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Critically discuss the idea that management “best practice” is transferable. Is “New Public Management” (NPM) applicable in all circumstances and what impact might this have on public sector employment relations?

Answer ONE of the following questions:

  1. Critically discuss the idea that management “best practice” is transferable. Is “New Public Management” (NPM) applicable in all circumstances and what impact might this have on public sector employment relations? 
  2. “Supply chains are globally dispersed, but production is increasingly controlled and coordinated by multinational companies.” Critically evaluate this statement and discuss the implications of such developments for trade unions and their members. 

Approaching the questions

These questions have been designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts discussed in the course. In order to answer the question fully, you will need to refer to the course materials themselves and to other sources of information. This might include evidence from your own organisation, where appropriate, which can be used to illustrate or evaluate ideas.


You should answer the question as one continuous piece of writing, with a clear introduction and conclusion. Guidance on writing assignments and how to develop an academic writing style can be found in the ‘Academic Writing Skills – Undergraduate’ module.

The assignment should be fully referenced throughout and contain a bibliography.

Word limit:               

You are required to remain within the specified word limits of 3000 to 4000 words.  Please state the question you have chosen, the number of words used and your full name on the front page of your assignment.           

Please refer to the Assessment section of Blackboard for details on how to submit.

If you have any questions or need information regarding submission of your assignment, please contact the Distance Learning Administration Team.