Use the Decision Making for Clinical Judgment template document to develop a 1- to 2-page response for each part. Your submitted document should be 3–4 pages plus a reference page and address the following: Part 1 – Patient Scenario: Serena Miranda and her 1-month-old son, Jorge Summarize the information you learned from Serena Miranda that would inform your examination of Jorge and application of clinical judgment. Based on this information, what concerns would you have about Jorge’s condition? If your concern were failure to thrive, what questions would you ask to understand more? When you examine Jorge, explain what you would look for and pay particular attention to in your examination based on the information you gather. Explain aspects of clinical judgment that would support your decision making: noticing, interpreting, responding, reflecting. Explain your next steps for Jorge and Serena Miranda based on components of the nursing process and your reasoning.