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Evidence in Health Assessment 2: Evidence Selection

Evidence in Health Assessment 2: Evidence Selection

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Section 1: PICO and search strategy

Evidence Question:

Insert evidence question from chosen scenario here including all key PICO terms.


PICO Search Terms                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Complete the following table.

 Subject headingsKeywordsSynonymsPopulation   Intervention       Comparison       Outcome       

Search Strategy

Screenshot of search strategy including population and intervention terms.                                                                                          

Section 2: Evidence selection criteria

Selection criteriaEvidence 1  Evidence 2  Evidence 3  Author: Article Title:Author: Article Title:Author: Article Title:  Type of evidence Quantitative Primary/Secondary Study Design   NHMRC Level of evidence I – IV   Recency Year   Relevance to PICO of evidence question     

Section 3: Evidence justification                  

In 100 words, justify your choice of one article (Evidence 1) as best available evidence that contributes to answering the evidence question, using the evidence selection criteria.                    

Reference List

Reference your three articles here using APA 7th.


Screenshot the abstract (or first page) of each evidence article and attach here. The attachment must be readable.

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