What are the main principles that underpin health and safety law in your country? Illustrating your answer with examples, analyse why it is in the interests of employers to comply with these requirements?

Advanced Diploma in

Strategic People ManagementStrategic Learning and Development

Question 3 (AC1.3)

Explain why the population in most countries is ageing rapidly. Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate how this trend is creating challenges for people professionals in organisations.

Question 7 (AC 2.3)

What are the main principles that underpin health and safety law in your country? Illustrating your answer with examples, analyse why it is in the interests of employers to comply with these requirements?

Question 12 (AC 3.4)

Assess how people management practices within your organisation, or one that is familiar to you, can promote creativity and innovation. Illustrate your answer with TWO examples of people management practices which promote creativity and innovation.

Question 14 (AC 4.2)

What TWO distinct recommendations to enhance wellbeing would you make to the Senior Leadership Team in your organisation, or one that is familiar to you? Justify your recommendations with reference to research evidence and explain how you can evaluate the impact of your recommendations.

Marking Guidance

Generic grade descriptors


PASS / 2




Fails to address all the questions either sufficiently fully or directly.

An adequate attempt to address all the questions fully and directly.

A good attempt to address all the questions relatively well and directly.

An excellent attempt to address all the questions very well and directly.

Depth & breadth of understanding

Inadequate knowledge and understanding in respect of one or more of the questions. Limited depth and breadth of analysis.

Adequate knowledge and understanding across the questions. Satisfactory breadth and depth of analysis.

Full and solid knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Good breadth and depth of analysis.

Very full knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Excellent breadth and depth of analysis.

Strategic application & professional advice

Fails to provide appropriate or well-justified advice and/or recommendations. Lacks a strategic approach.

Provides adequately justified advice and informed recommendations Some strategic application.

Provides solid and thoughtful advice and well- informed recommendations. Clearly strategic in orientation.

Provides excellent advice and very well- informed recommendations. Strategically oriented in all respects.

Research & wider reading

Limited original research and/or appropriate wider reading for the assignment. Limited or no referencing.

Evidence of sufficient research and appropriate wider reading for the assignment.

Satisfactory in-text referencing.

Evidence of significant research and thoughtful, appropriate wider reading for the assignment. A good standard of in-text referencing.

Evidence of considerable research and excellent, appropriate wider reading for the assignment. An excellent standard of in-text referencing

Persuasiveness & originality

Limited development of persuasive and original arguments. Inadequate use of examples.

An adequate attempt to develop original arguments and to justify these persuasively. Includes appropriate examples.

Some strong original arguments are presented which are mainly justified persuasively. Good use of examples.

Mostly strong original arguments are presented and justified very persuasively. Excellent use of examples.

Presentation & language

An inadequate standard of presentation or language. The assignment is poorly written and/or poorly structured. It is not at the level required for a management presentation.

A solid standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are satisfactory for a management presentation.

A strong and professional standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are well crafted for a management presentation.

An outstanding standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are very well crafted for a management presentation.

Example Answer (Do Not Copy)

Explain why the population in most countries is ageing rapidly. Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate how this trend is creating challenges for people professionals in organisations

Explanation of Rapid Ageing Populations

The phenomenon of rapidly ageing populations is a result of several interrelated factors:

Increased Life Expectancy: Advances in healthcare, nutrition, and overall living conditions have significantly extended life expectancy. People are living longer due to improvements in medical treatments and disease prevention.Declining Birth Rates: Many countries, particularly in developed regions, are experiencing lower birth rates. Societal shifts, such as prioritising career and education, economic considerations, and changing family structures, contribute to fewer children being born.Post-War Baby Boom: In several countries, the post-World War II baby boom has resulted in a large ageing population as these individuals reach retirement age. The proportion of older individuals is therefore growing relative to the younger population.Improved Health Care: Better management of chronic diseases and better overall health care mean that people are living longer with better quality of life, which contributes to the ageing demographic.

Challenges for People Professionals in Organisations

The rapid ageing of populations presents several challenges for people professionals in organisations, including:

Workforce Planning and Talent Management:Example: In the UK, the NHS faces a significant challenge with a growing number of retiring staff and not enough younger workers to fill these positions, impacting patient care and operational efficiency.Skills Shortages: As older workers retire, there may be a shortage of experienced professionals with critical skills and institutional knowledge. This necessitates strategies to attract and retain younger talent and to transfer knowledge effectively.Succession Planning: Organisations need robust succession plans to ensure continuity and to prepare future leaders, which requires identifying and developing talent early on.Training and Development:Example: In Japan, where the workforce is significantly ageing, companies are investing in training programmes specifically designed to upskill older employees and make their transition into new roles smoother.Lifelong Learning: With an ageing workforce, there is a need for continuous learning and development to keep skills relevant. People professionals must implement training programmes that cater to both younger and older employees.Technology Adaptation: Older employees may need additional support to adapt to new technologies and digital tools, necessitating targeted training and support strategies.


Why the Population in Most Countries is Ageing Rapidly and the Challenges for People Professionals

The ageing population is a phenomenon observed in many countries worldwide, characterised by an increase in the median age of the population due to lower birth rates and higher life expectancy. This demographic shift is influenced by several key factors:

Increased Life Expectancy: Advances in healthcare, improved living conditions, and better medical technologies have significantly increased life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy at birth has risen from 70 years in the 1960s to approximately 81 years today.Lower Birth Rates: Many developed nations, including countries in Europe and parts of Asia, are experiencing lower birth rates. Societal shifts, such as increased career focus, urbanisation, and higher costs of raising children, contribute to smaller family sizes. For instance, the birth rate in Japan has dropped below replacement levels, leading to a higher proportion of elderly individuals.Improved Healthcare: Enhanced healthcare services and health promotion have led to better management of chronic diseases and overall better health in old age. This means people are living longer and healthier lives, contributing to an ageing population.

Challenges for People Professionals

The ageing population creates several challenges for people professionals in organisations, including:

Talent Management and Succession Planning: As older employees retire, organisations face the challenge of filling the gaps with skilled workers. The loss of experienced staff can impact organisational knowledge and productivity. For example, in sectors like manufacturing and healthcare, where specialised skills are crucial, the departure of seasoned professionals may create skills shortages.

What are the main principles that underpin health and safety law in your country? Illustrating your answer with examples, analyse why it is in the interests of employers to comply with these requirements?

Advanced Diploma in

Strategic People ManagementStrategic Learning and Development

Question 3 (AC1.3)

Explain why the population in most countries is ageing rapidly. Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate how this trend is creating challenges for people professionals in organisations.

Question 7 (AC 2.3)

What are the main principles that underpin health and safety law in your country? Illustrating your answer with examples, analyse why it is in the interests of employers to comply with these requirements?

Question 12 (AC 3.4)

Assess how people management practices within your organisation, or one that is familiar to you, can promote creativity and innovation. Illustrate your answer with TWO examples of people management practices which promote creativity and innovation.

Question 14 (AC 4.2)

What TWO distinct recommendations to enhance wellbeing would you make to the Senior Leadership Team in your organisation, or one that is familiar to you? Justify your recommendations with reference to research evidence and explain how you can evaluate the impact of your recommendations.

Marking Guidance

Generic grade descriptors


PASS / 2




Fails to address all the questions either sufficiently fully or directly.

An adequate attempt to address all the questions fully and directly.

A good attempt to address all the questions relatively well and directly.

An excellent attempt to address all the questions very well and directly.

Depth & breadth of understanding

Inadequate knowledge and understanding in respect of one or more of the questions. Limited depth and breadth of analysis.

Adequate knowledge and understanding across the questions. Satisfactory breadth and depth of analysis.

Full and solid knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Good breadth and depth of analysis.

Very full knowledge and understanding across all the questions. Excellent breadth and depth of analysis.

Strategic application & professional advice

Fails to provide appropriate or well-justified advice and/or recommendations. Lacks a strategic approach.

Provides adequately justified advice and informed recommendations Some strategic application.

Provides solid and thoughtful advice and well- informed recommendations. Clearly strategic in orientation.

Provides excellent advice and very well- informed recommendations. Strategically oriented in all respects.

Research & wider reading

Limited original research and/or appropriate wider reading for the assignment. Limited or no referencing.

Evidence of sufficient research and appropriate wider reading for the assignment.

Satisfactory in-text referencing.

Evidence of significant research and thoughtful, appropriate wider reading for the assignment. A good standard of in-text referencing.

Evidence of considerable research and excellent, appropriate wider reading for the assignment. An excellent standard of in-text referencing

Persuasiveness & originality

Limited development of persuasive and original arguments. Inadequate use of examples.

An adequate attempt to develop original arguments and to justify these persuasively. Includes appropriate examples.

Some strong original arguments are presented which are mainly justified persuasively. Good use of examples.

Mostly strong original arguments are presented and justified very persuasively. Excellent use of examples.

Presentation & language

An inadequate standard of presentation or language. The assignment is poorly written and/or poorly structured. It is not at the level required for a management presentation.

A solid standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are satisfactory for a management presentation.

A strong and professional standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are well crafted for a management presentation.

An outstanding standard of presentation and use of language. The structure and ideas are very well crafted for a management presentation.

Example Answer (Do Not Copy)

Explain why the population in most countries is ageing rapidly. Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate how this trend is creating challenges for people professionals in organisations

Explanation of Rapid Ageing Populations

The phenomenon of rapidly ageing populations is a result of several interrelated factors:

Increased Life Expectancy: Advances in healthcare, nutrition, and overall living conditions have significantly extended life expectancy. People are living longer due to improvements in medical treatments and disease prevention.Declining Birth Rates: Many countries, particularly in developed regions, are experiencing lower birth rates. Societal shifts, such as prioritising career and education, economic considerations, and changing family structures, contribute to fewer children being born.Post-War Baby Boom: In several countries, the post-World War II baby boom has resulted in a large ageing population as these individuals reach retirement age. The proportion of older individuals is therefore growing relative to the younger population.Improved Health Care: Better management of chronic diseases and better overall health care mean that people are living longer with better quality of life, which contributes to the ageing demographic.

Challenges for People Professionals in Organisations

The rapid ageing of populations presents several challenges for people professionals in organisations, including:

Workforce Planning and Talent Management:Example: In the UK, the NHS faces a significant challenge with a growing number of retiring staff and not enough younger workers to fill these positions, impacting patient care and operational efficiency.Skills Shortages: As older workers retire, there may be a shortage of experienced professionals with critical skills and institutional knowledge. This necessitates strategies to attract and retain younger talent and to transfer knowledge effectively.Succession Planning: Organisations need robust succession plans to ensure continuity and to prepare future leaders, which requires identifying and developing talent early on.Training and Development:Example: In Japan, where the workforce is significantly ageing, companies are investing in training programmes specifically designed to upskill older employees and make their transition into new roles smoother.Lifelong Learning: With an ageing workforce, there is a need for continuous learning and development to keep skills relevant. People professionals must implement training programmes that cater to both younger and older employees.Technology Adaptation: Older employees may need additional support to adapt to new technologies and digital tools, necessitating targeted training and support strategies.


Why the Population in Most Countries is Ageing Rapidly and the Challenges for People Professionals

The ageing population is a phenomenon observed in many countries worldwide, characterised by an increase in the median age of the population due to lower birth rates and higher life expectancy. This demographic shift is influenced by several key factors:

Increased Life Expectancy: Advances in healthcare, improved living conditions, and better medical technologies have significantly increased life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy at birth has risen from 70 years in the 1960s to approximately 81 years today.Lower Birth Rates: Many developed nations, including countries in Europe and parts of Asia, are experiencing lower birth rates. Societal shifts, such as increased career focus, urbanisation, and higher costs of raising children, contribute to smaller family sizes. For instance, the birth rate in Japan has dropped below replacement levels, leading to a higher proportion of elderly individuals.Improved Healthcare: Enhanced healthcare services and health promotion have led to better management of chronic diseases and overall better health in old age. This means people are living longer and healthier lives, contributing to an ageing population.

Challenges for People Professionals

The ageing population creates several challenges for people professionals in organisations, including:

Talent Management and Succession Planning: As older employees retire, organisations face the challenge of filling the gaps with skilled workers. The loss of experienced staff can impact organisational knowledge and productivity. For example, in sectors like manufacturing and healthcare, where specialised skills are crucial, the departure of seasoned professionals may create skills shortages.

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