In Module 2 Assignment 1: Topic for Working with Diverse Families Research Paper

In Module 2 Assignment 1: Topic for Working with Diverse Families Research Paper(attached on word document on the bottom: The Influence of Language Barriers on Family Services.), you identified a presenting problem within a diverse family and in Module 4 Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography for Working with Diverse Families Research Paper, you reviewed five (or more) journal articles and wrote an annotated bibliography. (attached on the bottom word document) Now it is time to write your research paper. The purpose of this research paper is for you to gain understanding of how research informs practice specifically related to the presenting problem you have identified.

Part One (3–4 pages) of the paper should address the following:

Identify the presenting problem.
Provide at least three statistics based on the prevalence of the problem from credible sources.
Discuss the diversity considerations in relation to the presenting problem.
Provide evidence from the research literature on best practices for the presenting problem as it relates to the diverse family.
Part Two (1 page) of the paper should address the following:

Reflect on your own professional and personal perspectives as they relate to the presenting problem within the diverse family you identified in Part One.
Potential countertransference (for example, reflection on how you would engage the family and their values, especially if they are different from your own).
Part Three (2–3 pages) of the paper should address the following:

Select a theory covered in this course, and identify two interventions based on this theory that you would use as a social worker working with a family experiencing the presenting problem.
Identify two ways the interventions would be effective in addressing your presenting problem.
Identify one strength and one weakness of applying this theory to the presenting problem and explain how the theory’s strengths and weakness are related to the presenting problem you selected. Make sure you avoid discussing only general strengths or weaknesses of the theory.
Assignment Instructions
Your assessment should:

Be 6 to 8 pages in length, double-spaced (page count does not include cover/title page or references list)
Not use bullets
Include a cover/title page and references list
Use 12-point font
Use a minimum of five scholarly sources
Be in 7th edition APA format

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