Instructions Graded Formative Summary of Knowledge Construction to this Point in the Semester: Please summarize the learning* and progress to competency in each objective you have built to this point (see list below). For each objective provide a summary of…
Author: admin
Clinical Paperwork Rubric Clinical Paperwork Rubric CriteriaRatingsPts This crit
Clinical Paperwork Rubric Clinical Paperwork Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSBAR 20 pts Exemplary Provides a comprehensive and well-organized SBAR report. Communicates relevant information clearly and concisely. 15 pts Proficient Demonstrates clear understanding and…
Preparing the AssignmentDownload the Week 3 Check-In: Course Project Part 1 Temp
Preparing the Assignment Download the Week 3 Check-In: Course Project Part 1 Template below. Save it to your computer as with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 W3 Check In.docx. Type directly in your saved template. Complete the Week…
To prepare for this Discussion: Review Chapter 9 of the Ravitch and Carl text
To prepare for this Discussion: Review Chapter 9 of the Ravitch and Carl text and Chapter 12 of the Rubin and Rubin text and consider the differences in coding, categories, and themes. Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found…
Attached are instructions and examples. I will also attach a screen recording of
Attached are instructions and examples. I will also attach a screen recording of the information you need to complete the map. PLEASE USE THE INFORMATION IN RED. As well as the paragraphs underneath to get a good description of the…
Directions for the students: There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to comp
Directions for the students: There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually, numbered 1 -4. Complete all with thorough, substantive responses. A reference is required for all answers individually associated with each answer, for…
Blow Us Away STI’s Usually, when instructors lecture about Sexually Transmitted
Blow Us Away STI’s Usually, when instructors lecture about Sexually Transmitted Infections during an in-person course, they talk about some surprising facts about STI’s in addition to the standard facts and photos about them. For this discussion forum, I want…
Comments from Customer Can you just review what the value proposition is. The in
Comments from Customer Can you just review what the value proposition is. The instructions are limited. A simple overview or explanation will do. The post Comments from Customer Can you just review what the value proposition is. The in appeared…
Even though social workers might think of a compelling research question and hav
Even though social workers might think of a compelling research question and have a desire to conduct research, this does not mean that the research is automatically supported by stakeholders or funded by an organization. To gain such approval, they…
Topic: Pediatric Conditions Affecting the Eyes, Mouth, and Gastrointestinal Syst
Topic: Pediatric Conditions Affecting the Eyes, Mouth, and Gastrointestinal System This week you are covering several areas, including pediatric management of eyes, oral disorders, and gastrointestinal conditions. You will be discussing pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical findings, diagnostics, differential diagnoses, and management…