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  • Treatment Plan for Mood and Sleep disorder

    Treatment Plan: What to include and how to format the treatment plan

    Your Treatment plan should include the following categories:

    Title page
    Content of treatment plan (The title of your treatment plan should be on line 1 of page 2).
    Brief description of the patient (do not repeat the entire video – BRIEF)
    Brief explanation of the presenting psychological symptoms (delusional, jealous, moody, talkative, appears depressed, etc)
    Any known medical history, allergies, etc. (If none, state No known allergies, No known medical history).
    Your psychiatric diagnosis (supported by the DSM-5 criteria). You can state something like, This patient met criterion 1, 2, 4, 5,A, C, D and 7 from the diagnostic criteria on page 163-164 of the DSM-5 for the diagnosis of ……………
    List 2- 3 of the differential diagnosis from the DSM-5, and briefly state why that was chosen as a differential diagnosis, and not as the main diagnosis. (See course materials on Differential Diagnosis) (supported by the DSM-5).
    Suicide and/or homicidal risk assessment (Include the 5 components of a suicide risk assessment, do you want to kill yourself, what is your plan, do you have access to that plan, what is your intention, and what is keeping you here (the mitigating factors) See Nursing Suicide Risk Assessment PPT/Kaltura Module 1. Points are deducted if the 5 components of a suicide risk assessment are not written out.
    What psychiatric tools or scales you used to help support your diagnosis (include citations).
    Medications being ordered (include a citation)
    Include name of medication(s) and what the med is used for
    Include the route, dosage, frequency
    Include black box warnings or what the pt needs to know/foods to avoid, etc.
    Non-pharmacological treatments that are being ordered (include citation that supports these). Different diagnoses respond better to different forms of therapy. Some respond to CBT, others to Behavioral Therapy, others to Family Therapy, etc.
    Any labs or medical tests that need to be completed to rule out organic causes, for medication monitoring, and so forth (include citation). (include a short line stating why each lab/test is being ordered)
    Questions that you would ask to help further solidify your diagnosis (brief list)
    Any further directives/resources for the patient (this would include, follow up with primary doctor to monitor HTN or diabetes; directives to follow-up with other members of the comprehensive treatment team; safety plan if you are sending the pt home and they have suicidal or homicidal thoughts; return for medication assessment in x number of weeks, etc. This also includes support group and hotline phone numbers for things like SI and SUD).
    References Page – include all citations used in the paper, formatted per APA 7, double spaced and in alphabetical order. References are to include the DSM-5, the course textbook, a drug book of your choice (text or online that has a date), and 1 scholarly journal article reference within the last 5 years, for each of the videos or discussion board prompts being assessed.
    [OFF CAMERA] Why did your mom feel you should come in and talk with me today?

    [MRS HOUSTON:] She was worried. Mom says I get moody this time of year, every year. I don’t know. Maybe.

    [OFF CAMERA:] How are you feeling, when?

    [PATIENT:] Not great.

    [OFF CAMERA:] What’s not great?

    [PATIENT:] Huh. Just down. I’m not doing so well.

    [OFF CAMERA:] How’s school?

    [PATIENT:] Ok.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Just ok?

    [PATIENT:] Yeah. I left the program at school. I mean I did and… I’m not doing so well.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Are the courses difficult?

    [PATIENT:] I understand everything. The teachers are getting to be a bit of a pain. The classes aren’t lustrous (Sighs). I’m in this special business program, where you have to come up with a mock company. I just… I just can’t seem to get it done. That, and all my other projects. I’m already late on two of them.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Are you having difficult concentrating?

    [PATIENT:] Yeah. I’ll read the headlines in the newspaper and like, five seconds later, I can’t remember what I read. And my classes, when I leave the room, I don’t what we were learning about.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Are you having any irregular sleeping or eating patterns?

    [PATIENT:] (Sighs) I’ve gained ten pounds. Umm… I’ve slept through five of my classes this month if that answers your question.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Have you been able to make any friends?

    [PATIENT:] [Shrugs] Yeah. Almost immediately. The people are a lot of fun.

    [OFF CAMERA:] What do you do with them?

    [PATIENT:] Lately, not so much of anything.

    [OFF CAMERA:] What happened?

    [PATIENT:] Well, it was a blast when I arrived in August. I made friends almost immediately. We went to concerts and shows, we hung out. And we had a lot of fun.

    [OFF CAMERA:] You don’t do any of that now?

    [PATIENT:] They kind of annoy me a little bit. I mean nothing I can’t get over. They got really dull. They suddenly started playing board games… and then, things also got busy and with the weather, I don’t want to go outside.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Do you particularly dislike the cold weather?

    [PATIENT:] It’s not like I have a burning passionate hatred for the cold. I’ve always fretted fall and winter. I’m a summer girl. I like the beach and convertibles. And now…

    [OFF CAMERA:] You can’t do any of that.

    [PATIENT:] No. In fact you can’t do anything at all.

    [OFF CAMERA:] Can you tell me what it is you dislike about this time of the year?

    [PATIENT:] It’s dark. And grey. And miserable. The whole city changes, it’s not the same city that I loved in August. September was good. It was beautiful. Sunny, crisp days and, the leaves changing at the end of the month and then it just started getting worse and worse. Even… the snow is grey and black. I didn’t know snow got like that, city snow. I thought snow was white and beautiful. But city snow isn’t like that. Everything is grey. It’s miserable.




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  • NSG 6101 Week 3 Mid Week Assignment

    Peter, you have been helping me with this topic from the beginning.

    The problem that I have identified: I am an operating room surgical nurse, pre-op and post op. As a surgical nurse, I Understand the relationship between preoperative and surgical outcomes. I am investigating the correlation between anxiety levels and surgical outcomes and how this can be improved.

    Current Assignment is using the same topic:

    Research Proposal Draft

    By the due date assigned write a 2-3-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.

    – Introduction
    – Background and Significance of the Problem
    – Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study
    – Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions
    – Research Question
    – Hypothesis: Research and Null
    – Identifying and Defining Study Variables
    – Operationalize Variables




    The post NSG 6101 Week 3 Mid Week Assignment appeared first on Nursing Term Papers.

  • NSG 6101 Week 3 Discussion

    Peter: You have already helped me with this topic. The problem that I have identified: I am an operating room surgical nurse, pre-op and post op. As a surgical nurse, I Understand the relationship between preoperative and surgical outcomes. I am investigating the correlation between anxiety levels and surgical outcomes and how this can be improved.

    Current Assignment is using the same topic:

    Discussion Question
    Formulating the Research Question, Problem Statement, Research Purpose

    In the Week 1 discussion forum you had an opportunity to present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization. In addition, you have reviewed the literature to identify qualitative and quantitative research articles and submitted annotated bibliographies to provide evidence supporting the problem.

    Considering the feedback provided to you by the faculty member it is now time to prepare your problem statement, research purpose, and research question.

    First share your refined problem and proposed solution (given your review of literature this may have changed depending on the evidence you were able to provide).
    Next, follow the steps to help define your research question.

    Craft the problem statement and research purpose.

    Design your research question aimed at solving (a part of) the problem and include the following components which will focus the literature review.
    PICOT Question:

    1. Patient, Population or Problem

    2. What are the characteristics of the patient or population?
    3. What is the condition or disease you are interested in?
    Intervention or exposure

    4. What do you want to do with this patient (e.g. treat, diagnose, observe)?

    5. What is the alternative to the intervention (e.g. placebo, different drug, surgery)?

    6. What are the relevant outcomes (e.g. morbidity, death, complications)?
    Ensure that the research question is answerable, feasible and clinically relevant.

    It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. Include the South University Online Library in your research activities utilizing not only the nursing resource database, but also those pertaining to education, business, and human resources.




    The post NSG 6101 Week 3 Discussion appeared first on Nursing Term Papers.

  • part 1 After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learned more about the

    part 1 After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, you have learned more about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas.

    Answer the questions in the template in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed questions.

    Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Complete this assignment based on your Unit 1 readings. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Do not forget to tie each answer to personal and professional communication effectiveness. At minimum, 2 scholarly sources should be used (one must be your textbook, the other could be any course resource or a scholarly resource found in the Keiser University Library). All sources should be formatted using APA 7th edition style.


      I have provided you with a template where these questions are already entered. All you need to do is enter your own information by typing it right into the template . Please use the template and answer all questions. Assignments that do not answer all required questions or meet the minimum sentence requirement will be rendered incomplete and earn “0” credit.

      • Week 2 Written Assignment Template(click to download)
      • Week 2 Written Assignment Template.docx
      • PART 2 Step 2: Reflect on your results in a minimum 350 word reflection. Start by identifying your score results and letting us know if and why you agree/disagree with these results. Hypothesize as to the suggestions offered to improve your listening, and use your readings from assigned chapters to discuss potential strategies that could help you improve future listening skills. Please remember to support your discussion with your textbook and any additional scholarly resource you may locate in the online library, and conclude by talking about what you learned from completing this assessment.
        • Begin your discussion by reading your assigned chapter and conducting additional research in the Keiser University Online Library on the significance of listening to interpersonal communication. Share what you learned by synthesizing your research into your own words and citing your sources. At the minimum, you should cite your textbook and one additional scholarly source.
        • Next, offer a personal connection by exploring the results of your Listening Inventory and discussing potential strategies that could help you improve future listening skills. Develop your examples and supporting evidence thoroughly.
        • Complete your discussion by exploring how you might use the knowledge from this topic in your future professional and personal communication.
    1. Develop a clinical research question using PICO. Complete an advanced search in health databases (which you learned in the library session) and find 3 – 5 articles related to your PICO research question. Submit the following document in eLearn worth 5%: Your research q

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      Assignment Task


      Develop a clinical research question using PICO. Complete an advanced search in health databases (which you learned in the library session) and find 3 – 5 articles related to your PICO research question.

      Submit the following document in eLearn worth 5%:

      1. Your research question is broken down into PICO
      2. Keyword searches you used and the references for the 3 – 5 articles you found


      Level of Mastery Level 1


      Limited mastery of knowledge and skills; below basic expectation

      Level 2


      A partial mastery with limited to basic performance or expected achievement.

      Level 3


      A solid consistent performance, demonstrated competency of knowledge and skills.

      Level 4


      A superior, consistent performance beyond expectations. 


        Major problems exist Minor problems exist Minor issues exist Limited to no issues exist



      The PICO process was not listed or evident in creating research question.


      No research question written.


      Keywords used to search articles not indicated or evident.


      Less than 3 articles listed and/or articles not referenced properly.


      Technical specifications not met.


      The PICO process was somewhat followed in creating research question.


      Research question somewhat evident.


      Keywords used to search articles somewhat indicated and evident.


      Mistakes or omissions with 3 – 5 articles listed and / or referenced.


      Technical specifications somewhat met.


      The PICO process was listed and was evident in creating research question.


      Research question written and evident.


      Keywords used to search articles indicated and evident.


      3 – 5 articles listed and correctly referenced.



      Technical specifications mainly met.


      The PICO process was clearly listed and evident in creating research question.


      Research question clearly written and evident.


      Keywords used to search articles clearly indicated and evident.


      3 – 5 articles well researched and clearly listed and referenced correctly.


      All Technical specifications met.



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    2. Industry-Leading Cloud Deployment Programmatic Approaches Overview 4. Programmatic Cloud Deployment Tools Feature Comparison Evaluation Summary

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      Assignment Task

      1. Executive Summary

      2. Plan Scope

      1. Overview
      2. Cloud Configuration and Deployment Prerequisites

      3. Industry-Leading Cloud Deployment Programmatic Approaches Overview

      4. Programmatic Cloud Deployment Tools

      1. Feature Comparison
      2. Evaluation Summary

      5. AWS OpsWorks Stacks

      1. Overview
      2. Prerequisites

      6. Evaluation of Application Server Stack

      7. Programmatic Cloud Deployment Scalability Recommendations

      8. Conclusion


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    3. You have recently joined a training organisation as a cybersecurity officer. The training organisation use several delivery modes such as classroom, blended and distance modes to provide quality education and training to its clients. 

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      Assignment Task

      You have recently joined a training organisation as a cybersecurity officer. The training organisation use several delivery modes such as classroom, blended and distance modes to provide quality education and training to its clients.

      The training organisation has experienced a number of cyber threats recently including but not limited to:

      • A ransomware attack
      • A number of phishing activities
      • Data leakage on a number of occasions
      • Website hacking (two times in the last month)

      You are required to develop cyber security awareness in the work area by developing one set of policies and procedures for a work area that promote cyber security awareness and practices, support effective cyber security practices in the work area by arranging training or updates to be provided to colleagues that support practice or awareness in relation to two different cyber security matters and review cyber security awareness in the work area.

      Problem: The organisation currently does not have the expertise, knowledge, or skills to look into cyber security threats, they will require your services to make sure the organisation is secure and safe from the cyber threats.

      Other roles and responsibilities

      Organisational representative/Information security manager: This role will be played by your trainer/assessor. The purpose of this role is to ensure:

      • developing and managing Information Systems cybersecurity, including disaster recovery, database protection and software development.
      • Manages IS security analysts to ensure that all applications are functional and secure.

      Workplace colleagues (two): The role can be allocated to RTO representatives assigned by your trainer/assessor or any two students. If the students are selected, the demonstration of activities will occur in small groups in the absence of other students not participating at any given time. All students must participate and demonstrate their skills and knowledge to complete each of the assessment activities. The students will be assessed individually at all times based on their performance in the assessment activities.

      Activity 1: Develop cyber security awareness in work area by developing one set of policies and procedures for a work area that promote cyber security awareness and practices

      In this assessment activity, you are required to develop cyber security awareness in the work area by developing one set of policies and procedures for a work area that promote cyber security awareness and practices.

      To complete this assessment task, you must participate in a meeting to consult with stakeholders to understand the assessment requirements and collect all the necessary information to complete your assessment activities.

      Meeting objectives:

      • Understand the assessment task requirements
      • Understand your role and responsibilities
      • Understand the role and responsibilities of other team members
      • Understand the organisational requirements and guidelines in which meeting should occur
      • Understand the topics to be discussed
      • Understand any other requirements and guidelines applicable to complete the assessment task
      • The meeting should cover all aspects of performance criteria to complete the assessment task successfully

      Before the meeting, you are required to prepare a meeting agenda using the template provided.

      When conducting the meeting, you are required to:

      • Greet the team members.
      • Discuss the following:
      • Compliance of diversity policy with the legislative requirements
      • Application of diversity policy.
      • Assessment of the currency of diversity policy
      • Assessment of the efficacy of diversity policy
      • Suggested improvements
      • Ensure the understanding of the team members.
      • Gather feedback from the team members on the diversity policy
      • Use listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding
      • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the team members.
      • Discuss the implementation plan for the revised diversity policy. Discuss the following:
      • Key result area
      • Objectives
      • Actions/training needs
      • Responsibility
      • Timeframe
      • Success measures
      • Gain approval for the implementation plan

      The team member will:

      • Clarify their doubts of the team members
      • Provide feedback on the improvements required

      After the meeting, you are then required to:

      • Prepare the meeting minutes template.
      • Prepare a revised diversity policy using the template provided.
      • Prepare an implementation plan using the template provided.

      Activity 2: Support effective cyber security practices in the work area by arranging training or updates to be provided to colleagues that support practice or awareness in relation to two different cyber security matters

      In this assessment activity, you are required to arrange training to be provided to colleagues to support practice and awareness in relation to cybersecurity matters. The training will be required for 15 to 30 minutes and must include the following topics:

      • The organisation
      • Review cyber security practices according to organisational policies and procedures
      • Arrange training and information updates as required, and maintain related records
      • Cybersecurity training requirements and purpose
      • Phishing attacks.
      • Removable media.
      • Passwords and Authentication.
      • Physical security.
      • Mobile Device Security.
      • Working Remotely.
      • Public Wi-Fi.
      • Cloud Security
      • Present insights from review and training to required personnel, and potential related impacts on the workplace


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    4. Create a community learning approach for Sustainable Development Goal 13. Explain local issues in your community, why you chose this goal, how your community should respond, possible barriers to achieving that SDG, and what lessons have emer

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      Assignment Task


      Create a community learning approach for Sustainable Development Goal 13. Explain local issues in your community, why you chose this goal,

      how your community should respond, possible barriers to achieving that SDG, and what lessons have emerged for you.


      produce an innovative way to engage and enhance the capacity of the

      community to inspire and take action. Use any resources available through this class or elsewhere.


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    5. Discuss the ethical concept related to healthcare. Insert content Use a range of ethical theories and bioethical principles Ensure content

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      Assignment Task

      Introduction & define the ethical concept in society

      • Insert content
      • Ensure content and images are referenced on the slide

      Discuss the ethical concept related to healthcare.

      • Insert content
      • Use a range of ethical theories and bioethical principles
      • Ensure content and images are referenced on the slide

      Why is this ethical concept critical in healthcare?

      • Insert content
      • Make this relevant to your profession
      • Ensure content and images are referenced on the slide

      Sources of ethical disagreement.

      • Insert content
      • Ground in relevant ethical principles
      • Ensure it relates directly to your professional practice
      • Ensure content and images are referenced on the slide


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    6. Why is it critical for Netflix to scan and understand the external forces operating in the business environment? Using Thompson’s Model, describe one general external force and one specific external stakeholder that may threaten the success of Netflix. 2. Using Schein’s three layers model describe the organisational culture of this business. Use examples f

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      Assignment Task

      Background Netflix is the world’s leading internet entertainment service with 139 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments. Netflix provides a range of programming directly to internet users, without relying on a cable or satellite company. It allows users to watch shows anywhere at any time via the internet.

      Reed Hastings, an American entrepreneur who co-founded Netflix in 1997, often told the story of his inspiration for Netflix: a $40 late fee from Blockbuster. Frustrated over the late fee, Hastings, a dot-com multimillionaire, formed Netflix, a company that would rent DVDs through the mail for a monthly subscription price, with no postage charges or late fees. Hastings’s model for Netflix seemed simple enough. Netflix subscribers would create a wish list of DVDs on the company’s website, and Netflix would send a new title from the list when the previous rental was returned

      Co-Founder and CEO: Reed Hastings

      Hastings is an active educational philanthropist and serving on the board of several educational organizations. Hastings is also a board member of Facebook, The City Fund, and was on the board of Microsoft from 2007 to 2012. Hastings received a BA in 1983, and an MSCS in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University in 1988. Between Bowdoin and Stanford, Hastings served in the Peace Corps as a high school math teacher in Swaziland. Hastings is married with two children.

      Hastings is a leader that prides himself on making few decisions; his aim is to allow his employees to take ownership of generating new products and initiatives. Take for instance the hit series, “House of Cards”. It took only 30-minutes for Hastings to give the green-light for production. He credits the company’s culture of freedom and empowerment as the leading contributor (not only to the success of the show) but for just how quickly the show was approved. He admits the decision came quick because it was the employees who laid the ground work to make it happen.

      Together, Hastings and the employees at Netflix have redefined how we watch cable television today. Netflix was a transformational pioneer as seen with its initial mail-order DVD service (surpassing the likes of Block-Buster). Hastings’ ability to see a need, design a plan and introduce it to the market-place again remains testament to his creative intelligence and abilities as a leader.

      Netflix Culture, Leadership and Strategies

      Netflix is better entertainment at lower cost and greater scale than the world has ever seen. Their purpose is to entertain everyone, and make the world smile. The core philosophy is people over process. More specifically, they believe they have great people working together as a dream team. With this approach, Netflix is seen as a flexible, fun, stimulating, creative, collaborative and successful organization.

      According to Hastings, Netflix strives to hire the best workers. Hastings and Netflix value integrity, excellence, respect, inclusivity, passion, curiosity and innovation, communication and collaboration. What is special about Netflix, though, is how much they: 1. encourage independent decision-making by employees 2. share information openly, broadly, and deliberately 3. are extraordinarily candid with each other 4. keep only our highly effective people 5. avoid rules

      According to Netflix, they believe staff will learn faster and be better if giving and receiving feedback is made less stressful and a more normal part of work life. Feedback helps to avoid misunderstandings and the need for rules. This relies on a strong underlying relationship and trust between people. Netflix actively help people learn how to do this at Netflix through coaching and modelling the behaviours by all managers.

      The goal is to inspire people more than manage them. Teams are trusted to do what they think is best for Netflix — giving them lots of freedom, power, and information in support of their decisions. In turn, this generates a sense of responsibility and self-discipline that drives workers to do great work that benefits the company.

      Hastings believes that people thrive on being trusted, on freedom, and on being able to make a difference, and so Netflix fosters freedom and empowerment wherever they can. In this way, Netflix avoids becoming rigid, resistant to change and growth. Instead, they retain freedom, ambitions, and employee excellence.

      Some examples of how Netflix operates with unusual amounts of freedom are:

      • Personal time – employees are given the autonomy to take as much time off as they feel is necessary; employees and managers work it out together.
      • Travel policy – employees are expected to act like adults; solidified in five words, “Act in Netflix’s Best Interest” and spend money as if it were their own.
      • Formal reviews – eliminated, instead managers and employees are asked to have conversations about performance as an organic part of their work interactions.
      • Compensation – no bonuses; employees are offered market-based pay and can select how much (if any) compensation would be in the form of equity; those with stock options have their salaries reduced accordingly.

      Hastings empowers his workforce, believes they are sophisticated enough to manage an autonomous-driven work environment and will ultimately do what is right for Netflix, themselves as employees and their families. To reinvent the company’s human resource policies so radically can be viewed as a testament to Hastings creative intelligence and transformational leadership abilities. Hastings believes that creating a company culture at Netflix centred on traditional corporate practices would not work and negatively impact motivation, attitudes, behaviour and performance. The positive company culture created by Hastings means employees feel obligated to repay the company by performing well. Today the company culture and their performance are well revered. Since being founded in 1997, the company is worth an estimated $23 billion with stock increases rising more than 200%.

      Case Study Questions

      1. Why is it critical for Netflix to scan and understand the external forces operating in the business environment? Using Thompson’s Model, describe one general external force and one specific external stakeholder that may threaten the success of Netflix.

      2. Using Schein’s three layers model describe the organisational culture of this business. Use examples from the case to support your points.

      3. Using Cameron and Quinn’s typology on culture, diagnose the type of culture evident in Netflix. Give two reasons why this type of culture is appropriate to the business.

      4. Using Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid, describe the management style of the Founder/ CEO of this organisation. Explain whether this style of leadership may be considered appropriate given the goals and the culture of the business.


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