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    Module 6 Discussion – Barriers to Preventative Care in the US and Internationally

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    Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is to explore barriers to preventative care and the related health policy.


    Complete the readings and learning activities for Module 6, especially the CDC article and the NPR article. Write a discussion post by the first due date (Wednesday) that includes:

    • Discuss the barriers to enrollment in the ACA and provide suggestions to improve this challenge.
    • Does the ACA actually improve outcomes for those individuals who are enrolled? What data do you have to support your input? How does the ACA compare to other forms of government-sponsored healthcare reimbursement in the US?
    • Consider the two articles from the Commonwealth Fund to specifically answer the following questions:
    • Discuss how the US healthcare system, specifically in preventative care, compares to the healthcare systems in other high-income countries where socialized healthcare is often the norm.

    Each post must cite and reference at least one peer-reviewed source (a journal article published within the last 5 years) in APA 7th edition.

    Module Objectives:

    This discussion aids in the attainment of the following Module Objectives:

    • MO 1: Compare and contrast the cost of prevention of healthcare conditions to the cost of treatment (CO 5,7,8)

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  • Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop oral testimony that can be

    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop oral testimony that can be presented to various decision-makers.


    Complete the learning activities for this module. Review the Jurns article from Module 1, which presents SBAR as a guide for oral testimony, and Chapter 15 of the Porch textbook, especially boc 15-9 on page 218.

    Using Kaltura, create an oral testimony of no longer than four minutes with you on camera that includes:

    • Remind the class of your selected health policy problem of the proposed legislation that addresses the selected issue from Module 1.
    • Provide testimony related to your selected issue using the SBAR format.
      • I-Identify yourself, give your credentials to speak to the issue
      • S-Situation: Present the issue, the associated legislation by name and number, and your position on the issue
      • B-Background: Provide information, history, and a personal story if appropriate
      • A-Assessment: Offer your professional assessment
      • R-Recommendation: Make a recommendation and ask for their support

    Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 EST Sunday.

    Module Objectives:

    This assignment aids in the attainment of the following Module Objectives:

    • MO 2: Employ your understanding and knowledge of healthcare policy formulation as you finalize your video (CO 2,8)

    Grading Criteria:
    Review the rubric for grading criteria.

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  • The purpose of this discussion is to explore the use of technology in virtual le

    The purpose of this discussion is to explore the use of technology in virtual learning.


    Complete the learning activities for this module. Write an initial post that includes the following:

    • Give a specific example of virtual learning in your current or past practice setting.
      • How do you obtain your continuing education credits?
      • Is the information easy to access?
      • Would you prefer in-person learning or a virtual education format?

    For example, the EHR orientation was in the classroom at one hospital. RNs now learn how to use the EHR to clinically document via a 7-hour Zoom meeting, where it is demonstrated, and then can get hands-on experience after class on their own computers.

    • Discuss the unique challenges of transitioning from classroom to virtual or simulation learning.

    Each post must cite and reference at least one peer-reviewed source (a journal article published within the last 5 years) in APA 7th edition.

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  • Interview a nursing instructor or an RN educator in a clinical setting who uses

    Interview a nursing instructor or an RN educator in a clinical setting who uses simulations, virtual worlds, augmented or virtual realities, or game mechanics in their classes in their healthcare organization.

    Ask these questions:

    • Explore why they chose that technique.
    • What are the benefits of the technique?
    • What are the disadvantages?
    • What obstacles (if any) they faced when implementing the technique?
    • How do they assess the effectiveness of the technique?

      The interview can be via email.

      • Review Chapter 20 and compare and contrast the answers obtained to the information presented in the textbook.
      • Develop a 2- to 3-page paper (APA format) of your findings by the due date.

      Module Objectives:

      This assignment aids in the attainment of the following Module Objectives:

      • MO 1: Explain knowledge acquisition (CO 1,4)
      • MO 2: Discuss various technology tools used currently in nursing education (CO 2,4)
      • MO 3: Identify the role of simulation in nursing informatics education (CO 1)
      • MO 4: Differentiate between using a live clinical information system or simulated electronic health records for educational purposes (CO 1,2,4)
      • MO 5: Define Virtual and augmented reality (CO 4)

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    1.  What are some other turning points in American history that historians have emp

       What are some other turning points in American history that historians have emphasized or should emphasize?  How might these other turning points influence where new American history surveys begin and end? 

      The post  What are some other turning points in American history that historians have emp appeared first on Academia Sharks.

    2. I need to create a presentation for the attached report use it as a refrence , K

      I need to create a presentation for the attached report use it as a refrence , Kindly use the attached template and remember to include bellow :
      1-introduction about the organization and activities.
      2- task been assigned.
      4-Point on overcoming challenges.
      5-skills gained for future job .
      6- Conclusion.
      7- refrnces

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    3.  his week’s discussion is designed to help you create a glossary for yourself. 

       his week’s discussion is designed to help you create a glossary for yourself.  Save this glossary for your future work. 

      • Select 5 of the following terms, define them, and provide an example that helps illustrate the terms so you (and your peers) are better able to remember them and apply them to work.  Please do not include any quoted material.
      • Try to select terms that have not yet been defined so the class can cover all of the terms together. 

      This is a collaborative effort, thus the terms are all written below and YOU must respond to ones that have not been tackled. If there are words that have not yet been defined, you should address those before doubling up, so the earlier this is done, the more choices you have! You will NOT receive credit if you doubled up when there are still words that are not defined.  This will be a very good resource for you in the end! 

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    4. Chief Complaint (CC) “I have pain during intercourse and urination” History of P

      Chief Complaint
      “I have pain during intercourse and urination”
      History of Present Illness (HPI) A 19-year-old female reports to you that she has “sores” on and in her vagina for the last three months.
      Drug Hx She tries to practice safe sex but has a steady boyfriend and figures she doesn’t need to be so careful since she is on the birth control pill
      Family Hx
      Subjective states “I have sores and bumps on the inner creases of my thighs and pelvic area”. “There is yellowish discharge from the sores that comes and goes”
      Objective Data
      VS temperature: 100.2°F; pulse 92; respirations 18; BP 122/78; weight 156 lbs, 25 lbs overweight; height 5′3″
      General patient appears to have good hygiene; minimal makeup, pierced ears, no tattoos; well nourished (slightly overweight); no obvious distress noted
      HEENT Atraumatic, normocephalic, PERRLA, EOMI, conjunctiva and sclera clear; nares patent, nasopharynx clear, good dentition. Piercing in her right nostril and lower lip.
      Lungs within normal limits, appropriate lung sounds auscultated, clear and equal bilaterally
      Card S1S2 without rub or gallop
    5. INSPECTION: no dimpling or abnormalities noted upon inspection
      • PALPATION: Left breast no abnormalities noted. Right breast: denies tenderness, pain, no abnormalities noted.
    6. Lymph Inguinal Lymph nodes: tenderness bilaterally, numerous, 1 cm in size .
      Abd tender during palpation; the left lower quadrant was very tender during palpation; patient denies nausea or vomiting
      GU labia major and minor: numerous ulcerations, too many to count; some ulcerations enter the vaginal introitus; no ulcerations in the vagina mucosa; cervix is clear, some greenish discharge; bimanual exam reveals tenderness in left lower quadrant; able to palpate the left ovary; unable to palpate the right ovary; no tenderness; uterus is normal in size, slight tenderness with cervical mobility
      MS Muscles are smooth, firm, symmetrical. Full ROM. No pain or tenderness on palpation.
      Neuro No obvious deficits and CN grossly intact II-XII

      Once you received your case number, answer the following questions:

      1. What other subjective data would you obtain?
      2. What other objective findings would you look for?
      3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order?
      4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?
      5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.
      6. What teachings will you provide?
      • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points

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      “I have pain during intercourse and urination”
      History of P appeared first on essaynook.com.

    7. replies 1   RFIDs, or radio-frequency identification technologies, have been cr

      replies 1


      RFIDs, or radio-frequency identification technologies, have been created to help improve patient safety and quality of care and are increasingly being implemented in different healthcare settings. According to HIMSS, “RFID has the potential to save organizations time and money by providing real-time traceability, identification, communication, temperature, and location data for people and resources” (Seckman et al., 2017, p. 21). However, just like everything else in healthcare, there are concerns about this new technology. One of the biggest is privacy; who will have access to the information listed? How do we know that our private and vulnerable information will not be spread? “Common barriers included economic, technical, organizational, privacy, and security challenges.” (Seckman et al., 2017, p. 21).

      To balance the concerns related to the cons of RFIDs while trying to incorporate their use into the healthcare system, there will have to be much education surrounding it. Allowing everyone to voice their concerns and make sure they know they are being heard while also educating them on what is being done to keep them protected, such as proper training being completed by staff, research, and staying up to date on the best policies and procedures surrounding RFIDs.

      When I think of individuals who could immediately benefit from the use of this technology, a few groups come to mind: the elderly, Alzheimer’s or demented patients, cognitive disabilities, foster care children, children who have been emancipated, etc. This technology keeps health care charts and all your health information up to date. This technology could also be helpful in emergent situations or even “John Doe” patients who are unconscious and brought into the hospital after an accident; if they have an RFID, all their information would be in the computer, and we could contact their emergency contact.

      REPLIES 2


      1. Pros and cons for using either smartcards or RIFID


      Enhanced Patient Safety and Care: Smartcards and RFIDs can contain a wealth of information about patients, including medical history, allergies, and lists of known medications. This will allow staff to access the essential information immediately, reducing the risk of medical errors, and omissions. It may also alert staff to potential problems (Thew, 2016).

       Efficiency Improvements: These technological solutions can greatly enhance administrative processes, such as patient check-in, the issue of bills, and record-keeping. Less time will be spent on administration, and patients will enjoy shorter waiting times (Mishra et al., 2019).

      Data Accuracy and Consistency: Information about the patients is accurately recorded, and contains all important details, widely accessible in the same form by various departments and institutions. This promotes continuity of care (Novak & McKee, 2017).

      Security: These devices can guarantee a high level of security, beingencryptedand requiring passwords for access (Rodrigues et al., 2016).


      Privacy and Anonymity. Patients may be worried about their safety in the case of data breach and also about tracking the location. It heavily violates the principle of patient’s confidentiality. Moreover, it is likely that many people will be concerned about having their personal information stored on a card (Perakslis & Wolk, 2006).

      Cost: It will be quite expensive to use RFIDs for all patients and in all departments. The cost includes both the devices and infrastructure and staff training (Bacheldor, 2009).

      Patient Resistance: It is likely that most people will resist a smartcard or an implanted RFID. There will be the fear to be constantly tracked, health concerns, and a sensation of being “in databases, constantly watched”, along with general privacy issues and perceived or real stigma (Guaglianone & Bortolotti, 2016).

      RFIDs and Smartcards

      2. Balancing the Real Life Implications subject to Safety Issues of RFIDs and Smartcards

      The single most powerful way to balance their legitimate fears is educating patients and the public about the data collected and saved on their cards, what it is used for, how it is protected, and what it is not used for.

      Robust Security Measures: Given the concerns regarding privacy and security issues, strong encryption, reliable authentication protocols, and regular security audits should serve as effective ways of addressing them. A provider has to make sure that RFIDs and smartcards meet healthcare-related regulations, such as HIPAA (Rodrigues et al., 2016).

      Pilot Programs and Feedback: Initiating pilot programs is the most evident step toward receiving feedback from patients and other stakeholders and identifying possible complications and the reasons thereof. Thus, the information obtained in the course of the pilot will allow adjusting and enhancing the program to make it more effective (Mishra et al., 2019).

      Cost-Benefit Analysis: it will also be necessary to carry out a detailed cost-benefit analysis for convincing other stakeholders to fund the program. By stressing the long-term cost effectiveness and improvements in the quality of patient care that the initiative will permit, a provider will be able to attract funds. Additionally, research funding organizations for support grants and collaboration opportunities will be beneficial (Thew, 2016).

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      RFIDs, or radio-frequency identification technologies, have been cr appeared first on essaynook.com.

    8.   Sleep is vital for the brain because it allows it to rest and recharge. Durin


      Sleep is vital for the brain because it allows it to rest and recharge. During sleep, the brain consolidates memories, processes information, and repairs itself. Lack of sleep can lead to impaired cognitive function, decreased memory retention, and decreased productivity. It can also increase the risk of developing serious health problems like depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining good brain health and overall well-being.

      Discussion Question

      There are many reasons that we need to sleep. It is a vital process that helps us function. Suppose a new “miracle pill” allows a person to work with only one hour of sleep per night. However, because a night’s sleep is so short, a person who takes the pill will never dream again. Knowing what you do about the functions of sleep and dreaming, what would be some advantages and drawbacks of such a pill from a personal standpoint? Would you take such a pill? 

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      Sleep is vital for the brain because it allows it to rest and recharge. Durin appeared first on essaynook.com.