The Emperor represents qualities such as leadership, responsibility, and protection. For children, these qualities can help them feel empowered and capable of handling various situations in their lives. Obviously, not every child is going to grow up to be President…
The Emperor as a Parent
The Emperor has been established as a symbol of authority, structure, stability, and discipline. As a parent, channeling the energy of The Emperor seems obvious; the intention is to create a balanced and secure environment for our children, providing them…
Calm Down, Karen (When the Emperor is in Reverse)
As we just covered, the Emperor card is often a symbol of authority, structure, and control. When upright, it represents stability, leadership, and the ability to govern effectively. However, when the Emperor is drawn in reverse, its positive attributes can…
From The Throne of The Emperor
As The Fool progresses from The Empress in a period of nurturing and emotional growth, they next arrive at the doorstep of The Emperor, the counterpart to The Empress. As The Empress is depicted as the archetypal Mother, The Emperor…
Tarot Spread: Grow With The Empress
Using a single card as the basis for a Tarot spread is an intriguing way to delve deeper into any situation. Like all readings, this spread encourages introspection to uncover the answers you seek, with the positions and questions asked…
The Empress as a Child
Like The High Priestess, the nature of The Empress may seem complicated for a child to grasp. However, children have brilliant imaginations and express creativity, especially through role play and mimicking everyday situations. They are naturally inclined to explore nature…
The Empress as a Parent
The Empress card embodies the essence of nurturing, abundance, creativity, and unconditional love. As a parent, channeling the energy of The Empress can create a harmonious and nurturing environment for your children, allowing you to channel all the “best” qualities…
The Giving Nature of The Empress
I was walking this evening, trying to stay active and maintain the progress I’ve made on my weight loss journey over the past year, and I started thinking about The Empress card. It dawned on me that I haven’t really…
Ground Yourself (Not Your Kids)
Let’s be honest, most of us probably don’t take enough time to “sit” with ourselves. Taking the time to meditate, write in a journal, or, honestly, even have a healthy meal is constantly being challenged by other priorities and responsibilities.…
Grounded by The Empress
MOTHER HAS ARRIVED! Yes, mama! Come through! The third card in the Major Arcana is The Empress, the archetypal Mother, and ruler of the suit of Pentacles. Gritty, raw, and back-to-basics, The Empress is very much a down-in-the-dirt kind of…