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ACCA7027 Cloud Computing: Docker Containerisation, Load Balancing, and Serverless Functions, Level 7

Module Learning Outcomes

(from module syllabus)

  • Critically evaluate the cloud computing related technologies and the applications of cloud services
  • Implement virtual systems and/or applications that can be deployed to the cloud and demonstrate an understanding of the features of platforms provided by cloud computing providers

Task Description

Use of Generative AI in Assessment

Element Allowed
Research For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
support you in research, including searching for
bibliography, using tools to summarise, compare and interrogate materials.
Yes ☒

No ☒

Structure For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
support you in structuring your submission, including creating a draft argument structure, identifying parts and headings, etc.
Yes ☒

No ☒

Proofreading For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
check your own text/creation for grammatical and
syntactical mistakes, including rephrasing of your
own work within specific standards.
Yes ☒

No ☒

Writing For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
create text for submission.
Yes ☒

No ☒

Creative For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
create creative materials, such as images.
Yes ☒

No ☒

Programming For this assessment, you can use Generative AI to
create and check code
Yes ☒

No ☒

None For this assessment, you are not allowed to use any type of Generative AI support. This includes research support, structure support, writing/proofreading support and creative support. Yes ☒

No ☒

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You will be introduced to a number of concepts and will be required to complete exercises during class. This will include a number of technologies such as Docker for containerisation which allows applications to run efficiently in the cloud. Research this technology and write a report that clearly demonstrates the importance of this approach within the cloud.

Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples drawn from your work in class. Some important concepts include:

  1. The benefits of containerisation
  2. Portability
    Example: Demonstrate the construction of a Docker file to build an image
  3. Images and publishing images
    Example: Pushing an image to DockerHub
  4. Container volumes
    Example: Creating a Docker volume
  5. Container networking
    Example: Creating a Docker network

At least one of these examples should demonstrate the overall process. For example, this could be providing a web server that displays your HTML page and in the process demonstrates building an image, running a container and how an image can be published to DockerHub.

Provide a short video (max. 15 mins) demonstrating the above examples with appropriate explanations. This video may be provided through YouTube or an equivalent online resource. Include the link in your report.

Note: If you are uploading to YouTube for the first time, do not forget to verify your account, or your video will be disabled after a while! Please set your video as “Unlisted”.

The three main concepts in cloud computing are load balancing, scalability, and application gateways. Choose an application that clearly demonstrates these concepts, including g in your answer:

  • A brief description of a cloud provider’s approach to implementing each of these concepts. You do not need to provide configuration examples, except if there is a step in the configuration process that helps illustrate your answer. (Marks 15)
  • Why load balancing and scaling are complementary concepts. (Marks 5)
  • Demonstrate the benefits of combining all three technologies together in providing a service to a customer. (Marks 5)

Investigate the main driving forces leading to the expansion of cloud computing such as cost and flexibility. A new approach to implementing cloud-based web services is serverless functions (aka functions as a service) such as AWS Lambda functions and Azure Functions. Include in your discussion an explanation of serverless functions and compare & contrast this approach with containerisation in identifying these driving forces. (Marks 20)

Note: Marks will be deducted for lack of numeric referencing.

Guidance for Students in the Completion of Tasks

Note: The Guidance Offered Below is Linked to the Five Generic Assessment Criteria Overleaf.

1. Engagement with Literature Skills

Your work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused on the task(s) set; you should make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources, as appropriate (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to the discipline). You should provide evidence that you have accessed a wide range of sources, which may be academic, governmental and industrial; these sources may include academic journal articles, textbooks, current news articles, organisational documents, and websites.

You should consider the credibility of your sources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require careful consideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use should be current and up-to-date, mostly published within the last five years or so, though seminal/important works in the field may be older. You must provide evidence of your research/own reading throughout your work, using correctly a suitable referencing system, including in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list at the end of your work.

Guidance specific to this assessment:

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2. Knowledge and Understanding Skills

At level 7, you should be able to demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of your academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice, with a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to your own research or advanced scholarship.

Your work must demonstrate your growing mastery of these concepts, principles, current challenges, innovation and insights associated with the subject area. Knowledge relates to the facts, information and skills you have acquired through your learning. You demonstrate your understanding by interpreting the meaning of the facts and information (knowledge). This means that you need to select and include in your work the contemporary concepts, techniques, models, theories, etc. appropriate to the task(s) set. You should be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc. meaningfully to show your understanding.

Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding; ideally, each should be complete and detailed, with comprehensive coverage.

Guidance specific to this assessment:

3. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills

You should be able to: evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline; evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, propose new hypotheses; deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data.

Your work must contain evidence of logical, analytical thinking, evaluation and synthesis. For example, to examine and break information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compare and contrast information. This means not just describing what, but also justifying: Why? How? When? Who? Where? At what cost?

At all times, you must provide justification for your arguments and judgements. Evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of experts within the subject area is crucial to providing a reasoned and informed debate within your work. Your choice of methodologies to gather data and information must be rigorously defended. Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to make sound judgements and convincing arguments using data and concepts. Sound, valid, persuasive conclusions are necessary and must be derived from the content of your work. Where relevant, alternative solutions and recommendations may be proposed.

Guidance specific to this assessment:

4. Practical Skills

At level 7, you should be able to demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline. This includes acting autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level, originality in tackling and solving problems, and decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts or situations.

You should be able to demonstrate mastery of the leading-edge subject-related concepts and ideas as they relate to real-world situations and/or particular contexts. How do they work in practice? You will deploy models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in those contexts or circumstances, to assess current situations, perhaps to formulate plans or plausible, justifiable recommendations to solve problems, or to propose new models, or to create artefacts, which may be innovative and creative, thereby demonstrating your understanding of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research and/or application.

This is likely to involve, for instance, the use of real-world artefacts, examples and cases, the application of a model within an organisation and/or benchmarking one theory or organisation against others.

Guidance specific to this assessment:

5. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice

Your work must provide evidence of the qualities and transferable skills necessary for postgraduate-level employment in circumstances requiring sound judgement, personal responsibility and initiative in complex and unpredictable professional environments.

This includes demonstrating: the independent learning ability for continuing professional development to advance existing skills and acquire new competences of a professional nature that will enable you to assume significant responsibility within organisations; that you can initiate and complete tasks, projects and procedures, whether individually and/or collaboratively, to a professional level; that you can use appropriate media to effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms for a variety of audiences; fluency of expression; clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and organisation.

Guidance specific to this assessment:

Marks will be awarded as follows:

  • Cloud technology (Docker) and examples: 50
  • Cloud Computing Concepts: 25
  • Main driving forces leading to the expansion of cloud: 20
  • Video: 5

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The document should include:

  •  a title page with the assignment title, your name and student number clearly visible
  • table of contents
  • a brief introduction
  • numbered headings such as 1, 1.2, 1.2.4
  • clearly structured according to the marking scheme
  • numbered captions for each figure and a reference to the figure in the main text just preceding it.
  • appropriate references
  • a brief conclusion.

Marks will be deducted for lack of numeric referencing.

Generic Assessment Criteria

Level 7

In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 7 students should be able to demonstrate: a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their
academic discipline or area of professional practice; a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship; originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; conceptual understanding that enables the student to evaluate critically current research and  advanced scholarship in the discipline to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences. They will demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level to continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level. They the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations/professional environments; and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

ACCA7027 Cloud Engineering Principles and Practice

ACCA7027 Level 7 assessment criteria

ACCA7027 assessment criteria

ACCA7027 assessment criteria

ACCA7027 assessment criteria

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