finish and Complete the ‘MSW Field Education Learning agreement template’ attached by using the learning agreement instructions attachment.
The learning agreement responses must be based on Learning activities for interns completing their internship at a homeless shelter for future social workers.
– Complete learning activities and evualtion methods from the ”MSW Field Education Learning agreement template’. Responses must be more than 4 sentences.
No references is needed.
MSW Advanced Practice Field Education Learning Agreement Instructions
The Learning Agreement is the foundation for the supervision relationship and as such should be explicitly discussed and reviewed during supervision with the Agency supervisor; and during discussions in the Field Seminar with your Field Director/Field Coordinator.
Listed below are the nine (9) Core Competencies and associated practice behaviors that must be incorporated into the Learning Agreement. Students need to think about agency specific tasks that are assigned directly by the agency and how those fit into increasing competencies and their associated practice behaviors. Students should review the competency and practice behaviors, and in collaboration with their agency supervisor, choose or create two tasks/strategies/ activities which identifies your assignments and activities in your agency for each of the competencies as based on practice behaviors. Included in this document are examples of Learning Activities with associated evaluation methods for each competency. Students, in collaboration with their agency supervisor, may choose from this list and may create appropriate learning activities. The activities must be measurable.
Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior to Guide Professional Practice
Social workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant laws and regulations that may affect practice. Social workers understand frameworks of ethical decision-making and how to apply principles of critical thinking to those frameworks in practice settings. Social workers recognize personal values and the distinction between personal and professional values. They also understand how their subjective experiences and emotional reactions influence their professional judgment and behavior. Social workers understand the profession’s history, its mission, and the roles and responsibilities of the profession. Social workers also understand emerging forms of technology and the ethical use of technology in social work practice.
Learning Objective: The student will identify, in practice situations, major values that both support and challenge his/her personal and professional practice of social work. The student will demonstrate compliance with the NASW Code of Ethics.
Practice Behaviors
1. Make ethical decisions by applying the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and regulations, models for ethical decision-making, ethical conduct of research and additional codes of ethics as appropriate.
2. Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations.
3. Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior; appearance; and oral, written, and electronic communication.
4. Use technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes.
5. Use supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior.
6. Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice.
7. Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions
Learning Activities:
1. Student will identify personal values and perceptions that influence social work practice during field supervision. (Target Date)
2. Student will identify self as a social worker, review informed consent, confidentiality, and answer client’s questions honestly. (Target Date)
3. Student will create 2 ethical dilemmas when working with agency clients and determine how to address the dilemmas and tolerate the ambiguity. (Target Date)
4. Student will create a fact sheet which compares the NASW Code of Ethics with the agency code of conduct. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods: Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student will debrief with field instructor on values and perceptions that conflict/support work with clients.
2. Student will demonstrate understanding of ethical codes by reviewing the fact sheet with field instructor.
3. Student will discuss ethical dilemmas with field instructor and identify strategies for addressing said dilemmas.
Evaluator: ______________________________
Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
Social workers understand how diversity and difference characterize and shape the human experience and are critical to the formation of identity. The dimensions of diversity are understood as the intersectionality of multiple factors including but not limited to age, class, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, immigration status, political ideology, race, religion/spirituality, sex, and sexual orientation. Social workers understand that, because of difference, a person’s life experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, and alienation as well as privilege, power, and acclaim. Social workers also understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values, including social, economic, political, and cultural exclusions, may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create privilege and power.
Learning Objective: The student will practice without discrimination and with respect, knowledge, and skills related to clients: age, class, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, family structure, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Apply and communicate understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
2. Present themselves as learners and engage clients and constituencies as experts of their own experiences.
3. Apply self-awareness and self-regulation to manage the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse clients and constituencies.
4. Recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize,
alienate, create or enhance privilege and power.
Evaluation Methods: Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will attend a community event or training related to agency population or local minority community to learn about a different culture and how the culture’s structures and values may oppress or enhance privilege/power. (Target Date)
2. Student will identify an agency population and discuss how best practice interventions are culturally responsive to population served. (Target Date)
3. Student will engage with client or agency personnel, and as they inform, learn about their culture or difference. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
1. Student will submit a training certificate or documentation of attendance to field instructors.
2. Student will complete a one-page fact sheet outlining the chosen intervention and the specific applications for the assigned client.
3. Student will review with supervisor, the information gained about the culture of the client or agency personnel.
Evaluator: _________________________
Competency 3 – Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
Social workers understand that every person regardless of position in society has fundamental human rights such as freedom, safety, privacy, an adequate standard of living, health care, and education. Social workers understand the global interconnections of oppression and human rights violations and are knowledgeable about theories of justice and strategies to promote social justice and human rights. Social workers understand strategies designed to eliminate oppressive structural barriers to ensure that fundamental human rights are distributed equitably and without prejudice.
Learning Objective: The student will understand the forms of oppression and discrimination and apply strategies of advocacy and social change that advance social and economic justice, especially as it relates to populations at risk.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Apply their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels.
2. Engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice.
3. Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
Learning Activities:
1. Student will identify two (2) human rights and social and economic justice issues experienced by clients and develop an advocacy intervention strategy. (Target Date)
2. Student will Identify the practices implemented by the agency (through observation or interview with agency staff) to remove barriers and consistently provide quality services across all cultures and the lifespan of clients served by the agency. (Target Date)
3. Student will conduct an analysis of clients served by the agency to learn about their human condition and contrast the student’s lifestyle to that of the clients served. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student will share information gained with field instructor and discuss an intervention strategy during supervision.
2. Student will journal observations and discuss findings during supervision
3. Student will discuss findings of observations or interviews during supervision
Evaluator: ____________________________
Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice
Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice. Social workers use practice experience to inform research, employ evidence-based interventions, evaluate their own practice, and use research findings to improve practice, policy, and social service delivery.
Learning Objective: The student will demonstrate an ability to use current social work research to inform his/her practice. Student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate research studies and apply relevant research findings to practice according to theoretical, methodological and ethical considerations.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research
2. Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.
3. Use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will interview agency staff to learn about their use of evidence-based practice models in their work with clients. (Target Date)
2. Student will complete a research project related to the population served by the agency. (Target Date)
3. Student will conduct a Literature Review to identify evidence-based practice models relevant to the field agency program. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student will present findings to the field instructor and/or relevant staff
2. Student will share the outcome of research project with field instructor
3. Student will discuss findings with field supervisor.
Evaluator: ______________________________
Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice
Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers recognize and understand the social, economic, organizational, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, and implementation. Social workers actively engage in policy development.
Learning Objective: The student will demonstrate ability to conduct an analysis of current social policies (at either agency, state, or federal level) and its impact on client systems, agency personnel, and the community.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts wellbeing, service delivery, and access to social services.
2. Assess how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services.
3. Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
4. Collaborate with colleagues and clients for effective policy action.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will attend Social work Day at the Legislature to engage in social and economic justice efforts and/or write a letter to their state legislator advocating for needed client services. (Target Date)
2. Student will identify a local, state or federal policy issue that affects the agency’s population and conduct an analysis of its impact. (Target Date)
3. Student will attend a city council or other government meeting to learn about community concerns or city initiatives that may affect client access to services. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student will share handouts and /or literature from social Work day at the legislature and/or discuss letter and response with field instructor.
2. Student will identify the policy and discuss the analysis and impact with field instructor.
3. Student will complete a one-page summary of meeting activities and review with field instructor
Evaluator: _________________________________
Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Social workers understand that engagement is an ongoing component of the dynamic and interactive process of social work practice with, and on behalf of, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers value the importance of human relationships. Social workers understand theories of human behavior and the social environment and their utility to facilitate engagement with client systems, including groups, families, communities, and organizations. Social workers understand strategies to engage diverse client systems to advance practice effectiveness. Social workers understand how their subjective experiences and emotional reactions may affect their ability to effectively engage with diverse client systems.
Learning Objective: The student will recognize the role of culturally appropriate communication in information gathering and will demonstrate skill in collecting data through the interview process. The student will demonstrate effective and appropriate recording skills and adhere to professional standards of confidentiality.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks to engage with clients and constituencies.
2. Use empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to effectively engage diverse clients and constituencies.
3. Substantively and effectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will tape an audio or video of a client interview in the first term, to demonstrate beginning interviewing skills such as empathy, reflective listening, and other interpersonal skills. (Target Date)
2. Student will attend agency orientation on documentation, confidentiality, HIPPA, and mandated reporting. (Target Date)
3. Student will observe a staff member conduct client intake session and then complete 3-5 client intakes in which mutually agreed on focus and desired outcomes were developed. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student and field instructor will view the video (or listen to audio) together and discuss observations and benefits of debriefing a session and focus on use of empathy and other interpersonal skills.
2. Student will discuss their learning with field instructor and provide accurate and timely documentation.
3. Student will debrief with field instructor regarding skill acquisition
Evaluator: ________________________________________
Competency 7 – Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Social workers understand that assessment is an ongoing component of the dynamic and interactive process of social work practice with, and on behalf of, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers understand theories of human behavior and the social environment and the implications of those theories for the assessment of diverse client systems. Social workers understand methods of assessment with diverse client systems to advance practice effectiveness. Social workers recognize the implications of the larger practice context in the assessment process. Social workers understand how their subjective experiences and emotional reactions may affect their assessment and decision-making.
Learning Objective: The student will formulate written assessments and psychosocial histories based on appropriate socioeconomic and ethnic/cultural factors, including the identification of client strengths.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Collect and organize data and apply critical thinking to interpret information from clients and constituencies.
2. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in the analysis of assessment data from clients and constituencies.
3. Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives based on the critical assessment of strengths, needs, and challenges within clients and constituencies.
4. Select appropriate intervention strategies based on the assessment, research knowledge, and values and preferences of clients and constituencies.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will collect, organize, and interpret client data to complete a minimum of 2 agency assessments, identifying client strengths and limitations. (Target Date)
2. Student will review and compare two psychosocial assessment Instruments and write a one-page paper on their findings. (Target Date)
3. Student will develop mutually agreed-on goals and objectives and appropriate intervention strategies with the clients. (Target Date)
Evaluation Methods:
Describe the task/activity completed to meet the goal. Describe and link the skills you acquired in your classroom experience that contributed to your successful completion of the task/activity.
1. Student will review all agency assessments with field instructor
2. Student will submit the one-page paper to field instructor for review.
3. Student will discuss with field instructor appropriate intervention strategies for clients whose goals and objectives have been mutually agreed-on.
Evaluator: ____________________________
Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Social workers understand that intervention is an ongoing component of the dynamic and interactive process of social work practice with, and on behalf of, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers are knowledgeable about evidence-informed interventions to achieve client system goals. Social workers understand methods of identifying, analyzing, and implementing evidence-informed interventions to achieve client system goals. Social workers recognize that a beneficial practice outcome may require collaboration with professionals from other disciplines.
Learning Objective: In collaboration with the client, the student will develop a culturally respectful intervention plan an ecological systems framework. The student will implement theoretical approaches based on culturally respectful interventions that are predicated on empirically sound practice knowledge. The student will also demonstrate an understanding of the limitations of current practice knowledge. The student will demonstrate knowledge of factors involved in termination and will appropriately terminate cases.
Practice Behaviors:
1. Critically choose and implement interventions to achieve practice goals and enhance capacities of clients and constituencies.
2. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in interventions with clients and constituencies.
3. Use inter-professional collaborations appropriate to achieve beneficial practice outcomes.
4. Negotiate, mediate, and advocate with and on behalf of diverse clients and constituencies.
5. Facilitate effective transitions and endings that advance mutually agreed-on goals.
Learning Activities:
1. Student will discuss and identify intervention skills and procedures used
by agency staff including negotiation, mediation, and advocacy for clients. (Target Date)
2. Student will meet with designated clients to implement intervention plans
that support client goal attainment and resolve problems. (Target Date)
3. Student will identify potential client/intern react
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