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  • For this assignment, revise the Methods from the Research Report in PSY-452. You

    For this assignment, revise the Methods from the Research Report in PSY-452. You are required to keep the following sections: participants, materials/instruments/apparatuses, procedures, and design. As you make revisions to the Methods make sure to include the following information in each section:

    1. Introduction paragraph: Describe the need for additional research on your topic, which you found and pointed to at the end of the literature review. State the purpose of your study in a problem statement or hypothesis. Finally, write a thesis statement which describes what the purpose of this section of the paper is: to present the methods including participants, materials, procedures, and design, that will be used to conduct the study.
    2. Participants: In this section, you are only to focus on presenting the demographic of those who can participate in your study. You will also present any excluding factors that are not implied when stating who can participate. Be specific about any factors that would be included in the study (i.e. age, gender, race/ethnicity, SES, education level, etc.). Include how many participants you will need to conduct the study. Your sample size should be based upon how you plan to generalize the results. In other words, to whom would the results be applied?
    3. Materials/Instruments/Apparatuses: List all materials you will need to conduct your study. Do not discuss how they will be used, just state what you need (i.e. tables, chairs, a room, pencils, surveys, a computer to create surveys, send them out and store the data, etc.)
    4. Procedures: Make sure this section is written in detail. You will begin with providing informed consent and write detailed directions that you will follow (in paragraph format) to conduct this study. It should be so clearly written that another researcher could replicate your study.
    5. Design: Describe the design of your study (descriptive, correlational, qualitative, quantitative and/or experimental). Also, describe how participants are assigned to groups if applicable (i.e. within/between).
    6. Conclusion paragraph: Summarize the main points from the whole research proposal.
  • OverviewAs social workers, we need to be introspective. Journaling provides mean


    As social workers, we need to be introspective. Journaling provides meaningful self-reflection – a creative path of self-discovery, capturing ideas, feelings, and behavior in unique ways. Your journal will only be read by your instructor.


    Dr. Nadine Burke Harris quotes Dr. Robert Block, the former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in arguing, “Adverse childhood experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat.” Unfortunately, governmental and agency policies lag behind our understanding.

    • Review Child Traumatic Stress: What Every Policymaker Should Know
    • Here is the link in case you have a hard time opening it https://www.nctsn.org/resources/child-traumatic-stress-what-every-policymaker-should-know
    • Based on your reading, the videos in MyClasses, and Review Child Traumatic Stress: What Every Policymaker Should Know, formulate a brief response to a policymaker explaining the relationship betweeACEs, toxic stress, development and attachment..

    Please ensure that your journal posting is free from grammatical and spelling errors. You will be graded on your writing organization and mechanics.

  • To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources related

    To prepare for this Discussion:

    • Review this week’s Learning Resources related to qualitative interviewing.
    • Consider the phone interview you conducted in Week 7.
      • Listen to your recording 2–3 times.
      • Review the notes you took during and after the interview.
      • Consider how this experience is different or similar to a conventional conversation.

    Post your reflection and analysis on what you learned about interviewing. Include in your reflection and analysis:

    • At least two things you would do differently and why
    • Something new and surprising that you learned
    • A reflection about the value of interviewing as a data collection tool

    Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

  • To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources related t

    To prepare for this Discussion:

    Review this week’s Learning Resources related to codes and coding.

    • Consider the similarities and differences in the data collected from your interview and from the transcripts of the Scholars of Change videos.
    • Consider the other data collection methods you studied (focus groups, reviews of documents and social media; and your own memos and notes).
    • Review your Major Assignment 1, paying attention to the alignment between your research question and considerations for data collection.

    Post a response to the following:

    • From the data you collected and other data collection methods you studied, compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of at least two data collection methods. Include an explanation of your experience using these different data collection methods. Also, include an explanation of what you found difficult or challenging and why.
    • Explain how you as the researcher can ensure that your choices for data collection align with your research questions. Use your experience from Major Assignment 1 as an example.

    Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

  • To prepare for this Assignment: Review the Major Assignment 1: Developing a R

    To prepare for this Assignment:

    • Review the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.
    • Incorporate your Instructor’s feedback from week 4 Parts 1 and 2 submission.  Please indicate the new material by highlighting the new or revised text in Parts 1 and 2.
    • Update your Annotated Bibliography to include any new articles you have read since Week 4 that would be appropriate to include.
    • Continue on to Part 3 and finalize this section for your final submission. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines to format your paper.
    • Based on your understanding of social change, write one paragraph to describe how the results of your study might contribute to making a difference at a local/community, regional, or national level.
    • Finalize your Annotated Bibliography. Use the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.
    • Finalize your References section of your paper. Use the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.

    Submit Parts 1, 2, 3, the Annotated Bibliography, and the References section of your final Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Research Study. 

  • The ethical issues presentation will address an ethical issue associated with the practice of nursing. The issue selected for discussion should have clearly identifiable pros and cons that, when analyzed, will allow the student to form a defensible position related to the issue. Principles from identified codes of ethics

    Quiz Assignment Content

    Ethical Issue PowerPoint Presentation

    The ethical issues presentation will address an ethical issue associated with the practice of nursing. The issue selected for discussion should have clearly identifiable pros and cons that, when analyzed, will allow the student to form a defensible position related to the issue. Principles from identified codes of ethics should be examined in relation to the issue and position. The PowerPoint presentation should have from 12 to15 slides without counting reference and title pages
    The student should address the following:
    1. Define the scope of the ethical issue.
    2. Examine the scope of the issue as it relates to nursing and principles identified in codes of ethics.
    3. Identify at least 2 positions taken on this issue by scholarly experts in the ethics discipline.
    4. Explore the future for the issue as it relates to nursing practice.

    Grading Criteria for the Ethical Issue Essay:
    Definition and scope of the ethical issue 20%
    Scope of the issue related to the nursing profession 20%
    Positions on the issue by scholarly experts 20%
    Exploration of the future for the issue related to
    healthcare and nursing practice 20%
    Organization and presentation skills 20%
    Total 100%

    select one of these topics
    Possible Topics for Ethical Issues Presentation
    In vitro fertilization
    Surrogate mothers Donor eggs for profit Selecting sex of offspring
    Uses for extra embryos from in vitro fertilization Childbearing after menopause
    Condom distribution in highs schools
    Elective abortion
    Use of monies to fund abortion for the indigent Abortion without parental consent for adolescents Transplantation of fetal tissue
    Mandatory HIV testing for all pregnant women
    Child abuse charges for knowingly exposing fetus to harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and environmental teratogens
    Aggressive management of very premature, very low-birth weight babies
    Blind testing newborns for HIV infections
    Short hospital stay post-mastectomy or other radical surgery Prophylactic surgery as a means of preventing reproductive cancers
    Hormone replacement therapy post-menopause Assisted suicide
    Organ donation
    End-of-life issues such as living wills, power of attorney, do-not- resuscitate orders
    Stem cell research
    Other topics as approved by faculty

  • Instructions For this assignment, you review this week’s Learning Resources and then perform a two-sample independent t test and an ANOVA related to the dataset that was utilized in the week 2 SPSS application assignment. Import the data into SPSS; or, if you correctly saved the data file in Week 2, y

    PUBH 6033—Week 7 Assignment 1
    Comparing two means: When drink drove a student to statistics
    (Rubric included)

    For this assignment, you review this week’s Learning Resources and then perform a two-sample independent t test and an ANOVA related to the dataset that was utilized in the week 2 SPSS application assignment. Import the data into SPSS; or, if you correctly saved the data file in Week 2, you may open and use that saved file to complete this assignment. Type your answers to all questions directly into the worksheet, and paste the required output at the end of this document.

    Submit this Application Assignment by Day 7.

    Research Scenario

    A study was conducted to determine if a walking plus strength training exercise program results in a significantly greater increase in aerobic capacity as compared to a walking only exercise program. Participants are randomly selected and then randomly assigned to one of the exercise groups. Participants’ aerobic endurance was assessed at the beginning of the study and, again, after 6-months of exercise.

    Coding for study variables:
    • AGE—age in years
    • SEX—1 =male, 2=female
    • EXERCISE—1= walking and strength training; 2 = walking;
    • CHNG_ENDUR—change in maximal oxygen uptake (liters per minute) from pre-test to post-test
    Note: Save all of your SPSS output. You will paste copies in Steps 7–9, below.

    Step 1: Review this week’s Learning Resources.

    Step 2: Import the Microsoft Excel data file provided in this week’s Learning Resources into SPSS (or open saved file from Week 2 Application Assignment).

    Step 3: Run and save the Codebook for your SPSS data file

    Step 4: Conduct an independent samples t test to determine if there is a difference between the exercise type 1 in terms of changes in maximal oxygen uptake. Note that the independent variable is EXERCISE, and the dependent variable is CHNG_ENDUR. For this analysis, choose a two-tailed test of significance.
    Step 5: Conduct a between-subjects ANOVA to determine if there is a difference between sex (males vs. females) and CHNG_ENDUR. Note that the independent variable is SEX, and the dependent variable is CHNG_ENDUR. For this analysis, choose a two-tailed test of significance.

    Step 6: Review your SPSS output and answer each of the following questions:

    QUESTION type answers below Score (to be entered by instructor)
    From the independent samples t-test output:
    1. What is the mean CHNG_ENDUR for group 1? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    2. What is the CHNG_ ENDUR standard deviation for group 1? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    3. What is the mean CHNG_ENDUR for group 2? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    4. What is the CHNG_ ENDUR standard deviation for group 2? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    5. What is the value of the t statistic (equal variances assumed)? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    6. What is the probability that the obtained t statistic was simply due to chance as opposed to actual exercise type differences [see “Sig (two-tailed)” on output]? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    7. Are the results statistically significant at alpha = 0.05 (yes or no)? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    8. Based on the results, do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    From the ANOVA output:
    9. What is the mean CHNG_ENDUR for males? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    10. What is the CHNG_ENDUR standard deviation for males? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    11. What is the mean CHNG_ENDUR for females? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    12. What is the CHNG_ENDUR standard deviation for females? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    13. What is the calculated F-value? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    14. What is the probability (noted as “Sig” on output) that the obtained F-value was simply due to chance as opposed to actual gender differences? ________________ ____ / 3 points
    Step 7: Paste the SPSS Codebook output below.

    Step 8: Paste the independent samples t-test output below.

    Step 9: Paste the ANOVA output below.

    Section below (scoring) is to be completed by Instructor

    Scoring Rubric for Week 2 Assignment 1—Hands on SPSS (60 points)

    14 questions (worth 3 points each)
    ____ / 42 points possible

    SPSS Output

    Three SPSS outputs (6 points each) ____ / 18 points possible

    Initial Score (60 possible points):
    Timeliness Factor (late points deducted):
    Total Score (60 possible points):
    Instructor comments:

  • Module 02 Content The CEO of Pearl Incorporated has requested a meeting to address documentation and processes. You have been tasked to review all activity in your department before the meeting. You are onl

    Module 02 Content
    The CEO of Pearl Incorporated has requested a meeting to address documentation and processes. You have been tasked to review all activity in your department before the meeting.

    You are only in your second week on the job but discover that the documentation is severely outdated and lacking in content. Upon review, the following areas have no documentation on record:

    Configuration Management
    Change Management
    Asset management
    Service Request Fulfillment
    Operational Level Agreement
    Service Level Agreement
    Prepare a presentation for the CEO, explaining each bullet point and including best practices for each management level. Include consequences for not following best practices. Explain the importance of having properly documented OSAs and SLAs.

    Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides (Including a title slide and Reference slide).

    Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

    Save your slides as a PowerPoint presentation. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.ppt” extension to the filename.)

    Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the

  • You are part of a team of external criminal justice professionals who are tasked with conducting a SWOC/T environmental assessment for a city/organization that has been the subject of budget cuts and/or a defund the police movement, which reduces their overall operating budget by 1

    An organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges, and threats

    An organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges, and threats (SWOC/T) must be identified at the beginning of the strategic planning process.
    You are part of a team of external criminal justice professionals who are tasked with conducting a SWOC/T environmental assessment for a city/organization that has been the subject of budget cuts and/or a defund the police movement, which reduces their overall operating budget by 10%. The contracting organization’s governing board would like a professional environmental and climate assessment report to gauge the impact these budget cuts would have on the organization. They also want to understand how the strategic planning process would be utilized to accommodate these changes.
    Review the following examples: Conduct an Environmental Scan and Conduct a SWOT Analysis to assist you with conducting your SWOC/T assessment.
    Select a security or criminal justice organization that has been the subject of recent budget cuts or police defunding in your state.
    Conduct a SWOC/T assessment that includes the following:
    Strengths of the organization
    Weaknesses of the organization
    Opportunities available to the organization
    Challenges and threats to the organization
    Conclusions drawn from the result of the SWOC/T assessment
    Develop a 700- to1,050-word executive summary of the SWOC/T assessment. Include a strategic approach to report on the budget issues. Be sure to address how the strategic planning process will incorporate the SWOC/T assessment to analyze this situation, aid in decision-making, and allocate resources moving forward.
    Cite at least 3 outside references to support your assignment.
    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

  • You are part of a team of external criminal justice professionals who are tasked with conducting a SWOC/T environmental assessment for a city/organization that has been the subject of budget cuts and/or a defund the police movement, which reduces their overall operating budget by 10%. The contracting organization’s governing board would like a professional environmental and climate assessment report to gauge the

    An organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges, and threats (SWOC/T) must be identified at the beginning of the strategic planning process.

    You are part of a team of external criminal justice professionals who are tasked with conducting a SWOC/T environmental assessment for a city/organization that has been the subject of budget cuts and/or a defund the police movement, which reduces their overall operating budget by 10%. The contracting organization’s governing board would like a professional environmental and climate assessment report to gauge the impact these budget cuts would have on the organization. They also want to understand how the strategic planning process would be utilized to accommodate these changes.

    Review the following examples: Conduct an Environmental Scan and Conduct a SWOT Analysis to assist you with conducting your SWOC/T assessment.

    Select a security or criminal justice organization that has been the subject of recent budget cuts or police defunding in your state.

    Conduct a SWOC/T assessment that includes the following:

    Strengths of the organization

    Weaknesses of the organization

    Opportunities available to the organization

    Challenges and threats to the organization

    Conclusions drawn from the result of the SWOC/T assessment

    Develop a 700- to1,050-word executive summary of the SWOC/T assessment. Include a strategic approach to report on the budget issues. Be sure to address how the strategic planning process will incorporate the SWOC/T assessment to analyze this situation, aid in decision-making, and allocate resources moving forward.

    Cite at least 3 outside references to support your assignment.

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment.

    Part 2

    Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that details organizational tenets. How are these tenets incorporated into strategic planning while highlighting and analyzing organizational relationships and adhering to organizational regulatory mandates?

    Include the following in your presentation:

    A brief description of the criminal justice or security organization you selected, with instructor approval

    Introduction highlighting the presentation’s major points

    Organizational vision

    Organizational mission

    Organizational values

    Process for incorporating the vision, mission, and values into strategic planning

    Description of organizational mandates that must be considered when analyzing the strategic planning process

    How organizational relationships are analyzed and integrated into organizational tenets and strategic plans

    Conclusion summarizing the presentation’s major points.

    For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with speaker notes. Speaker notes should address what you would say in an oral presentation.

    Cite at least 2 outside references to support your assignment.

    Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment.