You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over



You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices were rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment, and now you will be taking a closer look at these results to produce a self-assessment report. You plan on exploring how this self-assessment would make a beneficial contribution to a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit, which will help to resolve the leadership challenges the organization is currently facing.


For this assignment, refer to your results from your self-assessment and use the LPI Self Percentile Ranking to determine where each of your five leadership behaviors rank.

Leadership Behaviors

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart


Self-assessment: In this part of your report, you will use the results from your self-assessment to identify leadership behaviors where you ranked highest and where you ranked lowest, and begin thinking about how this information impacts your ability to lead. This work will help to inform your personal development plan, which you will create in Module Six.

  1. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.
  2. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.
  3. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.
  4. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your report, you will use your findings from the Employee Satisfaction Survey and the leadership behaviors you reviewed in the self-assessment to identify areas of leadership the organization should focus on developing. This work will help to inform the adaptive leadership toolkit that you will develop in Module Seven.

  1. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership should focus on improving and explain how developing these areas will address the business problems the organization currently faces.
  2. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership is currently successful in and explain how maintaining these areas can help in managing relationships between the leaders and their direct reports.

 I have uploaded my self-assessment, LPI self Percentile Ranking, and the employee satisfaction survey.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment




Leadership Practices Inventory



Self-Response Sheet for Hand Scoring

1- Transfer your ratings from the statements on the questionnaire to the blanks below. Please notice that the numbers of the statements are listed from left to right. Make certain that the number you assigned to each statement (LPI® Question) is transferred to the appropriate blank.

2- Add the scores vertically to gain a total for each column.















1. 10

2. 7

3. 2

4. 9

5. 6

6. 7

7. 8

8. 10

9. 7

10. 8

11. 4

12. 7

13. 8


15. 4

16. 8

17. 6

18. 7

19. 6

20. 8

21. 10

22. 9

23. 10

24. 8

25. 9

26. 2

27. 3

28. 3

29. 9

30. 8











Copyright ©2018 by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner.

All Rights Reserved. Published by The Leadership Challenge, A Wiley Brand.

Reviewing Your Scores

Make the Most of Your LPI Feedback

This probably doesn’t come as any surprise to you, but there’s no such thing as instant leadership-or instant expertise of any kind. Those who are the very best at anything become that because they had a strong desire to excel, a belief that new skills and abilities can be learned, and a willing devotion to deliberate practice and continuous learning. What truly differentiates the expert performers from the good performers is hours of practice. Deliberate practice. The best leaders work at becoming the best, and it doesn’t happen over a weekend.

Those who are the best at leading are also the best at learning. Exemplary leaders don’t rest on their laurels or rely on their natural talents; instead, they continually do more to improve themselves. So, if you want to be the best you can be, you need to become a great learner.

Here are some tips on how you can get the most learning out of the LPI process:

· There is no such thing as a “bad” score, or even a “good” score. The LPI scores are a snapshot-an objective, current view of your leadership behaviors. They are not “grades” but opportunities for you to become more comfortable and skillful as a leader.

· Take your assessment results seriously. You might wonder, “Will it really make a difference if I increase the frequency of the behaviors measured by the LPI?” It will. Research consistently shows the same results: The more frequently you demonstrate the behaviors included in the LPI, the more likely you will be seen as an effective leader.

· Plan now to retake the LPI. Great leaders continually set goals and seek feedback. The LPI gives you a snapshot in time. It is a beginning point from which to move forward. To heighten your focus and practice with great purpose, decide now that you will retake the instrument within a specific period of time-we recommend between six and nine monthsto see how you are doing and identify new priorities for your practice.

Why You Can Trust the Feedback

When we developed the LPI, we conducted several tests to ensure that the instrument had sound psychometric properties. Our own, as well as independent studies, consistently confirm that the LPI has very strong reliability and validity. Reliability means that the six statements pertaining to each leadership practice are highly correlated with one another.

Test/re-test is also high. This means that scores from one administration of the LPI to another within a short time span (a few days or even months) and without any significant intervening event (such as a leadership training program) are consistent and stable.

The LPI has both face validity and predictive validity. “Face validity” means that the results make sense to people. “Predictive validity” means that the results are significantly correlated with various performance measures and can be used to make predictions about leadership effectiveness.

The Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership


· Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values.

· Set the example by aligning actions with shared values.


· Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities.

· Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations.


· Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative ways to improve.

· Experiment and take risks by consistently generating small wins and learning from experience.


· Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships.

· Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competence.


· Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence.

· Celebrate values and victories by creating a spirit of community.


Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) Percentile Ranking

The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) Percentile Ranking document is meant to be used as a guide to illustrate where you rank compared to others that have taken The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) Self-Assessment.

Once you have completed the LPI Self-Assessment, you can compare your score to that of other individuals who have completed the assessment to see how you are performing with each of Kouzes and Posner’s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. To see your percentile ranking, use the attached LPI Percentile Ranking Worksheet to chart your results. Start by checking the box next to your score for each practice in the corresponding column. Then, refer to the Percentile column on the left side of the worksheet to identify your corresponding percentile ranking for each practice. If you would like, you can also print the document and draw a line connecting each checked score, so you can visualize the full picture of your results.

Here is how to interpret your results for each practice: • Above 70%: You exhibit these behaviors more frequently when compared to all leaders. • Between 30-70%: You exhibit these behaviors frequently when compared to all leaders. • Below 30% You exhibit these behaviors less frequently when compared to all leaders.

As you review your results, think of it as a map to guide you on your journey to effective leadership. By understanding your strengths and areas for improvement, you can begin your leadership development journey to becoming an exemplary leader.


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  • Kouzes_Leadership Practices Inventory Percentile Ranking
  • Kouzes_LPI percentile-ranking-data 4.pdf
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  172. The post You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.