Discuss different categories of attacks that involve cyberterrorism as noted in our required reading this week


Cyberterrorism uses the internet and other information technology to spread terror through denial-of-service attacks, violent acts, attacks on critical infrastructures, or threats of violence.

In our class discussion this week, answer the following questions:

· Discuss different categories of attacks that involve cyberterrorism as noted in our required reading this week.

· How is cyberterrorism different than other forms of terrorism?

Reading preparation:

· Chapter 2: Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare

· Chapter 3: The Criminology of Computer Crime

· Chapter 4: Hackers

· Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., Liederbach, J., Saylor, M. R., & Tafoya, W. L. (2019). Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism. Pearson


5 points

Engagement / Interaction

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with two or more peers


participated on two or more days

Content / Topic Relevance

Civil Discourse forum contributions always addressed the main topic


responded to main topic the day of the first post due date

Content / Topic Knowledge

displays an excellent understanding of the material

HSE 490 (APA Format)

Cyberterrorism is a major threat to the United States. Discuss the threat of cyberterrorism to targets in the United States from a homeland security perspective. What are some potential targets to critical infrastructures that involve physical threats, cyber threats, and insider threats?

Reading preparation: Chapter 2 Radvanovsky, R. S. & McDougall, A. (2018). Critical infrastructure: Homeland security and emergency preparedness (4th ed.). CRC Press.



5 points

Engagement / Interaction

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with two or more peers


participated on two or more days

Content / Topic Relevance

Civil Discourse forum contributions always addressed the main topic


responded to main topic the day of the first post due date

Content / Topic Knowledge

displays an excellent understanding of the material


This week, you learned about Core Values, Critical Thinking, and how to use Critical Thinking to enhance your leadership skills.

Post 1: Using what you have read this week, reflect on and answer the following questions about the scenario below in 150 words. You will use the provided links in Weeks 1 and 2 and your research from the institution databases (no Google, Bing, etc searches) to define leadership. You will include this research at the bottom of your initial post, in MLA format, to avoid plagiarism.

Real-Life Scenario:

You met Adrianna in high school and were fast friends from the start. You both went to college and then decided to take a break from school to get married and earn some money. Now, after several years, you both decided to return to to earn your nursing degrees. You noticed that Adrianna was extra tired one day because her twins were sick and her husband was deployed. She complained to you about the amount of schoolwork she had left to do and did not know how she would manage. She talked about quitting. You tried to encourage her, but she still seemed overwhelmed. A few weeks later, you noticed a change in Adrianna’s behavior: she had all her discourse forums completed by Monday, as well as her papers for English and Leadership 201. You asked her how she managed to get her work done so early in the week while taking care of her family and work. She shared that she had been using Chat GPT to do her writing and since she started using it, she has been earning high grades. She is planning to continue to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help with her writing assignments, but only for non-nursing classes. Adrianna stated that since her core courses do not really help her to become a better nurse, she believes it is acceptable to use AI to complete assignments.

Based on your knowledge of the Institution core values, the honor code, and your own ethics, what are your thoughts about the use of AI to complete schoolwork? Considering your student leadership style, how would you handle what Adrianna shared with you? Please explain why the use of AI is positive or negative for use with college work, including possible consequences and/or benefits.

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