NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024 Week 1 Practicum Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health – Group A  PRACTICUM LEARNING OBJECTIVES Develop an in

NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week 1 Practicum

Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health – Group A


Develop an intervention plan in collaboration with other professionals that takes into account determinants of health, available resources, and activities that contribute to health and the prevention of illness or injury

Provide culturally competent care, i.e., health promotion, disease and injury prevention interventions in collaboration with other health care professionals in a community health care setting

Analyze data pertaining to a specific community health issue

Evaluate how cultural competence improves nursing practice and health outcomes

Evaluate current evidence-based practices for your selected population

Analyze evidence-based practices

Evaluate programs aimed at solving health problems

Evaluate local disaster plans and contemplate collaborative efforts in problem solving

Analyze effectiveness of practicum proposal through practice presentations

Present practicum presentation to colleagues

Weekly Practicum Assignments

Practicum Group Discussions


Week 1: Identification of a Population in Your Community

As a community of practice your task for this week is to collaborate with professionals across the health care system and with your community of practice in the discussion in order to find a gap in care or social determinant that often results in poor health care outcomes. You will begin to take the lead in advocating for and collaborating with others to improve the health care outcomes for populations at risk.



NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week 2 Practicum

Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health – Group A

Back to Week at a Glance


Overview: This week, you will further refine your population and problem and compare your suspicions about this problem to local, state, and national data on the topic. Your practicum project should come into clear focus as you continue to analyze related health data, and you should consider how you, as the nurse, might help them avoid development of the problem in the first place (primary prevention measures).

Practicum Discussion: This week your assignment is to collect and then refine health data about the issue that affects your population group. You will use scholarly professional literature to support your ideas about the population at risk. If data is not available for your population on a local level, then use county or state data. Some examples of health data that you might consider gathering are epidemiologic information related to health conditions, reproductive outcomes, causes of death, vital statistics, socioeconomic data including poverty and/or educational levels, quality of life issues, and/or lack of access to health care due to lack of health insurance or access to providers. You will want to compare local data with state and national trends to fully understand the extent of the selected problem in your community.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post your response to the following:

Describe the specific health problem and population you have selected.

What data did you find to support your decision? Refine and clarify the problem and population.

What useful health data and public health websites did you locate to support your position?

What other evidence did you find? You can include scholarly articles in this discussion.

Support your response with references from professional nursing literature.


Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care.

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

For all posts, be sure to use evidenceLinks to an external site. from the readings and include in-text citationsLinks to an external site.. Avoid quotes; paraphraseLinks to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference listLinks to an external site. is required. Use the most current evidenceLinks to an external site. (usually ≤ 5 years old).


NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week 3 Practicum


Overview: This week, you will identify any genetic predisposition your chosen population has to a particular disease and develop primary practice interventions that reflect the cultural considerations of the population. Then, you’ll develop culturally appropriate, measurable interventions to help your population members maintain an optimal state of health, avoiding the problem that you identified them being at risk for developing.

Practicum Discussion: Culturally aware nurses recognize that states of health are revealed differently across cultures and ethnicities. Culture and ethnic background will affect the way each individual responds to health, illness, and death (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). These nurses are also aware of their own biases, which may affect the care they provide to others (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). Because most nurses work in institutions with individual patients, they are accustomed to delivering culturally competent care on a one-on-one basis. When a public health nurse deals with a population, he or she must consider how the population culture affects the ways in which the community nurse may interact. This can be with regard to the provision of education or mass health care needs such as those required in a foodborne illness, if mass vaccinations are needed for a communicable disease outbreak, or if education is required to prevent heart disease. In addition to understanding the nuances of the culture of a population, community health nurses must understand the role genetics play in health. Some disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetes, have a genetic link, as do some cancers, such as breast and ovarian.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post your response to the following:

Provide a few examples of community resources that should be put in place to assist your population in resolving their health care needs. What gaps in service do you see that affect your population?

Are there any cultural considerations that might inform your approach to caring for this population?

Does your population have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem you have identified?

Identify at least one evidence-based, culturally competent behavior change that would promote health for your selected population and for the specific health care problem you are addressing?

Support your response with references from professional nursing literature.


Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care.

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

For all posts, be sure to use evidenceLinks to an external site. from the readings and include in-text citationsLinks to an external site.. Avoid quotes; paraphraseLinks to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference listLinks to an external site. is required. Use the most current evidenceLinks to an external site. (usually ≤ 5 years old).


NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week  4 Practicum


Overview: Dr. Marcia Stanhope (2020) explained that evidence-based public health practice refers to those decisions made by using the best available evidence, data and information systems and program frameworks; engaging community stakeholders in the decision-making process; evaluating the results; and then disseminating that information to those who can use the information.

Practicum Discussion: This week, your assignment will be to incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measurable interventions. Measurable interventions mean that the results can be measured through some data that could be collected (Stanhope, 2020). This requires thinking in terms of actions and then measuring results. An evaluation of interventions is important to see whether or not they are effective in solving a health care problem. Remember, you will need to use the data you gathered to determine whether or not a problem exists in your community and to then determine whether your interventions might be effective.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post your response to the following:

Identify one evidence-based behavior change that would promote health in your selected population.

Suggest one specific culturally sensitive, evidence-based, measurable intervention to address the health problem for your selected population.

Think in terms of measuring outcomes. What outcomes would you expect to see once the intervention(s) are in place? Be specific.

Support your response with references from professional nursing literature.


Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, help each other refine and clarify the health problem remembering that this project focuses on primary prevention strategies at the community and system level of care.

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

For all posts, be sure to use evidenceLinks to an external site. from the readings and include in-text citationsLinks to an external site.. Avoid quotes; paraphraseLinks to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference listLinks to an external site. is required. Use the most current evidenceLinks to an external site. (usually ≤ 5 years old).


NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week 5 Practicum


This week, you will be presenting your practicum project to community members, community professionals, or mentors to elicit their opinions about your project and to gather their suggestions for improvement, which you can then incorporate into the document before it is due by Day 3 of Week 6.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post the contact information of the individual(s) to whom you plan to present this week. You will want to include the first name of the individual, their position, and the agency that employs them.


Summarize the feedback that you received and describe how you plan to incorporate it into your final presentation.

You will be required to submit the PowerPoint you presented or changed after comments were received. Your PowerPoint must be posted by Day 3 of Week 6 (refer to the Practicum Guide in the Course Information area).


NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024

Week 6 Practicum


Overview: This week, you will present your PowerPoint presentation to the class incorporating the feedback you received from the presentation to community members in Week 5.

Practicum Discussion: Post your final PowerPoint presentation for your group mates and Instructor to review.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post your final PowerPoint presentation as an attachment:

Your presentation should contain the following:

Describe the population group and describe the population’s health problem providing data to support.

Describe the results of comprehensive community assessment showing collaboration with health care team members and or individuals/groups that represent the problem.

Develop a possible evidence-based culturally competent intervention/program aimed at primary prevention at the community and system level of care specific to community.

Chose a possible way to evaluate outcomes of project.

Include the contact information of the community professional to which you presented your project.

Describe your role as a health care leader in community.

In addition, your presentation should adhere to the following formatting requirements:

Length should be between 15 and 18 slides including the title slide and reference list.

Information should be bulleted on each slide.

No more than seven lines of text on each slide.

No more than seven words per sentence.

Do not write in all capital letters.

Select a background that will enhance the quality of the information being presented

All citations and references should be in proper APA format

In addition to your presentation, in the body of your post, address the following:

How does this project fulfill one arm of the mission of public health: social justice?

How does it contribute to social change?

Discuss your role as an advocate and health care leader in promoting positive social change as a scholar-practitioner to improve the health of vulnerable populations in your community.


Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question. As a community of practice, give each other specific feedback, including what you have learned, what was well done, what is unclear, and any other helpful suggestions.

Respond to at least two colleagues. Your responses should be substantial and should contribute ideas, tools, alternate points of view, resources, and information related to identified health problems.

For all posts, be sure to use evidenceLinks to an external site. from the readings and include in-text citationsLinks to an external site.. Avoid quotes; paraphraseLinks to an external site. to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference listLinks to an external site. is required. Use the most current evidenceLinks to an external site. (usually ≤ 5 years old)

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