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  • Your organization, the Grand City Medical Center, has secured a deal to merge with a smaller hospital, City Memorial, located in a neighboring town. Your informatics team is

    The skills required to conduct assessments and make recommendations that lead to improved outcomes are fundamental to your role as a nurse. Can the same be said for your role as a database designer, manager, or end-user?

    In a word, yes. Regardless of your level of interaction with a database system, your assessments and recommendations can lead to design enhancements that improve functionality, improve the quality or integrity of data, and strengthen data security.

    In this Assignment, you consider elements that might be appropriate for a database system assessment. You also recommend strategies for approaching data and network security.

    Review this scenario:

    Your organization, the Grand City Medical Center, has secured a deal to merge with a smaller hospital, City Memorial, located in a neighboring town. Your informatics team is tasked with analyzing the EMR system that City Memorial has in place and reviewing the data security, policies for ensuring that the data is secure, and the facility’s network security. You will compile your findings in a report presented to the chief information officer next week.

    To prepare:

    ·        Review the Learning Resources.

    ·        Review the scenario.

    ·        Search for two articles in the Walden Library related to best practices for data security and network security.

    ·        Walden Library recommends the following:

    o   Start with the Nursing Research DatabasesLinks to an external site. in the Walden Library. For some of the more technical research topics, also consider using the Information Systems & TechnologyLinks to an external site. databases. Try more than one database as needed.

    o   Perform a basic search with one of the concepts presented.

    §  Use quotation marks around a phrase like “data mining”
    Do not select any limiters yet.

    o   Look at results, especially the title and subject words to see related concepts and terms to add to your search.

    o   Use or between related words, which means either term is acceptable. Example: machine learning or artificial intelligence

    o    Add a second concept in Box 2 to focus your search. It helps to keep concepts separate, especially when multiple boxes are provided.

    o   Try adding healthcare as a separate concept, particularly if you are using an information systems database.

    o   Refine your results depending on what you find. Don’t be afraid to try other words or combinations of words to get a sizeable hitlist. Then you can apply limits.

    o   Limits: Scroll down in the left column to limit by date (last 5 years) and limit the results to peer-reviewed scholarly journals only. It helps to do this after you know you have performed a successful search and identified possible synonyms and sub-topics.

    o   To retrieve the full text of individual items, click on the Find@Walden button and follow the prompts. Sometimes this step takes persistence, since there are so many different publishers supplying content to these databases.

    o    Ask a LibrarianLinks to an external site. if you need help!

    ·        Reflect on policies that you may have encountered in your own nursing practice or those you have found in your research.

    ·        Analyze challenges with and consider solutions for merging database systems.

    ·        Consider how these topics and best practices are related to healthcare institutions in general.

    Assignment (3- to 5-page paper):

    ·       Based on the scenario above, identify the items that you would include in your assessment and explain why.

    ·       Describe the policies that you would expect to find.

    ·       Explain the network security challenges faced when facilities and database systems are merged.

    ·       Recommend two strategies for securing data and the network. Be specific and provide examples.

    ·       Analyze the relationship between best practices for securing data and healthcare institutions. Be specific and provide examples.


  • ATHE L7 Unit 1: Corporate Reporting for Strategic Business Assignment

    Assignment Scenario

    You are employed as a financial accountant for a medium-sized accounting firm in your local area. You have worked for the firm for the last five years and had very positive feedback from your line manager and clients.

    The firm has recently been reorganised and a number of vacancies have arisen for new departmental managers. You have decided to apply for one of the new management posts. As part of the selection process, you have to demonstrate your skills and ability and are required to submit a portfolio of evidence to the firm’s partners that demonstrates your abilities.

    You have decided to complete the following tasks to include in your portfolio of evidence.

    Task 1

    You have decided to use the Annual Report of an international business, and any other supporting documentation, to write a report on how fundamental ethical and professional principles in relation to accounting standards and corporate reporting have been applied and the appropriateness of the financial reporting framework. You are free to decide upon which Annual Report you will use for this task.

    Your report must:

    • Explain the importance of professional behaviour and compliance with accounting standards
    • Analyse ethical requirements of corporate reporting
    • Assess the applications of the financial reporting framework
    • Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the financial reporting framework

    Extension activities

    To achieve a Merit, your resource guide must compare and contrast the reporting of financial performance of different entities.

    Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

    • LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2
    • LO2 AC 2.1, 2.2, 2M1

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    Task 2

    You have decided to use the Annual Report in Task 1, and any other relevant information, to provide an example of a report you would send to a client who has asked you to interpret and make recommendations in respect of the financial statements contained in the Annual Report. The client has requested that, in relation to their current shareholdings in the company, your recommendations take into account both financial considerations and their wish to invest in companies which promote sustainable business practices.

    Your report must:

    • Interpret financial statements using ratio analysis, cash flow and trend analyses
    • Make justified recommendations based on financial statement integration
    • Develop advice to the client regarding sustainability reporting, in particular, discussing the issue of double materiality

    Extension activities

    To achieve a Merit, your report must analyse solutions to current issues in financial reporting that may affect the interpretation of key financial statements.

    Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

    • LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4M1

    Task 3

    You have decided to prepare a practical business case study showing how to prepare financial statements for groups of entities. You should explain how the financial statements have been prepared and show workings for all of your calculations.

    Your case study must include:

    • Prepared group accounts including statements of cash flows
    • Prepared group accounts incorporating associates and joint arrangements
    • Prepared group accounts involving changes in group structures

    Extension activities

    To achieve a Merit, your case study must analyse the accounting requirements that relate to foreign transactions and entities.

    To achieve a Distinction, your case study must evaluate the need to prepare detailed financial statements when changes in a group structure occur.

    Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

    • LO3 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3M1, 3D1

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    Guidelines for assessors

    Work submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested evid ence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards. The command verbs contained within the AC are highlighted in bold in the suggested evidence boxes.

    Task 1 : LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2    LO2 AC 2.1, 2.2, 2M1

    Suggested evidence
    PASS: The learners must produce a report about fundamental ethical and professional principles in relation to accounting standards and corporate reporting and the applications of the financial reporting framework. Learners should make substantial use of the indicative content and ensure their work includes references to a real business organisation.

    AC1.1 Learners must explain the importance of professional behaviour and compliance with accounting standards including professional behaviour characteristics with practical examples, the requirements of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.

    AC1.2 Learners must analyse ethical requirements of corporate
    reporting and the consequences of unethical behaviour.

    AC2.1 Learners must assess the applications of the financial reporting framework showing an understanding of different Accounting Bodies in different countries around the world, including AAT, ACCA, ICAEW, CIMA, CIPFA; and of accounting standards including IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements, IAS 2 Inventories, IAS 7 Statement of cash flows, IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates  nd errors, IAS 10 Events after the reporting period, IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment, IFRS 15
    Revenue, IAS 36 Impairment of assets, IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets, IAS 38 Intangible assets.

    AC2.2 Learners must discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the financial reporting framework as described in 2.1.

    Suggested additional evidence
    MERIT: 1M1 Learners must compare and contrast the reporting of financial
    performance of different entities. A range of different entities should be considered, for example:
    • Sole Traders
    • Partnerships
    • Private Limited
    • Public Limited Companies
    • Third Sector
    • Groups of Entities

    Task 2: LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4M1

    Suggested evidence
    PASS : The learners need to prepare a business report that demonstrates their ability to interpret financial statements and make justified recommendations for a business stakeholder, in this case a shareholder in a public limited company. Learners should use the published Annual Report of a public limited company. To ensure the authenticity of learner work, tutors are advised to ensure that individual learners choose different Annual Reports.

    AC4.1 Learners must interpret financial statements using ratio analysis, cash flow and trend analyses. When completing the task, the learners should ensure they include the calculation and interpretation of:
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Working capital ratios
    • Efficiency ratios
    • Resource utilisation ratios
    The learners must provide worked practical examples that analyse the rationale for using quantitative and qualitative measures to assess organisational performance and position.

    AC4.2 Learners must make justified recommendations based on the analysis they have carried out.

    AC4.3 Learners must provide an assessment of the sustainable business practices exhibited in the business’s operations and advise the client regarding sustainability Unit 1 Corporate Reporting for Strategic Business Assignment v1.0 15/01/24 reporting. In particular, they should discuss the issue of double materiality

    Suggested additional evidence
    MERIT: 4M1 Learners must analyse solutions to current issues in financial reporting that may affect the interpretation of key financial statements.

    Task 3: LO3 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3M1, 3D1

    Suggested evidence
    PASS : The learners need to prepare a case study showing how to prepare financial statements for groups of entities and explaining how the financial statements have been prepared showing workings for all calculations.

    AC3.1, AC3.2 & AC3.3 The case study must include prepared group accounts including statements of cash flows, incorporating associates and joint arrangements, and involving changes in group structures.

    Tutors should provide the financial data used in the preparation of the financial statements.
    Financial statements should be prepared with reference to the relevant accounting standards including but not limited to:
    • IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements
    • IAS 2 Inventories
    • IAS 7 Statement of cash flows
    • IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
    • IAS 10 Events after the reporting period
    • IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment
    • IAS 18 Revenue
    • IAS 36 Impairment of assets
    • IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
    • IAS 38 Intangible assets.

    Suggested additional evidence
    MERIT: 3M1 Learners must analyse the accounting requirements that relate to foreign transactions and entities.

    Suggested additional evidence
    DISTINCTION: 3D1 Learners must evaluate the need to prepare detailed financial statements when changes in a group structure occur.

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  • Law Assignment Questions Critical Legal Analysis & Solutions


    1. The Rule of Law principle means that citizens, the government and Istitutions are subject to the law, and the law should be applied equally’ Based on the statement above, discuss the functioning process of the rule of law principle among the three arms of government.

    2. ⁠ The rule of law principle remains a tool used by the courts to protect fundamental freedoms and civil liberties in the UK’. Using relevant examples, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.

    3. ⁠Parliamentary sovereignty has been challenged by other arms of government, thereby raising questions about the sanctity of this principle. Using relevant examples, discuss the extend to which you agree with this statement.

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    4. ⁠Analyse the case of Costa v Enel 1964 ecr 585, and discuss its impacts on parliamentary sovereignty and supremacy of Eu Law.

    The maximul word count for all answers is 3000 words. You have the discretion to divide the maximum word count amoung your four questions. Your critical analysis must be evidence based and supported with the law and other relevant supporting authorities. You have to include references at the final: bibliography, case laws etc

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  • CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma Key Assessment Questions

    Task – Questions:

    To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of questions below, making appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and Illustrate key points.

    1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both a divisional structure and a matrix structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning each structure. (AC 1.1)

    2. Analyse the extent to which the organisational strategy in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) helps to ensure products or services meet customers’ needs. (AC 1.2)

    3. Analyse the current impact of interest rates, inflation and one other external factor on your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). Identify organisational priorities arising from your analysis. (AC 1.3)

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    4. In February 2024, Peter Cheese, current CEO of CIPD stated, “Al is transforming jobs. careers and workplaces. People professionals have a key role to play in encouraging safe experimentation and rapid learning, so that we can reap the benefits and mitigate the risks.” Assess the extent that Al is, or could be, used in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and assess how Al impacts work. (AC 1.4)

    5. Explain Charles Handy’s model of organisational culture and explain David Rock’s SCARF theory. (AC 2.1)

    6. Assess how employee selection or employee development impacts organisational culture and behaviour in your organisation for one with which you are familiar). (AC 2.2)

    7. An organisation is planning a change relating to hybrid working. Many employees moved to home working during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst this approach worked well at the time, the organisation now wants all employees to work at least two days a week on site. Explain how Kotter’s approach to managing change could be used to successfully Implement this change. (AC 2.3)

    8. Using the Kubler-Ross change curve, discuss how change is experienced. (AC 2.4)

    9. The CIPD’s Health and wellbeing at work survey 2023 found the percentage of organisations that have a standalone wellbeing strategy has risen from 40% in 2018 to 53% in 2023. Although the percentage has increased, this means that 47% of organisations do not have a standalone wellbeing strategy. Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and assess how good work could impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5)

    10. Provide a brief overview of the employee lifecycle and discuss people practice roles at the recruitment, development and separation stages of the lifecycle. (AC 3.1)

    • Version 1 Released June 2024
    • Expires June 2025
    • Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    11. Analyse how people practice supports organisational strategy through vertical integration and how people practice supports wider people strategies through horizontal integration. (AC 3.2)

    12. An organisation is planning to introduce a four-day working week. Discuss the processes the people function could use to consult and engage with managers and employees to understand their needs when moving from a five-day to four-day working week. (AC 3.3)

    Your evidence must consist of:

    Written answers to the assessment questions (approximately 4550 words, refer to CIPD word count policy).

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  • Key Research Policies and Funding Models at University of Strathclyde


    1. Describe the key research policies for UK (demonstrate a broad understanding of different factors impacting on the research activities within university of Strathclyde)

      1.2 Outline the funding models available for research and explain the differences between them

    2.  Explain the implications of that policy for university of Strathclyde Scotland Analyse the implications that the key research and funding policies might have on university of Strathclyde
    3.  Understand how to identify and disseminate information relevant to the university
      3.1 Describe how to keep up to date with changes in research policy
      3.2 Explain how to identify information relevant to university of Strathclyde, such as mapping research expertise
      3.3 Describe different ways you might communicate that information

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  • MP3395 Turbocharger Performance Evaluation and System Analysis CW2 Assessment, AY2024-25

    Turbocharger Performance

    This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need to prepare, and information on how class sessions support your ability to complete successfully. This should be used in addition to the information provided by the module lead welcome event and additional coursework guidance sessions on Blackboard. You’ll also find information on this page to guide you on how, where, and when to submit. If you need additional support, please make a note of the services detailed in this document.

    Assessment Weight:

    CW2 is worth 40% of the overall grade as per the module descriptor.

    Additional Support Available

    All links are available through the online Student Hub:

    1. Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub or via your subject librarian at
      SubjectLibrarians@uclan.ac.uk or
    2. Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical thinking, and referencing) is available through
      WISER on the Study Skills section of the Student Hub.
    3. For help with Turnitin, see Blackboard and Turnitin Support on the Student Hub.
    4. If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, and have not yet advised us, or would like to review your support,
      Inclusive Support can assist with reasonable adjustments and support.
      To find out more, you can visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.
    5. For mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our
      online referral form,
      or email wellbeing@uclan.ac.uk.
      You can also call 01772 893020, attend a drop-in, or visit our
      UCLan Wellbeing Service Student Hub pages for more information.
    6. For any other support query, please contact Student Support via
    7. For consideration of Academic Integrity, please refer to detailed guidelines in our policy document.
      All assessed work should be genuinely your own work, and all resources fully cited.
    8. For advice on the use of Artificial Intelligence, please refer to
      Categories of AI tools guidance.

    For this assignment you are permitted to use:

    • Translation Software
    • Paraphrasing Tools
    • AI for proofing only

    Preparing for your assignment:

    Refer to the Module Information Pack to understand the Learning Outcomes and Marking Criteria.

    DO NOT USE GENERATIVE AI TOOLS! This will be detected and heavily penalised.

    Assessment Pack Contents
    1. Checklist of things to do before submission
    2. Introduction
    3. Submission details
    4. Detailed assignment brief
    5. Teaching into assessment
    6. Sample of successful assignment
    7. Learning outcomes
    8. Marking grid/marking rubric
    9. Information on Artificial Intelligence that student may use in this assessment


    Part 1: Checklist for Preparing Assignment

    Below are some useful checklists to ensure you are preparing in the right way:

    • Watched guidance on “Referencing your work”
    • Downloaded REFWorks, Used IEEE style?
    • Checked units
    • Checked Word count
    • Used equation editor
    • Cited the relevant Learning outcomes in the report?
    • Removed all parts of the template explaining how to write the report?
    • Read the “Rubric” on Blackboard explaining the feedback and marking of the report?
    • Seen sample report by IET on Blackboard
    • Used the IET style for labelling figures and tables
    • Watched “How to write your report” on Blackboard Welcome page
    • High quality images used (Edit/remove ALT Text in pasted images in Word1)
    • Is my Conclusion readable independent of the entire report?
    • Did I use and present CAD using a standard2 (e.g. BS888, ISO128) , and cited,?
    • Did I checking spellings and grammars?  3


    This assignment is structured that students show evidence for partial fulfilment of the following module learning outcomes:

    [LO1] Structured and informed design and development of engineering
    systems through the application of scientific principles and methodology to a
    variety of systems
    [LO2] Apply mathematical and engineering principles as either a part or the
    whole of the analysis and evaluation of the performance of a variety of
    engineering systems and processes quantifying the limitations of the modelling
    [LO3] Apply a systems approach to engineering problems to classify, analyse
    and evaluate the performance of systems and components through the use of modelling techniques

    Instruction for Degree Apprentices Only – KSBs
    It is additionally required of you to reflect on meeting the Knowledge, Skills and Behavioural learning outcomes for the module (also known as the KSBs) – see APPENDIX CW 1B. This reflection is to be included as “citations” in the report where they are met. You should write a short reflective narrative as an Appendix to your report. This reflective narration practice is in line with your preparation for your End Point Assessment (EPA).

    Part 3: Background/Introduction

    Turbochargers (Fig. 1) are integral to modern engineering, enhancing engine power and efficiency by increasing the density of intake air to allow for greater fuel combustion. In addressing contemporary challenges, turbochargers contribute to reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency, aligning with global environmental standards across automotive, marine, and power generation applications.

    This coursework enables students to apply scientific principles and structured design methods to analyse turbocharged systems [LO1]. By utilising T-s diagrams, turbocharger compressor maps, analytical (0D and/or 1D models) students/learners will apply mathematical and engineering principles to evaluate key performance parameters, such as efficiency, airflow, and pressure ratios, while understanding the limitations of modelling in real-world applications [LO2]. A systems-based approach will be used to classify and evaluate the turbocharger’s performance characteristics, leveraging models to understand operational boundaries like surge and choke [LO3]. This foundational understanding prepares students to design and evaluate turbocharged systems effectively, integrating both theoretical and practical knowledge for contemporary engineering challenges.

    Schematic of a Turbo charger (highlighted component)

    Schematic of a Turbo charger (highlighted component)


    A testbench data from a manufacturer produced the compressor map in Fig. 2. The
    turbocharger has a maximum speed of 15,000 rpm. One set of the tests that produced
    the map was at 50%, 71%, 87% and 100% of the maximum speeds at varied
    compressor isentropic efficiency (𝜂∞,𝑐) in the range 50% < 𝜂∞,𝑐 < 100%. Your main
    goal is to evaluate the performance of the turbocharger over a range of operations.
    These data should allow you to carry out a set of analyses in a parametric manner to
    discuss the performance of the turbocharger. You will be expected to make (but state
    clearly with justifications) reasonable assumptions in your analyses. Use the gas
    properties in Table 1 in your analyses.

    Table 1: Gas cycle properties
    Turbine Compressor
    Specific heats at constant pressure, 𝑐𝑝 1.005 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾 1.150 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾
    Polytropic indices, γ 1.41 1.35

    As part of your tasks, you will be expected to do a limited critical review of literature to support your analyses as part of your technical report. The format/structure for the report is given in Appendix.

    : Compressor map for Turbocharger performance

    Fig. 2: Compressor map

    Indicative Report Tasks4 and expected report layout. Use the provided



    [Add an abstract here summarizing the report’s objectives, methods, results, and conclusions]

    1. Introduction

    Introduce the coursework (200-750 words). Your introduction must lead on to the methodology section of the report.
    The reports in the citations [1-3] show a good layout of contents. See some relevant papers to turbocharger design [5,6].
    You can cover topics such as, but not limited to: contemporary issues in turbocharger designs, turbocharger mapping,
    non-dimensional numbers, high-performance engines (e.g., F1, Diesel, Light Aircrafts), supercharging, EGR, standards,
    manufacturing (if you work in the automotive industry include challenges relevant to your industry), SDG, etc.

    2. Method

    2.1 Analytical Method

    Describe your analytical method/equations that form the basis of your parametric analysis.

    2.2 Solution Method

    Explain your modeling approach.

    3. Results

    Describe your results and the meaning of your results. This section can include several sub-sections as needed.

    3.1 Title

    [Description of specific results]

    3.2 Parametric Analyses

    3.2.1 Effect of xxx on yyy

    [Analysis details]

    3.2.2 [Additional Subsections]

    [Additional analysis details]

    4. Conclusion

    Draw your conclusions from the work.


    Add any other documents or details to help make this report clearer.

    KSB Reflection (Degree Apprentices Only)

    [Include a reflection section for Degree Apprentices]


    Cite high-quality references and use IEEE style only. A minimum of 15 citations is expected.


    APPENDIX CW 1B: Degree Apprenticeship Learning Outcomes
    [K] Incropera

    APPENDIX CW 1A: Referencing style

    [1] Incropera FP, Lavine AS, Bergman TL, DeWitt DP. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. Wiley; 2007.

    [2] Peles Y, Koşar A, Mishra C, Kuo CJ, Schneider B. Forced convective heat transfer across a pin fin micro heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Aug 1;48(17):3615-27.

    [3] Tigges KD, Klauke F, Bergins C, Busekrus K, Niesbach J, Ehmann M, Kuhr C, Hoffmeister F, Vollmer B, Buddenberg T, Wu S. Conversion of existing coal-fired power plants to oxyfuel combustion: Case study with experimental results and CFD-simulations. Energy Procedia. 2009 Feb 1;1(1):549-56.

    [4] Yu JC, Li ZX, Zhao TS. An analytical study of pulsating laminar heat convection in a circular tube with constant heat flux. International journal of heat and mass transfer. 2004 Nov 1;47(24):5297-301.

    [5] Tancrez M, Galindo J, Guardiola C, Fajardo P, Varnier OL. Turbine adapted maps for turbocharger engine matching. Experimental thermal and fluid science. 2011 Jan 1;35(1):146-53.

    [6] Moraal P, Kolmanovsky I. Turbocharger modeling for automotive control applications. SAE Technical Paper; 1999 Mar 1.

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  • OTHM Level 5 Partnership Working Skills in Health and Social Care Assignment Brief

    Unit Aims

    The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the underpinning skills and knowledge required to develop productive and new partnership working opportunities within their own and other organisations.

    Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

    Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    1. Understand the features of partnership working. 1.1 Describe key elements of partnership working with:

    • External organisations
    • Other practitioners
    • Colleagues
    • The individual
    • Families
    1.2 Evaluate the importance of partnership working with:

    • External organisations
    • Other practitioners
    • Colleagues
    • The individual
    • Families
    1.3 Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working.
    1.4 Explain how to deal with conflict that may occur in partnership working.
    2. Understand how to establish and maintain working relationships with others. 2.1 Evaluate procedures for effective working relationships with others.
    2.2 Analyse common objectives used when working with others within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities.
    3. Understand how to evaluate partnership working. 3.1 Explain the contribution learners can make to enhance partnership working.
    3.2 Evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to partnership working.
    3.3 Describe ways to improve own practice in relation to partnership working.
    3.4 Explain how to review the effectiveness of partnership working in achieving the agreed outcomes of working together.
    4. Know how to work with others to support organisational innovation and growth. 4.1 Describe aspects of an organisation that are no longer effective in providing a person-centred service.
    4.2 Explain how to work with others to identify opportunities for growth and development, or redesign, as a service and a business.
    4.3 Describe how to maintain a culture that supports innovation, change and growth in relation to the service provided.
    4.4 Describe how to maintain a culture that recognises the resources available in the expertise of those using or working in the service.
    4.5 Explain the importance of entrepreneurial skills in ensuring that the market is able to meet future demand for adult care services.

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    Unit Title: Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
    Task 1 of 3

    Unit Learning Outcomes LO 1 Understand the features of partnership working.
    Task Assessment Criteria to be covered 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4
    Assignment Brief and Guidance Partnership working in health and social care brings together separate organisations so that they can benefit from pooled expertise, resources, and power sharing. The goal of a partnership is to enhance the efficiency and quality of service provision.

    For this task, you are required to write an essay about the features of partnership working. The essay should include:

    • Part A: A mind map of the partnerships involved in service delivery for a selected health/social care provider. This mind map may take the form of a diagram or written account.
    • Part B: A description of key elements of partnership working with:
      • External organisations
      • Other practitioners
      • Colleagues
      • The individual
      • Families
    • Part C: An evaluation of the importance of partnership working with:
      • External organisations
      • Other practitioners
      • Colleagues
      • The individual
      • Families
    • Part D: An explanation of how to overcome barriers to partnership working.
    • Part E: An explanation of how to deal with conflict that may occur in partnership working.
    Delivery and Submission The submission is in the form of an essay written in Word format. The recommended word limit is 1000 words excluding diagrams, references, and appendices.
    Referencing You are expected to use relevant academic and reliable sources, and clearly reference these in your work. References should be added to the text and placed at the end in a references list, using Harvard Referencing style.


    Unit Title: Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
    Task 2 of 3

    Unit Learning Outcomes LO 2 Understand how to establish and maintain working relationships with others.
    LO 3 Understand how to evaluate partnership working.
    Task Assessment Criteria to be covered 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2; 3.3, 3.4
    Assignment Brief and Guidance It is essential that you work in partnership with other professionals, volunteers, and carers in order to provide the best possible care. This includes paid and unpaid workers as well as friends and family. Each person in the partnership has a role to play.

    For this task, you are required to write an essay about working relationships in health and social care. The essay should:

    • Evaluate procedures for effective working relationships with others.
    • Analyse common objectives used when working with others within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities.
    • Explain the contribution learners can make to enhance partnership working.
    • Evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to partnership working.
    • Describe ways to improve own practice in relation to partnership working.
    • Explain how to review the effectiveness of partnership working in achieving the agreed outcomes of working together.
    Delivery and Submission The submission is in the form of an essay written in Word format. The recommended word limit is 1000 words excluding diagrams, references, and appendices.
    Referencing You are expected to use relevant academic and reliable sources, and clearly reference these in your work. References should be added to the text and placed at the end in a references list, using Harvard Referencing style.

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    Unit Title: Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
    Task 3 of 3

    Unit Learning Outcome LO 4 Know how to work with others to support organisational innovation and growth
    Task Assessment Criteria to be covered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
    Assignment Brief and Guidance You are tasked with reviewing the current market in relation to extending organisational service provision. You are required to prepare a summary management report.

    Your report should:

    • Describe aspects of an organisation that are no longer effective in providing a person-centred service.
    • Explain how to work with others to identify opportunities for growth and development, or redesign, as a service and a business.
    • Describe how to maintain a culture that supports innovation, change and growth in relation to the service provided.
    • Describe how to maintain a culture that recognises the resources available in the expertise of those using or working in the service.
    • Explain the importance of entrepreneurial skills in ensuring that the market is able to meet future demand for adult care services.
    Delivery and Submission The submission is in the form of a management report written in Word format. The recommended word limit is 1000 words excluding diagrams, references, and appendices.
    Referencing You are expected to use relevant academic and reliable sources, and clearly reference these in your work. References should be added to the text and placed at the end in a references list, using Harvard Referencing style.

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  • What is the primary goal of a criminal investigation? How does it contribute to the overall criminal justice process? Discuss the key differences between criminal investigations

    What is the primary goal of a criminal investigation? How does it contribute to the overall criminal justice process? Discuss the key differences between criminal investigations conducted by law enforcement agencies and those conducted by private investigators. Orthmann, C.H., Hess, K.M., Cho, H.L., & Cho, J.M. (2023). Criminal Investigation. 13th ed. Boston, MA. Cengage

  • State and discuss the specific legal issues that arise in the above scenario. Advice Death Star Group, Ltd about the convenience of disclosing the risk and financial impact information investors are requesting

    Module Code: GMDGBS206

    Module Title: International Business Law

    Written assignment (scenarios) : 3000 words

    The Summative Assessment will be composed by three scenarios that will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of analysis of corporate internationalisation and the challenges of operating across borders.

    Part 1: The below scenarios will align with Learning Outcomes 1 & 2 (you are expected to write a maximum of 1500 words):

    1.a. Ellie, who lives in Paris, emailed Memoona -an acquaintance who owns an art gallery in London- a picture of an old painting which was left to her by her grandmother, who also lived in London. Ellie is interested in selling the painting as soon as possible. Memoona thinks that it might be by Rembrandt but is not sure. Memoona offers £5,000 for the painting. Ellie, who will travel to London that week, sends a text message accepting Memoona’s offer, to be paid in exchange for the painting next week. The evening before the transaction occur, Ellie shows the painting to Herve, who is an art critic. He recognises the painting and assures this is a Rembrandt. It may be worth up to £500,000. The following day Ellie refuses to hand it over to Memoona for the agreed price.

    State and discuss the specific legal issues in scenario that arise between Memoona and Ellie in the above transaction (1.a.).  

    1.b. Memoona decided to put on an art exhibition at the gallery, to be held on the 2nd of January 2022. She contracted with Eric Suppliers Ltd to install a new heating system, and to paint the entrance hall in the gallery, at a total cost of £10,000. Both works had to be completed by 27th December 2021. Eric completed the installation work by 26th December 2021 but could not complete the painting until the 1st January, 2022.

    As a result of Eric using the wrong type of paint, horrific toxic smells emanated through the main hall of the gallery. Memoona became furious, anxious, and extremely disappointed when she realised that it would be very difficult to hold the exhibition at her gallery. She phoned another gallery to find out if the exhibition could be held there instead.  She received no reply. She could have held the exhibition in the gallery basement but due to space restrictions there that would have meant she could have only accommodated some 50 guests (as opposed to the original 200 invited guests). Instead, she decided to cancel the whole exhibition.

                Based on the scenario;

      1. Memoona has refused to pay Eric because of the defective painting. Advise Eric of what to do using relevant legal principles.
      2. Memoona has now decided to sue Eric for the loss of income in the sum of £500,000 as a result of the cancellation of her exhibition. Advise Memoona of the specific legal issues in this matter and what may be the likely outcome.

    Part 2: The below scenarios will align with Learning Outcome 3 (you are expected to write a maximum of 750 words):

    Hiades Ltd, a UK based company, has developed a very innovative technological solution that unifies all the operative and administrative systems with an easy-to-use interface adapted to all pilotage requirements. The software is being used by several European Port Authorities. In Europe, software is usually copyrighted, but Hiades would like to expand to the USA. However, in the meantime, Hiades found that their software is being used by some companies without any license.

      1. Critically analyse the different types of protection for the software and advise Hiades how to obtain the best possible protection for their software worldwide.
      2. Advise Hiades about their options using relevant legal Intellectual Property principles.


      Part 3: The below scenarios will align with Learning Outcome 4 (you are expected to write a maximum of 750 words):

    Death Star Group, Ltd is a multinational company operating in the aerospace industry. While the company considers the carbon intensity of their business to be low, they have been publishing greenhouse gas emissions data for a number of years to meet regulatory requirements. At the last AGM, shareholders filed a resolution requesting that Death Star Group, Ltd disclose more information on the risks of climate change to their business and the financial impacts associated with these risks in the next annual report.

    As other companies in the aerospace sector have not disclosed this information, the company is concerned that publishing these figures will draw negative attention to the business, as they may be perceived to be more vulnerable in the market. The reporting team have also expressed concerns over the quality of the information you currently have available, as the company have not undertaken a specific climate risk assessment.

      1. State and discuss the specific legal issues that arise in the above scenario. Advice Death Star Group, Ltd about the convenience of disclosing the risk and financial impact information investors are requesting alongside its legal and reputational implications.
  • List of Multinational Companies Apple British Airways IKEA Uber Write a 2,500-word report for your chosen MNC that responds to the following: Identify the foundational concepts in strategic management and the different approaches to s

    Module Code : GBEN4004

    Module Title : Introduction to Strategic Management

    Individual Written Report : 2,500 words

    2500 Words | Mark 100%) (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4)

    Individual Report 

    Choose ONE organisation from the list of Multinational Companies (MNC’s) provided below:

    List of Multinational Companies

    • Apple
    • British Airways
    • IKEA
    • Uber

    Write a 2,500-word report for your chosen MNC that responds to the following:

    • Identify the foundational concepts in strategic management and the different approaches to strategy applied by your chosen company. Evaluate how the chosen strategy impacts the company’s decisions and activities. (1000 words)
    • Apply the different tools of strategic Analyse two (2) the external, internal factors and competitive environment of your chosen MNC and how your chosen company has responded to them. (1000 words).
    • Describe the strategic position of firms within the chosen industry of your particular organisation industry (300 words)
    • Explain how your chosen company can utilize data and information to create effective strategic options (200 words).