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IDE401 Interior Space Measurement and Drafting Assessment 1 & 2

Assessment 1

Weighting: 15%

Learning Outcomes

  1. Use industry standards to measure an interior space.


Complete and submit your assessment according to the Open Polytechnic’s Assessments webpage. This includes information on academic integrity, word limits, and referencing.

  • Include your name, student number, and the assessment number.
  • Number your pages.


  • Submit your assessment as a PDF.
  • Submit your work through your iQualify course.
  • Emailed assessments will not be accepted.
  • You will receive an automated notice following submission.

By submitting your assessment, you confirm that it is your own, original work.

Part A: How to measure a space

Below are images, floor plans, and details for two rooms that have been selected to have their décor updated.

Room 1: Master bedroom

IDE401 Assessment 1

Details: Master Bedroom

  • This room is located on the upper level of a two-story home and is accessed from a hallway.
  • The master bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite.
  • The room has two large windows that measure 2710mm x 1210mm.
  • The Stud height for the room is 2400mm.

Room 2: Living Room

IDE401 Assessment 1 Living Room

Details: Living Room

  • This living room is located on the lower level of a two-story home and leads from the entry through to the main living area.
  • The room has two large windows and one set of stacker doors leading onto a northwest-facing garden.
  • The Stud height of the room is 2400mm.
  • The windows are 1610mm x 1610mm, 2710mm x 1610mm, and the stacker door is 3000mm x 2010mm.

Part A: Questions

  1. Identify what measurements need to be taken for each space.
    •  Describe how you would take these measurements (e.g., in what order).
    •  How would you record these measurements to meet industry standards?
  2. What would be the challenges in measuring each of the rooms?
    •  Identify and describe the challenges.
    •  Describe how you might manage these.

(Part A total: 30 marks)

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Part B: Measuring a space for a floor plan

Choose a room that you are familiar with. It should be a room that you can easily access to measure.

You may use whatever tool that you have – either a measuring tape or a laser measuring device.

  1. Measure the dimensions of the floor space and create a floor plan with a supporting legend of detailing.
  2. Measure and record the ceiling stud height on the floor plan.


  • All measurements should be converted to a 1:50 scale.
  • You can do this by hand or use a computer application.
  • For evidence, attach a photograph of the floor space you have measured.

(Part B total: 30 marks)

Part C: Measuring a space for door and window elevation views

  1. Using the same room as in Part B, the following task focuses on creating two elevation views.
    •  Measure and record the size and placement of the vertical windows on the floor plan.
    •  Record the size and placement of the vertical windows on an elevation view.
  2. Measure and record the placement of a door on another elevation view.

(Part C total: 40 marks)

(Total: 100 marks)

Marking schedule

Part A – Question 1

Marks Description
12 – 15 marks Accurate description and justification of how to measure and record a space. The description includes how the measurement and recording meet industry standards. A clear reference to Industry standards is given.
10 – 11.5 marks Accurate description of how to measure and record a space. The description includes how the measurement and recording meet industry standards. A clear reference to Industry standards is given.
7.5 – 9.5 marks Accurate description of how to measure and record a space. The description includes how the measurement and recording meet industry standards.
6 – 7 marks A description of how to measure a space and how to record it is provided, but the description is either insufficient or contains significant inaccuracies. Measurements are inaccurately identified.
1 – 5.5 marks An inaccurate description of how to measure a room is provided.

Part A – Question 2

Marks Description
12 – 15 marks Challenges are identified. An accurate description of the challenges and their causes is provided. An accurate discussion of how the challenges are managed is provided and justified.
10 – 11.5 marks Challenges are identified. An accurate description of the challenges and their causes is provided. A discussion of how the challenges are managed is provided.
7.5 – 9.5 marks Challenges are identified. A description of the challenges is provided. A description of how the challenges are managed is provided.
6 – 7 marks Challenges are incorrectly identified. A description of either the challenges or how they would be managed is provided, but the description is either insufficient or contains significant inaccuracies.
1 – 5.5marks Challenges are
incorrectly identified.

Part B – Question 1

Marks Description
16 – 20 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with accurate measurements recorded to scale using industry-standard units. The floor plan is annotated with the placement of doors and windows. A legend and scale are included. Notes and annotations show challenges or considerations
13 – 15.5 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with accurate measurements recorded to scale using industry-standard units. The floor plan has some annotations with the placement of doors and windows.
A legend and scale are included.
10 – 12.5 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with accurate measurements recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
8 – 9.5 marks A rough floor plan is drawn, and measurements appear to be incorrect and may not be recorded to scale or they use incorrect units.
1 – 7.5marks A rough floor plan is drawn but measurements are not recorded correctly and/or are incomplete.

Part B – Question 2

Marks Description
8 – 10 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with measurements recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
A detailed key and scale are included. Notes and annotations may show challenges or considerations.
6.5 – 7.5 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with the ceiling stud height measured and recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
A basic key and scale are included.
5 – 6 marks A clear floor plan is drawn with the ceiling stud height measured and recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
4 – 4.5 marks A rough floor plan is drawn including the measurements of the ceiling stud height. The measurements are not recorded to scale or use incorrect units.
1 – 3.5 marks A rough floor plan is drawn but the ceiling stud height is not recorded.

Part C – Question 1

Marks Description
16 – 20 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes accurate measurements of the size and placement of the vertical windows.
Measurements are recorded to scale using industry-standard units. A key and scale are included.
Notes and annotations may show challenges or considerations.
13 – 15.5 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes accurate measurements of the size and placement of the vertical windows.
The measurements are accurate and recorded to scale using industry-standard units. A key and scale are included.
10 – 12.5 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes the measurements of the size and placement of the vertical windows.
Measurements are accurate and recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
8 – 9.5 marks A rough elevation view is drawn that includes the measurements of the size and placement of the vertical windows.
Measurements appear to be incorrect and may not be recorded to scale or use incorrect units.
1 – 7.5 marks A rough elevation view is drawn that shows the placement of the vertical windows, but measurements are not recorded correctly and/or are incomplete.

Part C – Question 2

Marks Description
16 – 20 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes accurate measurements of the size and placement of a door.
Measurements are recorded to scale using industry-standard units. A detailed key and scale are included.
Notes and annotations may show challenges or considerations.
13 – 15.5 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes accurate measurements of the size and placement of a door.
Measurements are recorded to scale using industry-standard units. A basic key and scale are included.
10 – 12.5 marks A clear elevation view is drawn that includes the measurements of the size and placement of a door.
The measurements are accurate and recorded to scale using industry-standard units.
8 – 9.5 marks A rough elevation view is drawn that includes the measurements of the size and placement of a door.
Measurements are not recorded to scale or use incorrect units.
1 – 7.5 marks A rough elevation view is drawn that shows the placement of a door.
Measurements are not recorded correctly and/or are incomplete.

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Assessment 2



Learning Outcomes

  • Use an industry-appropriate computer drafting package to draw an interior space.
  • Produce industry-standard plans, elevations, and 3-dimensional images of an interior.

  • Complete and submit your assessment according to the Open Polytechnic’s Assessments webpage. This includes information on academic integrity, word limits, and referencing.
  • Include your name, student number, and the assessment number.
  • Number your pages.

  • Submit your drawings as one file, either in Word or as a PDF document.
  • Submit your work through your iQualify course.
  • Emailed assessments will not be accepted.
  • You will receive an automated notice following submission.

By submitting your assessment, you confirm that it is your own, original work.

Assessment Overview

There are two tasks in this assessment:

  • Task 1: Produce five 2-dimensional (2D) drawings using SketchUp CAD software based on a hand-sketched floor plan and measurements provided.
  • Task 2: Produce one 3-dimensional (3D) drawing using SketchUp CAD software.

Hand-sketched Floor Plan

IDE401 Assessment 2 Hand-sketched floor plan

Note: This hand-sketched floor plan is not to scale. Please use measurements on the drawing to create your own 1:50 plan.

Task 1: 2D Drawings

Use the hand-sketched floor plan provided to produce the following 2-dimensional drawings using SketchUp CAD software:

  1. A 2-dimensional floor plan. (20 marks)
  2. A 2-dimensional interior north elevation view. (15 marks)
  3. A 2-dimensional interior south elevation view. (15 marks)
  4. A 2-dimensional interior west elevation view. (15 marks)
  5. A 2-dimensional interior east elevation view. (15 marks)

Remember: The hand-sketched floor plan provided is not to scale. Please use the measurements on the drawing to create your own 1:50 plan.

Your drawings must include:

  • The stud height on the floor plan.
  • All walls, windows, doors, and architectural detailing.
  • A breakdown of all heights, wall thickness, wall placements, windows, and doors.
  • The interior heights from floor to sill and window to ceiling.
  • A legend and title block on each drawing.

Save a copy of each drawing or take a screenshot of each drawing and insert each into one Word document. Ensure each one is labelled to identify the view being shown. Save the file with your name, student number, course code, and the assessment number.

Task 2: 3D Drawing

Based on the hand-sketched floor plan and your work in Task 1, use SketchUp CAD software to produce a 3-dimensional drawing of the complete drawing structure.

  • This may be from an angle of your choice, but it must display the entire space.
  • Provide a title block for this drawing only.

Save a copy of the 3D drawing or take a screenshot and insert it into your Word document from Task 1. Ensure this drawing is labelled appropriately. Save the file. At this point, you may convert it to a PDF file to submit if you wish.

20 marks

Total Marks[Total for Task 1 and Task 2: 100 marks]

Marking schedule

Drawing Floor Plan

Marks Range Description
16 – 20 marks A complete floor plan of the space is created. All elements are present, and the measurements are correct.
All significant architectural detailing is included to ensure placement clarity within the plan.
An accurate legend is provided. The final drawing is accurate and is presented professionally.
13 – 15.5 marks A complete floor plan of the space is created. A majority of the elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
Architectural detailing is included and mostly ensures placement clarity within the plan.
A relevant legend is provided. The final drawing is mostly accurate and presented professionally.
10 – 12.5 marks A complete floor plan is created. Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
8 – 9.5 marks A floor plan is created. Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements.
The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 7.5 marks A floor plan is created. Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements.
The final drawing is missing much of the required detail.

North Elevation View

Marks Range Description
12 – 15 marks A complete north elevation view is created. All elements are present, and the measurements are correct.
All architectural aspects are included to support the plan spatially. The final drawing is accurate and professionally presented.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
10 – 11.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. A majority of the elements are present, and measurements are mostly correct.
All significant architectural detailing is included to ensure placement clarity within the elevation.
Clear details about measurements and functional aspects in the elevation view are provided.
7.5 – 9.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
6 – 7 marks The north elevation view is created. Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements.
The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 5.5 marks A north elevation is created. Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements.
The final drawing is missing much of the required detail.

South elevation view

Marks Range Description
12 – 15 marks A complete north elevation view is created. All elements are present, and the measurements are correct.
All architectural aspects are included to support the plan spatially. The final drawing is accurate and professionally presented.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
10 – 11.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. A majority of the elements are present, and measurements are mostly correct.
All significant architectural detailing is included to ensure placement clarity within the elevation.
Clear details about measurements and functional aspects in the elevation view are provided.
7.5 – 9.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
6 – 7 marks The north elevation view is created. Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements.
The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 5.5 marks A north elevation is created. Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements.
The final drawing is missing much of the required detail.

West elevation view

Marks Range Description
12 – 15 marks A complete north elevation view is created. All elements are present, and the measurements are correct.
All architectural aspects are included to support the plan spatially. The final drawing is accurate and professionally presented.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
10 – 11.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. A majority of the elements are present, and measurements are mostly correct.
All significant architectural detailing is included to ensure placement clarity within the elevation.
Clear details about measurements and functional aspects in the elevation view are provided.
7.5 – 9.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
6 – 7 marks The north elevation view is created. Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements.
The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 5.5 marks A north elevation is created. Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements.
The final drawing is missing much of the required detail.

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East elevation view

Marks Range Description
12 – 15 marks A complete north elevation view is created. All elements are present, and the measurements are correct.
All architectural aspects are included to support the plan spatially. The final drawing is accurate and professionally presented.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
10 – 11.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. A majority of the elements are present, and measurements are mostly correct.
All significant architectural detailing is included to ensure placement clarity within the elevation.
Clear details about measurements and functional aspects in the elevation view are provided.
7.5 – 9.5 marks A complete north elevation view is created. Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct.
The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
6 – 7 marks The north elevation view is created. Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements.
The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 5.5 marks A north elevation is created. Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements.
The final drawing is missing much of the required detail.

Task 2: 3D Complete Design

Marks Range Description
16 – 20 marks A complete 3-dimensional image showing one angle of the floor plan is created.
All measurements are correct, to the correct scale. Plan is to be accurate and professionally presented, including a title block.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
13 – 15.5 marks A complete 3-dimensional image showing one angle of the floor plan is created.
Most measurements are correct, some areas are out of scale. Plan is to be accurate and professionally presented including a title block.
Complex aspects of the design are appropriately handled.
10 – 12.5 marks A complete 3-dimensional image showing one angle of the floor plan is created, the angle provided is difficult to see all areas of the floor plan.
Several elements are present, and the measurements are mostly correct. The final drawing is mostly accurate and suitably presented.
8 – 9.5 marks A complete 3-dimensional image showing one angle of the floor plan is created, the angle provided is difficult to see all areas of the floor plan.
Some elements are present but there may be minor errors in the measurements. The final drawing is presented but is missing key information.
1 – 7.5 marks A 3-dimensional floor plan is created, and the angle makes it difficult to see all areas of the floor plan.
Several elements are missing and/or errors in the entering of measurements. The final drawing is missing much of the required data.


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