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Week 8: Course Project Deliverable 3 Instructions You will be submitting the Course Project Deliverable 3 this week for grading. You can find what you need to complete this assignment in the Course Project Overview

Week 8: Course Project Deliverable 3InstructionsYou will be submitting the Course Project Deliverable 3 this week for grading. You can find what you need to complete this assignment in the Course Project Overview page in the Introduction and Resources module. You will…

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Select three of the scenarios below and write up a paragraph for EACH scenario analyzing the ethical issues. Use the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics as your frame of reference.

Select three of the scenarios below and write up a paragraph for EACH scenario analyzing the ethical issues. Use the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics as your frame of reference. At a minimum, identify the violator(s), violation(s), which commandment(s) they violate, why,…

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You are in the same role you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the training you held for community members and sworn officers, the Civilian Office of Accountability, a local

CJ 120 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Describe how differences in culture impact society’s interactions with criminal justice professionals ScenarioYou are in the same role you chose for Project…

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