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To prepare: Review the media, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to familiarize yourself with the analysis of criminal behavior. Review the Fin

To prepare:

  • Review the media, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to familiarize yourself with the analysis of criminal behavior.
  • Review the Final Project Overview document, located in this week’s Learning Resources, so that you fully understand what is expected of you for the Final Project.
  • Review the other Learning Resources, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to help you successfully complete the Final Project.
  • Choose an offender case study, from the list below, on which to focus for the Final Project:

Offender Case Studies (Select one):

  • Aileen Wuornos
  • Arthur Shawcross
  • Carl Panzram
  • David Berkowitz
  • Dennis Rader
  • Ed Gein
  • Edmund Kemper
  • Gary Ridgway
  • H. Holmes
  • Harold Shipman
  • Henry Lee Lucas
  • Jack the Ripper
  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Jerry Brudos
  • Joel Rifkin
  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Ottis Toole
  • Richard Ramirez
  • Rodney James Alcala
  • Ted Bundy
  • Search the Walden Library and the internet for resources (e.g., video documentaries, books, scholarly articles, or websites) relevant to the offender and case you selected.
    Note: As part of your Final Project, you are required to include eight to 10 citations derived from your research. Five of these citations must be peer-reviewed articles.
  • Review this week’s Learning Resources addressing how to use PowerPoint and how to create narrated PowerPoint presentations.
  • Use the PowerPoint presentation template, found in this week’s Learning Resources, to create your presentation.
  • Even though you are providing narration for your PowerPoint presentation, please also write detailed speaker notes for every slide to complement the slide content. Speaker notes should be clear, in-depth, and function as augmentation to the slide material.
    Note: Your speaker notes should be written with sufficient depth to allow someone else to deliver the presentation. Make sure the PowerPoint presentation reflects graduate-level writing and presentation standards, with professional looking graphics and appropriate fonts, formatting, and spacing.

The Assignment (13–15 slides, not including title and reference slides, plus speaker notes and 4–5 minutes of corresponding narration)

Your narrated presentation should include the following elements:

  • Title (1 slide)
  • Content (13–15 slides)
    • The Offender and Case
      • Identify and describe the offender case study you selected.
      • Further describe the offender case study from a multicultural perspective (i.e., the offender’s age, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, geographic regions, etc.).
      • Describe any ethical considerations and potential bias you identified related to the offender and case.
    • Criminal Behavior Profile
      • Describe the following as they relate to the offender case study you selected. Make sure to include information related to serial offending, including murder typologies:
        • Prenatal factors
        • Neurological factors
        • Biological factors
        • Emotional factors
        • Psychological factors
        • Social factors
        • Other factors (e.g., geographic movements, if applicable [see Week 4], crime scene profiling [see Week 3], etc.)
    • Results of Analysis
      • Describe the results of your criminal behavior profile and analysis of the case study.
      • Explain how your results might have been different if the offender (or victim[s]) was of a different gender, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity.
      • Explain how the case might have been different if the offender was from a country other than the United States or if they were a U.S. citizen abroad.
      • Describe any unanswered questions you have based on your analysis. What else might you need to know?
      • Explain how having completed this criminal behavior profile and analysis might inform your future professional practice, as well as your ability to catalyze positive social change.
  • References (1–2 slides)

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