NRS- 420 Topic 2 developmental assessment case study age group 3 to 5 early childhood. scenario: shakala is a 4 year old biracial (african American/caucasian) female who was born suffering from neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS). she was placed into foster care at birth and her mother (age 18) entered a residential substance abuse treatment program. her biological fathefather’s wheraboouts have been unknown since her birth. shakayla was weaned off opioid, and her mother completed residential treatment. shakayla was placed back into her mother’s care with the support of the DHS and a safety plan in place. when she was 36 months old her mother was arrested for prostitution, possession of a narcotics, and endaneriing a minor (shakayla) sha was placed back into foster care. her mother served a 60 day prison sentence and was then released to the drug court treatment program for further rehabilitation. during this time her mother completed her GED. heher mother is now established in an apartment in supportive housing for recovering women and their children. shakayla at 4 has been reunited with her mother. her m has secured a job working at walmart as a chasher, shakayla has been enrolled in head start and goes to the YMCA for childcare after her morning head start class. at shakayla’s recent visit with a pediatrician prior to being returned to her mother, she was found to be meeting developmental norms for her age. she is in the 30th percentile fofor heights and 50th percentile for weight for her age. vision and hearing are normal. shakayla has severe dental erosion. shakayla enjoys head start and playing with the other children. she loves her teacher and enjoys music. she enjoys looking at books but walks away if asked a question about the story or what a word is on the page. she has difficulty with sharing and there have been several incidents at head start of her being aggressive with the other children. she is fearful around authority figures and men. during the parent/teacher conferences at head start, her mother stated she does not feel confident in her parenting skills. she states she is struggling with just maintaining her soberity, working, and dealing with the stress of trying to make ends meet. she very much wants to be a good mom and does not want to lose shakayla back to foster care.