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What have been your greatest challenges and successes in this project so far? What is the most interesting, educational, or personally relevant part of the


What have been your greatest challenges and successes in this project so far?
What is the most interesting, educational, or personally relevant part of the project so far?
What strategies will you use to support your successful project completion?




Your Full Course Project Title, Centered, Title Case, and Bold

Your Full Name

Your College Program Name, DeVry University

Course Number: Course Name

Professor Full Name

Month day, year

Your Full Course Project Title, Centered, Title Case, Bold

This document is the foundation for your prepatory outline and for your essay. Save it to your computer with an appropriate name, such as Jones.Samantha_Outline. Complete and submit the completed outline for the Week 4 Course Project Introduction and Outline assignment. When you are ready to draft your essay, save a copy of your outline document with a new name, such as Jones.Samantha_Essay. Then turn your brief outline entries into essay sentences and paragraphs. Easy! Be sure to replace all instructional content with your own writing.

For Week 4, write your introduction paragraph in place of these instructional paragraphs, then use the body sections outlined below as a structure for your own project outline. Be sure to cite sources. End the document with a references list including full APA reference citations.

Include the following in your introduction paragraph.

· One surprising or significant fact you can use to hook your readers and motivate them to read further 

· Your subject technology, with a brief description of the tech and its applications

· Why this research and recommendation are necessary 

· Why your intended audience should take time to consider your recommendations

· Your primary ethical approach, including the ethical theory and its applicability

· Your overall thesis statement, including your specific and actionable recommendations

Use the suggested structure below as a guide to develop your own concise and clear outline. This will be a driving roadmap for your draft. Tips:

· Keep the six major sections, but feel free to adjust all other details.

· You don’t need to worry about formal outlining with Roman numbers and such; you may use numbering, or bullets, or simply indent to show major points, sub-points, and supporting details.

· Add lines to include as much detail as you can, but be efficient. Write only brief ideas on each line. Don’t take the time to write any complete sentences.

· Refer back to your research notes for supporting details and citations. Include specific source citations in each part of the outline as often as possible! The more supporting source information you include now, the easier it will be to draft a credible, ethically researched essay. Citations are a graded part of this assignment.


Historical Context

Important developments in the technology relevant to your project

· Inspiration and early invention, creators, developers

· Major development milestones that changed the the technology and its impacts

· Controversial aspects that may have led to protest, political action, and legislation

Current Situation

Stakeholders and impacts, including ethics and equity in benefits and harms

· Developers and owners – people and organizations that create and control the technology

· Manufacturers, administrators, middlemen – those who build, sell and maintain the technology

· End users – those who consume or use the technology

· Others – those uninvolved people directly or indirectly impacted by the technology

· Environment – Places, animals, and ecosystems impacted by all stages of the tecnology

Future Implications and Needs



FirstAuthorLastName, First Initial. Second Initial., Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial., & LastAuthorLastName, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Magazine/Journal, Volume number(Issue number if known), page numbers. https://doi.org/10.####/#####.#####

AuthorLastName, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year of publication, Month date). Title of database article without a DOI. Title of Publication, page numbers. https://PermalinkProvidedInLibraryDatabase

AuthorLastName, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of article. Title of Publication or Online Source. https://full.hyperlinked/webpage.URL

List all sources you cited in your paper. Likewise, every source listed here must be cited in the actual essay. There must be a one-to-one exact match between your in-text citations/author tags and reference list entries.

Alphabetize your reference list by the first author’s last name or by the first main word of the organizational author. If there is no author, begin citations with the page or article title and alphabetize by the first main word.

Reference entries should use hanging paragraph formatting. That is, the first line should start at the left margin. Subsequent lines are indented .5 inches. To set a hanging indent, select the citations, then CTRL-T.

For proper APA citation content and format instructions, please refer to the APA Style website at https://apastyle.apa.org/?_ga=2.260592905.501229389.1662591133-2070320274.1662591133.

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