Reflection on Learning 

1. Describe how learning in this course will help you achieve Program Outcome 2: Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes. 2. Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the advanced-level nursing education competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 1 listed below. · 1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the … Read more

Performance Improvement Project

Topic: Communica on with medicines What made you choose this project? Methodology? Measure 1 data point before the interven on and 3 points a er? Implementa on? Outcomes and recommenda ons? Pre: I chose this project because communica on with medicines was below target stars. The t arget should be above 50.40, but our unit … Read more

Where does the child live and whom do they live with?

1) Where does the child live and whom do they live with? Is it a single household or more than one? What is the home environment like? 2) Do they spend substantial time with extended family members or other important adults, such as grandparents or godparents? 3) How do these relationships influence their upbringing? 4) … Read more

Part A: Create an Incident Response Plan

The health care organization IT staff has notified the CISO that one of the new NewTab iPads® has been misplaced, though it is not known if it was lost or stolen. The NewTab information system does not have a mobile device management capability that could track and wipe the device before the sensitive data on … Read more

Reflect on a professional encounter that you had with a patient.

Reflect on a professional encounter that you had with a patient. · Describe the encounter. · Describe the communication strategies used and identify the effectiveness of those strategies in that situation. · Based on evidence, how helpful were those strategies? · Describe how you knew whether they were effective or not. · Critique the experience … Read more

Lessons Learned and Opportunities Ahead

Overview and Insights The world of today is the product of yesterday and is the breeder for the world tomorrow! Globalization was a certain consequence of the Industrial Revolution, and its growth was the consequence of technological advancements. Economic specialization and the expansion of international trade are the consequences of globalization. And the fast growth … Read more

NSG/426: Integrity In Practice: Ethic And Legal Considerations

Summative Assessment: Ethics in Practice Review “An Integrated Ethical-Decision-Making Model for Nurses”—see attachment Apply the ethical decision-making model in the article to access this case study from the Center for Practical Bioethics:  Our Pregnant Daughter Didn’t Want This… –see attachment for case study Review the Questions for Discussion following the case. – discussions are on … Read more

Case Study: Our Pregnant Daughter Didn’t Want This… By Tarris Rosell, PhD, DMin

Twenty-nine year old Janet and her husband Jack were driving home from her ob-gyn appointment when tragedy struck. Another driver, elderly and distracted by an incoming text message, ran a red light and T-boned Janet and Jack’s Mini-Cooper. Both young people sustained severe injuries. Jack died enroute to the hospital. Janet survives, having escaped injury … Read more

Should the manner in which a person use language (in speaking and writing) affect their academic validity?

Should the manner in which a person use language (in speaking and writing) affect their academic validity? (For example, should African American vernacular English or other languages be accepted as the norm in American university essays?) Why or why not? · How does cultural literacy and cultural identity play into language and intelligence? Speak on … Read more