Analyze the following articles using the Primary Source Analysis Template Dow


Analyze the following articles using the Primary Source Analysis Template Download Primary Source Analysis Template:

  1. Cherokee County School District. (2020, July). Universal precautions procedures.
    Universal Precautions.pdfDownload Universal Precautions.pdf
  2. Linn-Benton Education Services District; Albany; OR., & University of Oregon E R I C Clearinghouse on Educational Management. (1991). At-risk youth in crisis: A handbook for collaboration between schools and social services, volume 3: Child abuse. University of Oregon ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management.
    At-Risk Youth in Crisis.pdfDownload At-Risk Youth in Crisis.pdf
  3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Children’s Bureau. (n.d.). Florida abuse and neglect statutes. Child Welfare Information Gateway.
    Florida Abuse and Neglect Statutes.docDownload Florida Abuse and Neglect Statutes.doc

Submission Instructions:

  • Submit the completed Primary Source Analysis Template. Be sure to add your last name and first initial to the file name