Now that you have completed your two-part creative timeline of the Old Testament

Now that you have completed your two-part creative timeline of the Old Testament and read The Drama of Scripture, write a 6-page synthesis paper about how the story of the OT is important for the Christian today. Focus on the grand narrative of the Old Testament and how it applies to your life. How does it all fit together and tell ONE important message?

  • Finish the following thesis abstract by filling in the blank with a concise summary of what you think the central message of the OT is. There is no perfect answer; it is up to you! This must be in your introductory paragraph.

This paper will demonstrate and apply the message of the OT, that _________(the OT is about…), by examining OT themes.

  • Support your thesis by drawing from OT theological themes such as covenant, sin, redemption/salvation, law, faith, grace, divine love, election, etc., instead of just using specific Bible passages. Draw from the lessons you have learned from the Bartholomew and Goheen reading.
  • Spend at least a third of your paper (2 pages) specifically describing how the OT message applies to your life. Applications should be specific by addressing questions like when, how long, and what is being measured or assessed.

Some helpful passages to consider for your paper are:

  • Genesis 1:1–3:24
  • Acts 2:1–47
  • 1 Corinthians 10:1–22
  • Hebrews 1:1–4:16
  • Revelation 4:1–11; 21:1–21

Once completed, submit your work through the Start Assignment button.


Assignment 8-1: The Drama of Scripture Synthesis Paper

Assignment 8-1: The Drama of Scripture Synthesis Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Elements

60 pts

Full Marks

Completed all of the required elements in the instructions.

30 pts


Completed 50% of the required elements in the instructions.

0 pts

No Marks

Did not complete all of the required elements in the instructions.

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking

20 pts

Full Marks

Alternative perspectives/positions are identified. AND Student provides original perspective, drawing on course content and relevant academic research.

10 pts


Student shows basic knowledge of concept (recall/restate the information).

0 pts

No Marks

Student’s argument/perspective is unclear or not cohesive with course materials.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage

10 pts

Full Marks

Strong, effective academic word choice; variety in sentence structure; active voice is primarily used.

5 pts


Both conversational and academic language used; some variety in sentence structure; active and passive voices are used.

0 pts

No Marks

Conversational word choice; passive voice only; no variety in sentence structure.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions and Mechanics

10 pts

Full Marks

Worksheet contains few format or style errors (less than 2 unique errors per page). Paper is clear and easy to read.

5 pts


Worksheet contains 3 or fewer unique errors per page. Paper is disorganized and difficult to read.

0 pts

No Marks

Worksheet contains 4 or more unique errors per page. Paper is difficult or impossible to read and understand.

10 pts