Instructions Specialized Project: PESTEL Analysis LO-5.4 Conduct a PESTEL analys

Instructions Specialized Project: PESTEL Analysis LO-5.4 Conduct a PESTEL analysis on a specific MENA state This project will demonstrate your ability to synthesize discipline-specific material and help you develop expertise on specific MENA setting. The project involves conducting independent research. 12-15 pages (Times, double spaced). Use of peer-reviewed publications is required, in addition to other … Read more


ESSAY: VULNERABLE POPULATIONS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW  For vulnerable populations such as racial and ethnic minorities, the economically disadvantaged, and those with chronic conditions, health and health care issues may be exacerbated by social factors, economic factors, and geographical factors. They experience greater risk factors, worse access to care, and increased morbidity and mortality rates than … Read more

Explain what factors lead to conflict in professional practice. Describe how org

Explain what factors lead to conflict in professional practice. Describe how organizational values and culture can influence the way conflict is addressed. Discuss effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and preventing violence. Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to … Read more