NUR3020 Nursing Essay AssessmentAssessment name Written Assessment, Assessment 1aWeighting :- 20%Length :- The essay is 1000 words +/-10% word length includes in text referencing and excludes the reference list and appendicesBrief task description :-This written assessment is a critical analysis…
Author: admin
NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment Subject Code & Title :- NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Mental State Examination Weighting :- 40% Assignment Type :-
NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan AssessmentSubject Code & Title :- NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Mental State ExaminationWeighting :- 40%Assignment Type :- AssessmentBrief task description :-It is expected that as a student you will develop an ability to…
NSB236 Nursing Assignment Assessment Task 1 Assessment name: Case Study: The Deteriorating Patient Length: 1400 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference
NSB236 Nursing AssignmentAssessment Task 1Assessment name: Case Study: The Deteriorating PatientLength: 1400 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list)Weighting : Pass/FailNote: This is a supplementary assessment and as such no extensions to your assigned submission…
NRSG374 Palliative Care Approach Assignment Subject Code & Title :- NRSG374 Palliative Care Approach Weighting :- 50% Length and/or format: • Narrated PowerPoint equivalent to
NRSG374 Palliative Care Approach AssignmentSubject Code & Title :- NRSG374 Palliative Care ApproachWeighting :- 50%Length and/or format:• Narrated PowerPoint equivalent to 1500 Words +/- 10%• 8-10 Slides Including Title Page and References• Diagrams and images can be used please include…
NUR331 Complex Care Case Study Assignment 2 Subject Code :- NUR331 Title :- Complex Care Case Study Length :- 2500 words Weighting :- 50% Individual/Group :- Individual Formative/Summative :- Summative
NUR331 Complex Care Case Study Assignment 2Subject Code :- NUR331Title :- Complex Care Case StudyLength :- 2500 wordsWeighting :- 50%Individual/Group :- IndividualFormative/Summative :- SummativeHow will I be assessed :- 5-point grading scale using a rubric. See the rubric on Canvas.Task…
NSG3204 Research Critique Assessment 1 Subject Code & Title :- NSG3204 Research Critique Assignment Type :- Assessment 1 Learning Outcomes :- On completion of this
NSG3204 Research Critique Assessment 1Subject Code & Title :- NSG3204 Research CritiqueAssignment Type :- Assessment 1Learning Outcomes :-On completion of this assessment and subject, learners will be able to:1.Describe the relationship between research education evidence-based practice and nursing practice development.2.Critically…
You are on placement in a rural health facility with another student. You are both staying in the quarters building and have been on the same shifts for the week. You notice
NUR222 Nursing Case Study Assignment 2Subject Code :- NUR222Title :- Nursing Case StudyAssessment Type :- Assignment 2 IndividualWord Count :- 2000 wordsGoal :- Nurses midwives and other health professionals have legal and ethical responsibilities and account abilities in practice. The…
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Assignment Subject Code & Title :- Clinical Leadership Weighting :- 15% Assessment Type :- Assignment The aim of this unit is
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership AssignmentSubject Code & Title :- Clinical LeadershipWeighting :- 15%Assessment Type :- AssignmentThe aim of this unit is to support and challenge final year students to comprehend the clinical leadership expectations and opportunities in their professional role, with…
NURBN2027 Essay Case Scenario Assessment 2 Subject Code & Title :- NURBN2027 Case Scenario Essay Weighting :- 40%
NURBN2027 Essay Case Scenario Assessment 2Subject Code & Title :- NURBN2027 Case Scenario EssayWeighting :- 40%Word Count :- 2000 words (+/- 10%)Assessment Purpose :-This assessment task is designed to help you develop the application of your pathophysiology and pharmacology knowledge…
NUR3201 Nursing Assignment Evidence Based Practice Subject Code & Title :- NUR3201 Nursing Evidence Based Practice Weighting :- 45% Length :- Word limit is 1800 words – 10% deviation allowed word length
NUR3201 Nursing Assignment Evidence Based PracticeSubject Code & Title :- NUR3201 Nursing Evidence Based PracticeWeighting :- 45%Length :- Word limit is 1800 words – 10% deviation allowed word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)Assessment name…