Time to submit your research assignment ! Take each part that you’ve completed so far, reflect on the feedback given throughout the course, make any changes needed and put it all together. The final must be in APA format to include title and reference page, written in 12 point font, double spaced in Times New Roman.
Research Paper-Topic Selection
Darius Nix
Troy University
Research Methods
January 13, 2025
Topic: Using Gaming in Education or Workplace
Brief Explanation: I chose this topic because Using gaming in education or the workplace is a compelling research topic because it blends elements of engagement, motivation, and skill development in innovative ways. Gamification—the integration of game elements like rewards, challenges, and competition into non-game environments—has been shown to increase engagement, improve problem-solving skills, and foster teamwork and creativity. In education, gaming can provide immersive, interactive learning experiences that cater to diverse learning styles, potentially making complex concepts more accessible and enjoyable.
In the workplace, games and gamified systems can boost productivity, improve employee morale, and facilitate professional development. Games can also enhance leadership and collaboration skills, simulate real-world scenarios for training, and provide instant feedback, which accelerates learning.
Research in this area could explore how gaming affects learning outcomes, employee performance, and overall job satisfaction, as well as the long-term impact of gamified systems on cognitive and emotional development.
The Role of Sleep in Cognitive Functioning and Memory Consolidation
Darius Nix
Instructor: Kimberly Donaldson
Research Methods
Annotated Bibliography
Cheng, L. Y., Che, T., Tomic, G., Slutzky, M. W., & Paller, K. A. (2021). Memory
Reactivation during Sleep Improves Execution of a Challenging Motor Skill.
Journal of Neuroscience, 41(46), 9608-9616.
This paper reviews literature on memory reactivation during sleep and
procedural memory focus on motor skills. The research seeks to fill the
existing literature gap by investigating the role of sleep in the improvement
of the performance of new motor tasks. The procedure involved the subject
engaging in a myoelectric feedback task whereby the participants were
expected to contract arm muscles to move a cursor over desired locations.
The results suggest that performance enhancement through TMR during
sleep enhances motor performance in terms of speed, efficiency and muscle
activity. The authors suggest that getting sufficient amounts of sleep helps
consolidate motor execution skills, and this research may have implications
for neurorehabilitation and motor learning disciplines. This article will be
useful for my study as it shows the role that sleep plays in the formation of
procedural memory and cognition, especially in motor learning.
Kim, T., Kim, S., Kang, J., Kwon, M., & Lee, S. H. (2022). The Common Effects of
Sleep Deprivation on Human Long-Term Memory and Cognitive Control
Processes. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 883848.
This article focuses on how sleep can affect the long-term memory and
cognitive control processes that are affected by sleep and how both the short
term and chronic lack of sleep impair cognitive function. The study objective
is to systematically review literature from Google Scholar and PubMed on
the effects of sleep deprivation on memory consolidation and cognitive
functioning in humans. This study shows that sleep loss negatively affects
memory – reduces memory performance, enhances false memories and
weakens resistance to post-learning interference. Additionally, it notes that
sleep deprivation leads to reduced efficiency of cognitive control especially
in areas of attention and inhibitory control. This article will be beneficial in
my research as I will be able to compare the detrimental effects of sleep loss
on declarative memory and cognition with the overall improvement in
memory that is observed during sleep.
Oyanedel Salmerón, C. N. (2022). Episodic-Like Memory Consolidation during
Slow-Wave Sleep (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Tübingen).
This doctoral dissertation examines the function of slow-wave sleep (SWS)
in the retrieval of episodic-like memories, particularly how SWS supports the
integration of biographical and spatial data. The aim of the current study is to
explore the link between SWS and the memory consolidation, with the aim
of filling a literature gap concerning the actual processes of episodic memory
consolidation. The research employs a sample of human participants, with a
particular emphasis on hippocampal activity during SWS, as well as its role
in the storage of detailed memories. The studies presented imply that the
function of deep sleep, particularly SWS, is essential for the preservation of
episodic memories and their replay and recognition in a personal context.
This article would be helpful for my research by giving an understanding of
how SWS is involved in the process of declarative memory consolidation,
especially in the connection with the hippocampus and episodic memory
Taraborelli, D. (2022). The Promise of Sleep Tech: Strategic Alliance Opportunities
in Healthcare to Increase Access to a Sleep and Circadian Rhythm-Targeted
Platform Technology (Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University).
The study investigates sleep technology advancement while evaluating its
effects on public health through sleep deficit management and health and
performance deterioration. This research investigates how healthcare
strategic partnerships enable better access to sleep technology solutions that
address circadian rhythms and sleep disorders. The research question
examines how healthcare startups can team up with established organizations
to expand innovative sleep technology solutions. The existing research void
addresses non-clinical and scalable approaches to treat sleep deficiency
through platform technologies that focus on sleep and circadian rhythms. The
study conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with leaders and stakeholders
from public health and health insurance as well as pharmaceutical and
wellness organizations followed by qualitative thematic analysis to identify
emerging patterns. The study shows that strategic alliances provide startups
with the capability to utilize expert knowledge and resources for developing
sleep technology reach and impact. This article will help my research by
explaining how public health strategies and healthcare systems can integrate
sleep technology to combat insufficient sleep and its effects on cognitive
performance and overall health.
Yang, Y. (2023). Current Perspective on Sleep and Emotion Regulation. Highlights
in Science, Engineering and Technology, 74, 1378-1384.
This article investigates the intricate sleep-emotional memory relationship
which examines how sleep influences emotional regulation while processing
emotional memories. This research investigates the relationship between
substandard sleep quality and sleep deprivation along with irregular REM
sleep patterns which lead to emotional control breakdown and mental
illnesses including depression and PTSD. The study reveals missing
knowledge about how sleep quality affects emotional memory consolidation
particularly through its effects on emotional reappraisal and cognitive
modification processes. Through a combination of research studies and
literature review the author demonstrates how mental disorders are affected
by REM sleep abnormalities while showing how disrupted sleep impacts
serotonin and dopamine regulation. Research has demonstrated that sleep
functions as a fundamental process for emotional memory processing but
disturbed sleep intensifies symptoms of emotional disorders. The article
serves my research by presenting knowledge about how REM sleep impacts
the consolidation of emotional memories and emotional regulation across
normal populations and clinical patient groups.
The Role of Gaming in Enhancing Education and Workplace Training
Darius Nix
Instructor: Kimberly Donaldson
Research Methods
The Role of Gaming in Enhancing Education and Workplace Training
Gaming has emerged as a powerful and important medium for learning at school and in the workplace. It offers a live, fun, engaging, and comprehensive platform that galvanizes knowledge attainment and skill improvement. Scholars have investigated the availability of different methods of evaluating the impact of gaming on learning and training in the workplace, including data collection methods, samples, and research paradigms. This paper discusses these investigative strategies based on emergent research findings that have revealed the effectiveness of games in learning.
How Has Gaming in Education and Workplace Training Been Investigated?
Research on student gaming in academic education and workplace examinations has employed one of the following methods: experimental, case, and survey research. Most investigations concern student interaction, cognitive enhancement, and learning accomplishment when using games in learning spaces (Adipat et al., 2021; Neerupa et al., 2024). One of the most significant methods is based on assessing the student’s performance during the game placement of concepts in practice. Another important approach involves evaluating the student’s outcome during the game placement of concepts into practice tests. For instance, Adipat et al. (2021) have considered pre-and post-test questionnaires to examine the impact of games in higher education. In such models, the subjects that engaged in the educational games showcased high retention rates and problem-solving skills compared to traditional learning methods. Studies have also been done on how gaming can enhance skills and knowledge transfer in workplace training. In the recent study by Krajčovič et al. (2021), virtual reality educational games applied in lean management training were considered. The researchers used surveys and observational analysis to evaluate the training outcome. It was observed that gaming-based learning was perceived by the employees as motivational and enhanced their understanding of the cross-sectional complicated industrial operations.
Data Collection Methods and Study Populations
The literature review revealed that the following research methods are widely used in game-based learning outcomes surveys, interviews, and performance measures. Quantitative methods such as pre-and post-test comparisons (Krajčovič et al., 2022) and correlation and regression analysis (Neerupa et al., 2024) help measure knowledge acquisition and retention. Quantitative and generally, survey questionnaires are especially helpful in describing the extent of learners’ experience and attitude toward game-based learning in instructional and training contexts. In the studies above, the populations differed accordingly depending on the aim and objectives of the studies. Most of the literature revolves around university learners, especially the ones in technology and engineering learning institutions (Adipat et al., 2021; Neerupa et al., 2024). These students would benefit from game solutions that imitate real-life problems and thus improve their problem-solving ability and decision-making skills. The target subjects of WSs in workplace training are more often than not embracing participants in the manufacturing, health care, and business industries since gaming gives them simulated training in a no-risk area (Krajčovič et al., 2022).
Research Designs and Analysis Techniques
In studies relating to gaming in education and the workplace, it is possible to identify a number of experimental and quasi-experimental research designs that are frequently used. These designs allow the researcher to conduct pre-test and post-test results to evaluate the efficiency of using games in teaching as opposed to conventional forms of teaching. For instance, Krajčovič et al. (2021) used a study design between the control and experimental groups. The subjects were divided into the experimental group, which undertook their learning in a virtual reality environment, and the control group, which undertook conventional learning methods. This showed that people who used gaming in training were more capable of grasping lean management knowledge, which was retained in them for an extended period. As a last note, it is also helpful to establish that case studies provide a realistic view of how gaming is used effectively in learning environments. Krajčovič et al. (2022) were more inclined to propose virtual reality to support instruction based on observation and meaningful questions addressed to the students. The authors also identified that virtual reality gaming assisted students in understanding many industrial processes and sharpened their critical thinking skills.
Computer and video gaming have proved to be practical tools in education and even teaching methods in workplaces as a way of training employees creatively. The information about the impact has been gathered through survey research designs, case research, and experimental research methods. Evaluation tools like pre-and post-surveys, observation, and learners’ feedback are given to offer a detailed insight into the efficiency of the given subject. Based on the current studies, gaming elevates knowledge comprehension, increases interest, and develops problem-solving skills; hence, it should be adopted in educational settings and training environments. Further research on the topic has to address the further uses of this kind of gaming across more fields for improving skills and knowledge gain.
Adipat, S., Laksana, K., Busayanon, K., Ausawasowan, A., & Adipat, B. (2021). Engaging students in the learning process with game-based learning: The fundamental concepts. International Journal of Technology in Education, 4(3), 542–552. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.169
Krajčovič, M., Gabajová, G., Furmannová, B., Vavrík, V., Gašo, M., & Matys, M. (2021). A Case Study of Educational Games in Virtual Reality as a Teaching Method of Lean Management. Electronics, 10(7), 838. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10070838
Krajčovič, M., Gabajová, G., Matys, M., Furmannová, B., & Dulina, Ľ. (2022). Virtual Reality as an Immersive Teaching Aid to Enhance the Connection between Education and Practice. Sustainability, 14(15), 9580. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159580
Neerupa, C., Kumar, R. N., Pavithra, R., & William, A. J. (2024). Game on for learning: A holistic exploration of Gamification’s impact on student engagement and academic performance in educational environments. Management Matters, 21(1), 38–53. https://doi.org/10.1108/MANM-01-2024-0001
The post Time to submit your research assignment ! Take each part that you’ve completed so far, reflect on the feedback given throughout the course, make any changes first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.