“Davy Crockett’s Advice to Aspiring Politicians: A Satirical Guide to Navigating the World of Politics in 1833” Title: “Crockett’s Approach to Winning Over the Common People: A Comparison to the Founding Fathers and Modern American Politics” In his memoir, “A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett,” the former congressman and frontiersman

Davy Crockett, Advice to Politicians (1833) “Attend all public meetings,” says I, “and get some friend to move that you take the chair. If you fail in this attempt, make a push to be appointed secretary. The proceeding of course will be published, and your name is introduced to the public. But should you fail … Read more

Your assignment for this week consists of authoring a focused paper of at least

Your assignment for this week consists of authoring a focused paper of at least 5 pages (title page and references section are excluded from this page count requirement) of scholarly supported discussion that helps you address the following learning tasks: Explain what based EXCLUSIVELY on your reading of our weekly material you consider to be the most concerning behavioral … Read more

 Chapter 9 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon) What h

 Chapter 9 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon) What have been your experiences with conflict? Have most of them been harmful and destructive, or have you had some personal experiences with conflict that resulted in positive outcomes? What factors contributed to the resulting outcomes? What were your contributions to the outcomes? What approaches … Read more

police article review Introduction and Alignment: Policing in the United States has changed over time. Today, law enforcement agencies and officers find themselves facing many new challenges in society.

TWO PART ASSIGNMENT: PT 1: 2-3 page police article review Introduction and Alignment: Policing in the United States has changed over time. Today, law enforcement agencies and officers find themselves facing many new challenges in society. The challenges that these agencies and officers face today are significant and varied, depending upon the level (federal, state, … Read more

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team. RESOURCES Be sure to review the Learning Resources before … Read more

Identify a clinical problem in your work setting and develop an implementation plan to carry out your evidence-based practice proposal using a poster presentation. You may u

Identify a clinical problem in your work setting and develop an implementation plan to carry out your evidence-based practice proposal using a poster presentation. You may use the Poster Presentation Template [PPTX] Download Poster Presentation Template [PPTX] to help structure and organize your assessment submission. Your Implementation Plan should include the following: Background on the … Read more

Select any of the prompts from the last two papers (see prompts for poetry and short story paper – and yes, you can use the same prompt which you already worked on for a prior essay and expand on

In a research paper of approximately 1000-1500 words (5 pages/12 point font/double spaced) write an argument advancing an interpretation (claim) of one of the works covered over the semester. Select any of the prompts from the last two papers (see prompts for poetry and short story paper – and yes, you can use the same … Read more