The process of implementing security frequently opens one’s eyes to other forms of security not previously considered. In this two-part assignment, you should experience just that. This assignment focuses on a model of implementing security in layers, which, in many cases, requires a network that is designed accordingly.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Recommend best security practices to achieve business objectives based on risk assumptions.
Search the internet for a representation of a network figure with defense in depth in mind, that include all necessary network devices (routers, switches and/or hubs, firewalls, VPNs, proxies, and others), the interconnections between network devices, connections to end-user (client) devices (desktops, laptops) and connections from the Internet cloud to the network input.
Write a paper where you
Describe the flow of data through the network, citing specific, credible sources.
Assume data begins at the remote site.
Data flow may be monitored by an IDS.
Explain all three elements of the CIA triad and how isolating by network functions helps deliver a layered approach, citing specific, credible sources that support your assertions and conclusions.
Support your main points, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least four specific and credible academic sources synthesized into a coherent analysis of the evidence.
Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
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