Critically evaluate your organisation’s employee brand and make recommendations on how this can be improved to ensure a more compelling employee value proposition is offered, securing an enhanced r

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In recent months, the UK has seen record levels of job vacancies across a variety of sectors. Recent CIPD research has found that three quarters of UK employers are reporting hard-to-fill vacancies, whilst globally, it is reported that employers are heading for a talent shortage perfect storm attributed to the ‘Great Resignation’, remnants of the pandemic, low levels of unemployment and an increasing need for new skills.

Attracting and retaining talent is becoming increasingly difficult and, as a result, has moved further up the people management agenda as organisations struggle to remain competitive. In response to this situation, you recognise the need to review your organisation’s resourcing and talent strategy. (For the purpose of this assessment you can either focus on your own organisation or one with which you are familiar.) To achieve this, you need to address the following:



Critically evaluate your organisation’s employee brand and make recommendations on how this can be improved to ensure a more compelling employee value proposition is offered, securing an enhanced reputation for the organisation in the labour market. (AC 1.4)


Critically analyse how technologies can be utilised to improve employee selection, drawing upon examples to illustrate. (AC 2.3)


Recommend two interventions that could be designed to improve the retention of staff, justifying why they are appropriate to your organisation. (AC 3.3)


Drawing upon research evidence, provide a justified argument for the adoption of collaborative as opposed to punitive approaches to managing and enhancing employee performance. (AC 4.1)


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