Students will submit a PowerPoint presentation before the end of the semester consisting of 30 to 60 slides. The topic of the presentation will be the “science and compliance” regarding an issue or hazard in…
Month: August 2024
This assignment requires students to create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic of radiation exposure and safety in occupational health and safety, including information on relevant industries and occupations, potential health effects, regulatory requirements, mitigation strategies, and methods for communicating safe work practices.
Students will submit a PowerPoint presentation before the end of the semester consisting of 30 to 60 slides. The topic of the presentation will be the “science and compliance” regarding an issue or hazard in…
Complete a search online about core values of American political thought.
Complete a search online about core values of American political thought. Share one resource or news article which describes those values. Are these values still relevant today? Have they changed? Explain the role these values play in our contemporary…
Respond to Christian and Bryceton posts. Your responses should show that you
Respond to Christian and Bryceton posts. Your responses should show that you have given thought to what the original post said. They should also push the conversation forward, offering insights or (if necessary) asking clarifying questions. While responding, please…
Stephany Acevedo Rodriguez The transition to young adulthood is d
Stephany Acevedo Rodriguez The transition to young adulthood is difficult and stressful to many individuals. Young adults cannot cope with all the changes happening at once and bad decisions are made. Such as the engagement in health damaging behaviors…
Which has been more significant in shaping American history: race or class? [No
Which has been more significant in shaping American history: race or class? [Note: It is acceptable to argue that the significance of race or class has varied in different eras, but make sure you give concrete evidence. The post Which…
In this module you will complete the second part of your course project. In this
In this module you will complete the second part of your course project. In this part you will develop the remaining sections (2 through 6) of a request for proposal (RFP) for your chosen federal business opportunity. ***Please see attachment…
Watch the documentaries and complete the assignments. A rubric is attached for t
Watch the documentaries and complete the assignments. A rubric is attached for the description prompts. MUST BE HANDWRITTEN on paper I have attached an example of similar assignment as well as handwritten weekly assignment which may not be perfect but…
Which has been more significant in shaping American history: race or class? [Not
Which has been more significant in shaping American history: race or class? [Note: It is acceptable to argue that the significance of race or class has varied in different eras, but make sure you give concrete evidence. The post Which…
Suppose you have been contacted by the court to conduct a risk assessment of
Suppose you have been contacted by the court to conduct a risk assessment of Joseph and Shawn Keen following their arrest for the second-degree murder of Victor. The purpose of the risk assessment is to determine the likelihood of…