 
  4. Create the poster by using the most pertinent and relevant information from your project 
  5. Include the following components: 
  6. Background of the research topic
  7. Methods used in your research project
  8. You will include information on the quantitative methods used including use of the survey to collect the data 
  9. Results
  10. This will be fictitious data based on some of the data that you obtained
  11. Create graphs/tables/charts to show visual aspects of the project
  12. Limitations
  13. What were some constraints of the research project? Finances? Low response rate? 
  14. Recommendations and Conclusion
  15. What did you learn about the project? Based on your assessment what recommendations do you have regarding the topic? 


Additional Technology:

Microsoft Support: “Use charts and graphs in your presentation” 

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