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NSG3NRC Nursing Assessment Subject Code :- NSG3NRC Title :- Nursing Background :- In many graduate nurse programs new graduates are required to complete a clinical project rel

NSG3NRC Nursing Assessment
Subject Code :- NSG3NRC
Title :- Nursing
Background :-
In many graduate nurse programs new graduates are required to complete a clinical project related to change or innovation in clinical practice That may mean reviewing and researching an area of clinical practice in the ward that requires improvement, or an area where practice in the ward has been delivered at an excellent level. The new graduate may present their completed project as an in service education session for ward colleagues or perhaps as a poster during the hospital Research Week.
NSG3NRC Nursing Assessment

NSG3NRC Nursing Assessment
Assessment Task :-
This assessment task is broken up into three (3) integral and interrelated components:

1.Reflect and write about a situation that occurred within the ward setting while on clinical practicum.

2.Identify one (1) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard to which this clinical situation relates.


3.Produce a print media submission poster related to your chosen NSQHS standard and clinical situation and present your poster over four minutes in a zoom class to your fellow students

Reflect on a clinical situation :-
Reflective writing is your response to experiences situations events or new information and usually these are linked to some relevant literature on the subject. There is no right or wrong answer. Reflection is unique and you are expected to use personal pronouns (I, me, us) to express your ideas.

We do reflective writing:
• to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of what occurred
• to react to written text or situation by agreeing or disagreeing and explaining why
• to make connections between what you know and what you are learning
• to examine how you learn and whether it is effective
• to reflect on successes and / or mistakes for your future career.

1.Reflect and write about a situation that occurred while on clinical practicum.

Think about a situation interaction experience incident encounter observation that occurred with in the ward setting during a clinical practicum. It does not matter if it went well or if it went badly it is an event that you learnt from.

You can use one (1) of the reflective models to guide your writing or another reflection strategy such as journaling or critical incident analysis.

NSG3NRC Nursing Assessment

Identify one (1) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard.
The primary aims of the NSQHS Standards are to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision The eight NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health care

Identify one (1) NSQHS Standard to which this clinical situation relates:

• Discuss and provide rationale on how this standard has been maintained OR could have been main tained in context to this ward situation and;
• Provide practice improvement recommendations that could be implemented within the ward setting. The objective of practice improvement is simply to spread innovation in order to improve a particular out come or process through changing the processes with in the ward setting.