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Application-based Question (Compulsory)  Q. The year is 2025. Imagine yourself to be the President of Geniyaland (fictional country) with a population of 85 million. Your country has been ravaged by civil strife for the

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Application-based Question (Compulsory) 

Q. The year is 2025. Imagine yourself to be the President of Geniyaland (fictional country) with a population of 85 million. Your country has been ravaged by civil strife for the past decade which has crippled your economy and diminished your political clout domestically as well as internationally. You were democratically elected by your people until a militant faction of an opposition political party instigated the unemployed youth to take up arms against your government. A large section of your military joined the rebel group as well and now you are left with almost half of your military. Since Geniyaland is located near the strategic Suez Canal, several neighbouring countries have been largely supportive of your government despite the civil strife as they want stability in your country and they do not see any other political alternative to you. They have been extending you financial and military assistance to fight the rebel groups. However, your country is becoming a hotbed of proxies to fight their battles on your land which has led to the rebel groups being backed by regional powers Higarastan and Balabria (fictional countries) who compete Geniyaland in oil trade. The United Nations no longer exists and has been replaced by two powerful blocs, one led by the United States and the other by People’s Republic of China. Geniyaland has not joined any of the blocs formally as it grappled with its civil strife. Both United States and the People’s Republic of China have been trying to woo Geniyaland to join either of the two blocs by promising military support against the rebels as well as financial packages. Both countries realize the importance of Geniyaland as a strategically located country which is why they wish to make it join their respective bloc. Keeping the above scenario in mind, what will be your foreign policy priorities as the President of Geniyaland? Do apply the theoretical knowledge gained while reading the course material of Paper I to formulate a coherent foreign policy strategy. One wrong decision can impact the live of millions and one right decision can make you the kingmaker of the region. The decision lies with you. 

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