PSY376 Psychology of Trauma: Theories and Applications, Tutor-Marked Assignment, SUSS


PSY376 Psychology of Trauma: Theories and Applications covers theories and research in the psychological and behavioural responses to trauma, and the current use of evidence-based psychological therapies alongside contemporary neurobiological approaches.

Emphasis is placed on understanding the far-reaching effects of trauma in our societies, and ways to provide trauma-informed care within our social welfare, justice, hospital, and education systems.

Students will appreciate why understanding trauma can build deeper and more meaningful relationships in our personal relationships and communities.

● Introduction to Trauma
● Impact of Trauma: Traumatic Responses and Disorders
● Developmental Trauma
● Psychodynamic Perspectives of Trauma
● Cognitive Behavioural Perspectives of Trauma
● Attachment Perspectives of Trauma
● Neurobiology of Trauma
● Trauma-Specific Therapies
● Psychological First Aid
● Building Trauma-Informed Systems and Communities
● Trauma-Informed Care in Everyday Relationships
● Post-Traumatic Growth

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Question 1 (a)

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A recent Institute of Mental Health (IMH) survey in 2023 and a study conducted by the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) back in 2017 provided some insights into substance abuse in Singapore.

Results suggested links between substance abuse and psychological trauma. Parental history of substance abuse was also found to increase risks of substance abuse in their offspring.

Within the context of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and illustrating using the most relevant theoretical perspective(s) of trauma, evaluate and assess how parental substance abuse can increase the risks of substance abuse in their offspring.

Question 1 (b)

Applying and drawing from your responses in Question 1(a), propose and appraise a list of interventions on an individual, family, and societal level that can bring about positive longterm change in the management of substance abuse in Singapore. Explain and analyse the reasons behind these proposed interventions.

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Learning Outcome:

 Illustrate the various impacts of trauma and recognise how present behaviours and reactions may be mechanisms of coping
 Evaluate key theoretical perspectives and approaches in the study of psychological trauma
Analyse trauma-specific therapies and principles of trauma-informed care in managing trauma
Assess trauma-related responses and coping mechanisms accurately across various contexts
Appraise the different therapeutic approaches used in treating trauma stress
 Apply theoretical perspectives and therapy approaches to create trauma-informed systems

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