-• Richard Sylves. (2020). Disaster Policy and Politics: Emergency Management and Homeland Security. Third Edition. Sage CQ Press.
ISBN: 978-1-5063-6868-9
• Nicolas A. Valcik and Paul E. Tracy. (2017). Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management (Second Edition). Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
ISBN: 978-1-4987-8851-9
• Arjen Boin, Paul‘t Hart, Eric Stern, and Bengt Sundelius. (2017). The Politics of Crisis Management: public leadership under pressure (Second Edition). UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN-: 978-1-107-54425-3
Initial Post:
-Your post should be 250-400 words and no more than 500 words (+/-10%) and posted by Thursday.
-Please post earlier in the week if possible to allow your classmates time to respond.
-You must refer to the required readings and at least one additional scholarly or government reference document.
-Format your post and citations using APA citation style.
Prepare one post addressing the following questions. Responses should be limited to 500 words (+/- 10%). Ensure all references are cited.
-Summarize one of the disaster laws or policies and provide your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the policy.
-Summarize the Presidential declarations process including roles and responsibilities of the state and federal government.
The post Summarize one of the disaster laws or policies and provide your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the policy. first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.