PICOT QUESTION: In children aged 2-17 in the State of Texas, does implementing a comprehensive school-based physical activity program, compared to no program, lead to a decrease in the prevalence of childhood obesity within a one-year?
– All has to be based on information in the state of Texas if possible.
During this work session, you will be responsible for your portion of the group project slides, complete the narrative content scripts in the pull up note section at the bottom of the slide (NOT ON THE SLIDE), include images and citations on slides (even for the images you use, must be with in 5 years to use references), create the reference section, and all must be done in APA format. Title slide (1 slide)
Introduction slides (1-3 slides). Background slides (2-3 slides). APA Formatted References on the reference page and in-text citations (1 slide, all references within 5 years)Narrative content scripts in the pull up note section at the bottom of the slide (The scripts is not to be done on the actual slide itself. You will only have 2-3 minute to present all your slides, so don’t over-do your scripts.)
Rubric for maximum points (a-level work):- Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, includes all required template components as described in the assignment instructions and this category.
– Language choices and delivery techniques are imaginative, memorable, and compelling, and enhance the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience and SUPPLEMENTS MATERIAL INCLUDED ON EACH SLIDE. – Speaker DOES NOT READ INFORMATION ON THE SLIDES, WORD-FOR-WORD (Create your scripts to prevent this). Images included on most slides (4 images minimum for your portions and Cite the images that you use as necessary). – WELL-DEVELOPED PRESENTATION NARRATIVE INCLUDED IN POWER POINT “NOTES” SECTION. Narrative is aligned with each slide in a highly organized manner.
– A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports the presentation or establishes the presenter’s credibility/ authority on the topic. ALL TEXT INFORMATION AND IMAGES ARE CITED ACCORDING TO APA FORMAT. NO PLAGARISM OR COPY AND PATING IS ALLOWED.
– Uses quantitative information in connection with the argument or purpose of the work, presents it in an effective format, and explicates it with consistently high quality.
– No grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, word diction or formatting errors. (APA FORMAT)
EXAMPLES OF PREVIOUS STUDENT WORKThe presentations below provides you with an idea of good work by former students. Keep in mind that, although these are not perfect, overall the presentation is an example of “A” level work. Pay special attention to the formatting, content andESPECIALLY TO THE IN-TEXT AND IMAGE CITATIONS: View the COVID-19 Student Sample attached below (DONT USE THIS TOPIC)
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